Walking With Jesus (Unity)নমুনা

The magnet
Philippians 2:1
Imagine you have dozens of marbles in a plastic bag. The marbles will stick together because they are in the same container. The marbles will immediately fall and scatter when the plastic bag is torn. Now imagine if you had a magnet. When you bring it close to the iron dust, the dust will stick to the magnet. They stick together not because they are in the same container but because they are attracted by the same force, namely a magnet.
Who were the members of the Philippian church? The members of the church in Philippi came from many different backgrounds. There was Lydia, a Jewish and wealthy businesswoman (Acts 16:14), a slave girl (possibly a Greek - 16:16), and a warden (possibly a Roman - 16:25-36). It was hard to imagine them gathering in the same place. It would be difficult for them to be united even if they gathered. The slightest friction between them could be a conflict that disunited them.
Paul's letter to them demonstrates the condition of true unity "in Christ." Christ is not just someone who unites them. Christ is the "magnet" that attracts and attaches them. A place can deceive you - because people can be in the same place or even church but have a time bomb ready to explode. In contrast, the people in Philippi were bound by their relationship with Christ and not by their outward similarities. Their unity grew stronger as they put aside selfishness and self-interest and grew to be more and more like Christ. Yes, if everyone is committed to growing in Christ, there will be no more self-interest. This is what should happen in God's churches today.
1. In your imagination, are you like a marble or a magnet? In what ways does your existence attract others?
2. How do you see things happening in your church? What role can you take in making your church a magnet for Christ?
Practice: We have the potential to be Christ's magnets. Make it happen!
About this Plan

We often hear the phrase: God is present and works through unity, but what does God want us to do? Through this devotional series, "Walking with Jesus," about unity, we will learn how to apply and understand the Lord's blessing for His children, who live in unity in all aspects of their lives.