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Intimacy With God in the Secret Placeনমুনা

Intimacy With God in the Secret Place

DAY 4 OF 7

What Can I Expect?

Be still, and know that I am God…
Psalm 46:10

We may ask, what can I expect, and is a particular time better than another when meeting God in the secret place? And the big question: how much time are we talking about??!!

The key is to be as free from distraction as possible. What distracts you might not be a problem for me and vice versa. However, God’s Word tells us that when we are still or in stillness before Him, that is when we most experience who He is through His felt presence.

What does God’s presence physically feel like if this is new for you? It might be a sense of calm or peace, a bubbling feeling of joy or fullness, power, or well-being. The Holy Spirit within you knows what you need at that moment and what will carry you through your current circumstances.

Be encouraged to come with your Bible in hand. You will not only sense the Lord’s nearness, but you will also hear Him speak directly to you from His Word. These Rhema (Greek) words from the Scriptures are what Jesus spoke of when He encountered the temptation in the wilderness Luke 4:4. Jesus directly quoted the Word to the enemy then, and in turn, the Lord will give you specific passages for your situations. God’s specific words can be absolute lifelines and weapons against our adversary when facing difficulties Ephesians 6:17.

When is the best time to schedule time alone with God? As pastor Wayne Cordeiro shares, the best time is when you are at your best.* Are you a morning, afternoon, or evening person? Ask yourself this question and arrange your scheduled time with God accordingly.

Finally, how long are we talking about? Thinking it has to be hours on end will keep us from even beginning in the first place! Rather, consider this a meet-up with a friend. You meet to enjoy each other’s company. You might only need a few minutes, or you might need longer. You finish when you sense that time is drawing to a close. Again, you are not bringing your laundry list of prayers; you are coming to experience the pleasure of Father’s company and to hear His heart for you. You and your faith will be oh so strengthened and encouraged.

What do you think is your best time to schedule a secret place time with the Lord, and why?

* Wayne Cordeiro, The Divine Mentor, Bethany House Publishers

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About this Plan

Intimacy With God in the Secret Place

Sure, we all want to experience God’s presence but is that even possible? The answer is a resounding yes to His refreshment, healing, and power. Jesus extends an invitation to meet Him in the secret place, no matter if we feel unworthy, over-scheduled, distracted, or distant. Let’s open God’s Word for practical help turning our ordinary into His extraordinary by accepting the most incredible invitation of all.
