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How to Handle Affliction and Sufferingনমুনা

How to Handle Affliction and Suffering

DAY 18 OF 18

You are completely victorious despite your affliction and distress

“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? … No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:35-37)

If you are a child of God, saved by Jesus’ blood, nothing can separate you from His love. Neither death nor life, nor things present nor things to come… absolutely nothing. Tribulation, distress and persecution are neither a cause nor evidence that God’s love for us is declining. Other people may turn away from us in such circumstances, as Paul experienced when he was imprisoned for Jesus’ sake. But the Lord will not. He never stops loving us.

Since you are connected to Jesus, you share in His victory over death, over Satan and over everything else. You have the victory in the midst of the battle. Even if you may be killed for your faith, you are “more than a conqueror”. Actually, Christ conquered His enemies in exactly the same way — by dying at the cross! By His atoning death, your debts have been forgiven. Therefore, Satan has no claim on you anymore. You can conquer him by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus (see Revelation 12:9-11). So, if you are on God’s side, you are in the winning team, even when you are facing tribulation.

If you feel exhausted and overwhelmed, read Romans 8. Fix your eyes on Jesus, your victorious King!

Thank you for completing this reading plan. If you’d like to learn more about God’s Kingdom on earth and Jesus’ final victory, please subscribe to our course King of Glory. We also invite you to sign up for our daily devotional.

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About this Plan

How to Handle Affliction and Suffering

The apostle Paul tells his readers, “We must suffer many things on our way into God’s kingdom” (Acts 14:22). Reading the book of Acts or hearing testimonies from Christians all over the world, these words are proven true. Believers face opposition and persecution. Maybe you experience affliction yourself. In this reading plan, we want to encourage you and to teach you how to handle affliction.
