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Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowshipনমুনা

Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowship

DAY 10 OF 20

Audio Teaching

Listen to deeper insights and practical applications from days 6-10.

Joseph’s Decision

In verses 24 and 25, Joseph dares to believe God and takes a bold step of costly obedience. Joseph wakes up from his dream and does everything the Lord commanded.


  • takes Mary home as his wife.
  • waits to consummate their marriage until the baby’s birth.
  • names the son Jesus, just as God had instructed.

God’s Presence

Looking back, we see how God lovingly and tenderly strengthened Joseph and Mary to trust Him and surrender to His plan. God revealed His plan to Mary. God reassured Joseph and told him what to do next. God called them to risky steps of faith with assurance of His presence. His power drew them closer to one another in fulfilling His plan. When obedience is difficult and costly, do you trust that God will lead you through? God will do in us what He demands of us.

You may not understand the whole plan God has for you, but He will faithfully give you what you need to take the next right step. What costly step of surrender and obedience is God asking of you? What unknown path is He asking you to take? How do His Word, His people, and the Spirit’s presence assure you that you will not walk alone?

Jesus’ Birth

Like a ring’s setting is designed to magnify the central stone’s beauty, Matthew’s first chapter provides context surrounding Christ’s birth. The sections of genealogy and story-telling stand in beautiful harmony. We see God’s plans and promises built up through people’s generations and Scriptures’ revelations until the Son’s supernatural birth into the right family, at the right time.

God comes near. Deity took on human form. Jesus was born to dwell among us, becoming a man to enable sinners to live a new life through His righteousness as children of God. This is God’s grand story of salvation. What a God! What a Savior! Next, we will study the holy night of Jesus’ birth and the responses of those who hear this good news.


  1. From Matthew 1:24-25, how did Joseph demonstrate his faith?
  2. In what ways would Joseph and Mary’s steps of faith and obedience have been costly?
  3. When has obeying God been costly for you? How has God met your needs and demonstrated His faithfulness?


We’ve reached a time in our study to pause and look back at what we’ve discovered during the past five days of study. Let the two points below guide your reflection and help you grow.

The truth about Jesus’ birth always invigorates our worship. How is this study renewing your trust in God’s amazing grace and sovereign plans in your current circumstances?

How do you maintain a fresh sense of wonder that God took on humanity: to win your salvation, to give your life purpose, to take care of your greatest need, and to provide you with hope? Turn your answers to these questions into a prayer to God.

About this Plan

Advent: Born to Dwell With Bible Study Fellowship

What does Christmas mean to you? Spend 20 days recounting the Bible's Christmas story from Old Testament passages and the Gospels. Slow down, worship Jesus, and cherish Him by faith. Receive and rejoice in God's greatest gift. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh to dwell among us. All who believe may be re-born to dwell with God now and forever.
