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7 Prayers for Your Nationনমুনা

7 Prayers for Your Nation

DAY 5 OF 7

Day 5: An Outpouring of the Spirit of Elijah

According to Malachi 4:5-6 and Luke 1:17, the "Spirit of Elijah" is the manifestation of God's Spirit that does four things:   

  • Turns the hearts of the fathers (parents) back to their children;   
  • Turns the hearts of the children back to the fathers/parents;    
  • Turns the disobedient to the wisdom of the just; and   
  • Makes ready a people prepared for the Lord.

God wants all parents and children to love, honor, cherish, serve, and protect each other. He wants our families to be a high priority in our lives. After all, marriage was the first institution God ever created, and His command was for the first married couple to be fruitful and multiply! 

God loves our families, and He wants us to love them too. He desires to turn our hearts to our children, and to turn our children's hearts toward us. And Malachi 4:5-6 actually tells us that this turning of the hearts back to the fathers and children will prevent the Lord from striking the earth with a curse! Wow! 

So we need to pray for the Lord to pour out the Spirit of Elijah on us in every nation.

Pray along these lines:   

  • Ask the Lord to pour our the Spirit of Elijah on you and your family.   
  • Ask Him to pour out His Spirit of Elijah on your whole nation!   
  • Pray that caring for children and the elderly would suddenly become a HIGH priority in your country again!   
  • Pray that righteous indignation would rise up at every message and idea that exploits children or families.   
  • Pray that we would protect our children and parents, serving them, cherishing them, and loving them like He does.   
  • Ask Him to use you to turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the just.   
  • Pray that He would use you to "make ready a people prepared for the Lord!"

If you don't have words to say, pray this:

"Dear Heavenly Father,

I come before You in Jesus' name. Father, thank You for Your Holy Spirit. Thank You that everything You do is "'not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,' says the Lord of hosts" (Zechariah 4:6). Thank You that You are capable of revitalizing this whole nation; You are well able to bring us back to Yourself.

Father God, I ask today in Jesus' name that You would pour out Your Spirit of Elijah, Your Holy Spirit, on my country. Wreck my nation with Your heart for the fathers and the children, Lord:   

  • Convict every parent to give their children the place of priority that You desire for those children to have.    
  • Convict every child to obey their parents in the Lord, for this is right; and to honor and cherish their parents like they should.   
  • Don't let us idolize our children and parents or place them above You, but help us to love, cherish, and protect them as You desire us to do.   
  • Pour out Your righteous indignation upon us, so that we would no longer tolerate any evil that has been perpetuated against children or parents at any level!

Father God, I ask today that You would pour out Your Spirit of Elijah on me and my family too.

In Jesus' name, I ask that You would take away our old, stony hearts and give us Your heart. Take away our old spirits and give us Your Holy Spirit. Use me, and use all of us Your people, to turn the disobedient to the wisdom of the just. Use me and all of us to make ready a people prepared for the Lord!

Father, many families are in shambles. Rebuild the godly, nuclear family in my country, Father. Pour out Your Spirit and power of Elijah on us, and bring revival to every family, beginning with mine. 

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus' holy and precious name I pray, amen."

Friend, it is God's will to heal and restore both your family and every family in every nation. 

Family is at the heart of God's plan for us. Pray today for the Spirit of Elijah to rest upon you, and Father will give you this good and perfect gift!

We'll see you tomorrow for Day 6 of these 7 Prayers for Your Nation! Stay tuned!

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About this Plan

7 Prayers for Your Nation

7 Prayers for Your Nation: How to intercede for your nation by praying the Scriptures back to the Lord. Pray for the government, kings, and all who are in authority—including every citizen! Every person is called to be an intercessor, and your prayers can shape the history and future of your nation. As you pray for revival in your nation, God will hear and answer.
