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Moses's Leadership Qualitiesনমুনা

Moses's Leadership Qualities

DAY 4 OF 4

Moses's Leadership Qualities – Part IV

In this Bible reading plan, we’re looking at Moses’s great leadership qualities by using the acronym HARD. We’ve reviewed being humble, approachable and a representative of God. Finally, let’s look at being a delegator.

In Exodus 18, Moses shocked his father-in-law, Jethro, by spending all day and night serving as the only judge to the disputes of hundreds of thousands of Israelites. 

Jethro wisely encouraged Moses to delegate authority to other God-fearing leaders by establishing a military-type hierarchy. Jethro said, "Have them bring every difficult case to you; the simple cases they can decide themselves. That will make your load lighter because they will share it with you."

We cannot serve others well if we don’t delegate our heavy load. Become a delegator and spread your work around. It’ll lighten your load and increase productivity.

Questions for Reflection:  

  • What keeps leaders from becoming good delegators?  
  • Have you ever worked for a leader who was poor at delegating? How did that make you feel about your job?  
  • Micromanaging employees is an example of delegating gone wrong. What is micromanaging, and why do some leaders fall into this destructive habit?

Heavenly Father, Your Word provides numerous examples of great leadership, but we don’t often think about the Bible as being a modern-day business handbook. Thank You for Your servant, Moses, and the godly example he provides. Help us to emulate some of his characteristics – humility, approachability, representative of God, and a delegator – in our own work lives. Guide and direct us, we pray. Amen.

Do you want to be a godly business leader? Take our LEADING Assessment and discover how well you’re integrating biblical principles into your work. Click HERE to get started.


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About this Plan

Moses's Leadership Qualities

Throughout history, generations have recognized Moses as one of the greatest leaders of all time. He led thousands of Israelites out of Egypt and across the desert for 40 years. This Bible reading plan looks at four key characteristics of Moses using the acronym HARD: humble, approachable, a representative of God, and delegator. Dig in and see what you can learn about being a godly leader.
