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Unmasked - Dare to Be the Real Youনমুনা

Unmasked - Dare to Be the Real You

DAY 5 OF 12


Guilt is nothing new; most of us wrestle with it. Guilt is defined as a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, or wrongdoing, whether real, exaggerated or imagined. We see that there are two insidious components to guilt: the offense and the feelings that accompany it.

Guilt keeps us focused on our failures. It is expressed in emotions like sadness, anger, and anxiety. Often we are plagued by the feeling that we have failed to live up to our own or other people’s standards. Because we are prone to self-preservation, we may choose to protect ourselves from these strong feelings of remorse by burying our guilt, compartmentalizing it, or completely hiding ourselves from the world. The result is that we are not transparent, the guilt festers, and we erect walls around ourselves. How ineffective we become!

Guilt also makes us feel defeated. If we let our past misdeeds define us, focusing on our failures, then we end up living defeated lives. We fail to remember the good news, the truth that God removes our past failures and guilt! His grace is given to us; we cannot earn it. Jesus carried our guilt and gave us grace in return. 

Let’s choose to expose guilt and live in His grace by: 

  • Giving ourselves a break for past mistakes, choices, and imperfections. 
  • Choosing to say no when we need to. 
  • Listening to the right voices that are truth-filled and uplifting. 
  • Keeping healthy boundaries with others.  
  • Speaking up when we need to without fear of rejection.


 Keys to removing the mask of guilt:

Own your story.

Be honest with yourself. Don’t ignore the reality of what you feel or what you did; face facts and come face-to-face with God about this issue. 

Ask Jesus to heal the brokenness in you.


Father, thank You so much for Your amazing grace that covers every bad deed I have done and every word I have spoken. I do not need to wallow in my feelings of guilt; I am free. Remind me to turn to You and focus on the truth of Your Word instead of focusing on my feelings and emotions. I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Banish remorse! Can you discern why you should not live with this crippling emotion?

Repeat Psalm 139: 23-24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Attach this to your heart and turn your guilt over to God.

Read Lamentations 3:23: “His mercies are new every morning.” How does this scripture reassure you? 

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About this Plan

Unmasked - Dare to Be the Real You

A war is taking place over our identity. It has stopped us from living authentic, vulnerable, transparent lives and is robbing us of fullness of life. We wear masks that cover the truth - we are created in God's likeness and image. He has paid for us to be equipped with love, peace, joy, and security. Let's lose the masks and discover who God created us to be.
