
Have you ever known a friend who has experienced deep hurt in their life? Like the loss of a loved one or a serious health problem? Maybe in those moments, you had no words to make them feel better, or you tried to say anything to make them feel better. Maybe you even said something that wasn't true to try to lighten their burden. These are called platitudes. Here are some examples; everything happens for a reason, time heals all wounds, when God closes a door, he opens a window.
There was a rich man named Job in the Bible, and in a matter of moments, he lost everything. His income, wealth, and even his entire family. He was grieving when his friends came to visit him. They knew that words weren't enough and that anything they might say could hurt more than it helped. So instead, they invested in their friend by simply being present.
Is there someone in your life that needs you to simply be there for them? How could you be there for them without words or advice to encourage them?
About this Plan

Over time, even the smallest habits can impact your life. So what are the small things you do every day that either draw you closer to God or keep you at a distance? In this 20-day devotional series from Grow Curriculum, we'll explore these four spiritual habits: spending time with God, spending time with others in community, using our gifts to serve, and sharing our stories of faith.