Gracious Jesus -1: Presenting the Kingনমুনা
Peace on Earth
Jesus’ birth is placed around April of 7 BC; as per some sources.
Earlier in the year, Caesar announced peace on earth. Soon after, it actually did come to pass. History records that it was a time of unprecedented peace throughout the world -no wars, no plagues. This remained for around 2 years.
Herod the Great also announced a celebration of peace in Israel from June to September of 7 BC. There was free food and wine from sun down to sun up. No taxes to Herod (only to Rome). A grandiose building project was initiated ensuring 100% employment in the first and only time in the history of Israel.
Little did most of Israel realise that the Prince of Peace, their Messiah had been born!
Around March of 5 BC, the Magi made their way to Jerusalem, looking for the King. Given the size and power represented in the consortium, it was not surprising they brought terror to the heart of Herod and disturbed all Jerusalem as described in Matthew 2:3.
On consultation with the most knowledgeable Pharisees and Scribes, Herod confirmed that the King would indeed be born in Bethlehem based on Micah’s prophesy, stated in Matthew 2:6. Historians report that the star they earlier saw reappeared and (Matthew 2:9) led them to Nazareth right to the baby Jesus. He was now a toddler of around 2 years. God always guides those who are seeking Jesus.
They offered him gifts including the “gifts of Rameses” –the gifts for kings. These comprised gold, frankincense, and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11) Gold represented the monarchy, frankincense represented high priest (the highest religious authority), and myrrh represented God coming in the form of man. These gifts had been traditionally given to great kings such as Rameses, Alexander the Great, Cyrus the great, Darius the great, Hannibal, etc.
When the Magi were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod (Matthew 2:12), they took a northern route out of Israel.
However, when Herod found out that he was bypassed by the Magi, as per the Bible and historical records, he initiates the massacre of babies in Bethlehem. (Matthew 2:16)
God’s powerful and protective hand over His people, even in the midst of ruthless barbarianism, is still in control. Even in the most hopeless situations, God is watching and working. He guides and provides for the needs of His people.
Are we safe in the shadow of the Almighty?
About this Plan
This series – “Gracious Jesus” is a deep dive into the life and teachings of Jesus from the gospels. Historical context is brought in to enrich and bring a more accurate dimension of the context of Jesus’ life. Most importantly, if we are receptive to the Spirit, He opens our spiritual eyes to see God, the world around and ourselves with completely new perspectives.