
Becoming the Least to Become the Most
Jesus forever married the concepts of greatness, leadership, and royalty with the concepts of humility, love, and service. These are the three upside-down revelations of who Jesus is and who we are in Him. He is great and we are great in Him—but that greatness is expressed by becoming the least. He is a leader and we are leaders in Him—but our joy as leaders who carry His authority is not in conquest; instead, our joy is in the One who chose us to represent Him.
He is royalty, the true Son of the King, and we are royal sons and daughters in Him—but we look like our father and our elder brother by demonstrating radical love and service. As we step into the revelation of who we are in Him, we must cling to His example and never revert to the world’s versions of greatness, leadership, and royalty, which turn humility into pride, authority into domination, and love into self-serving.
About this Plan

As Christians seek out their God-given purpose, it is natural to expect God to develop the skills and abilities given to believers that would allow them to go into the world and make an impact for the Kingdom. However, the focus is often spent on the vision God gave his Church rather than realizing God's main desire is to develop His children. If Christians want to change the world and "bear fruit" that makes an impact on the world, they must first make roots that last. Using the life of David, Liebscher gives readers three areas to dig in to start building those lasting roots--prayer, service, and community.
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