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The More of Less: A Guide to Less Stuff and More Joyনমুনা

The More of Less: A Guide to Less Stuff and More Joy

DAY 14 OF 14

Choosing the Better Life

Jesus told his followers a story about the kingdom of heaven: “The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it” (Matthew 13:45-46, NIV).

Jesus was drawing attention to the kingdom of God, urging his followers to forsake all in pursuit of it. But we can also learn the wisdom of minimalism from the actions of the merchant. 

Minimalism is the process of “selling” our current possessions, and the “pearl” is whatever purpose minimalism allows us to pursue. As God leads, you get to define this particular pearl for yourself. But whatever the pearl happens to be for you, take a cue from the merchant. Take action. Do what it takes to acquire the pearl. Don’t allow any excuses to keep you from the better life available to those who choose to live with less. 

I think we can safely imagine that this merchant owned a lot of stuff before coming across the exceptional pearl. But when he found something more valuable—the pearl—this merchant was wise enough to realize that, by comparison, his current possessions didn’t measure up at all. 

There are some endeavors worth sacrificing everything for. 

This principle lies at the very foundation of minimalism. There are more valuable pursuits available to us than the accumulation of material possessions. When we begin to recognize these opportunities, it doesn’t feel like a sacrifice to remove every distraction that’s keeping us from them. It feels like the smartest thing we could do with our lives.

This is the more of less. Our contribution to this world can be measured by something more meaningful than the size of our house, the car we drive, or the designer label on our jeans. Our lives are going to have lasting significance in how we choose to live them. 

Dream big dreams for the one life God has given you. Then wake up and live them. 

What have you learned about yourself through this devotional? What principle of minimalism stood out to you the most? 

দিন 13

About this Plan

The More of Less: A Guide to Less Stuff and More Joy

Scriptures say that God’s values are different from the world’s. This is evident in the area of wealth and possessions. God whispers, “I am enough. Do not seek joy or security in anything else. You’ll be more fulfilled owning less.” Minimalism, the act of purposefully owning less is about more than decluttering. It offers a path to optimizing our life under God.
