Am I Trusting God?নমুনা

Exodus 4:1: Moses answered, “What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, ‘The LORD did not appear to you?'”
Moses had a complicated childhood. He was born at a time when Pharaoh had ordered the baby boys to be thrown into the Nile. Moses was seen as ‘no ordinary child’ and somehow hidden until he could not be hidden any longer. He was then floated on the river Nile in a basket, rescued by Pharaoh’s daughter and raised in the Palace with his own mother as his nurse.
This sounds like a rags to riches story but it must have come with a lot of rejection, hurts and confusion. He was an Israelite in an Egyptian world. He would have seen how his people were mistreated and wondered where was their/his God. Although Moses believed God when he appeared to him in the burning bush, he was not sure that the people would believe in the God who had ‘abandoned’ them. He had trust issues.
We all have trust issues stemming from experiences where we perceived that God did not come through, such as when we prayed and our prayer was not answered in the way we wanted. It makes us question God’s instructions to us. What if…. this and what if….. that? What are the issues that keep you from trusting God? Are you quick to obey God or do you question the outcomes and raise many objections because you are afraid to trust?
About this Plan

A 5-day devotional on Exodus 4:1-8 and Moses' objections to God when asked to go back to his people in Egypt. It explores the trust issues that creep into our lives based on our past experiences and challenges us to overcome them and trust God.