Trust Meনমুনা

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Read: “...with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He [Daniel] prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to God” (Daniel 6:10).
Think: Certain sounds evoke immediate fear. I remember standing in a lion house at a zoo, when I heard one of the lions roar. My insides screamed, “Run!” I did not commit that embarrassing act, but I wanted to.
Some of God’s people have actually stood before lions with nothing between them because of their faith. Take Daniel who was thrown into a den full of hungry lions and stayed with them overnight. He was a follower of the Lord who worked for the government of a pagan nation. Thanks to God he did so well at his job, the king planned to give him the highest promotion. Jealous, Daniel’s peers convinced the king to pass a law prohibiting prayer to anyone other than the king. What did Daniel do? Daniel went home, got on his knees and prayed just as he had always done. He was thrown to the lions and was miraculously delivered.
We may think of courage as doing a new mighty act, but biblical courage is not always about doing a monumental act for God. It’s about remaining faithful even when our circumstances oppose us. And what bolsters our courage? It has to do with authority. More specifically, who is in authority. Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 28, “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me… I am with you always.” Jesus has commissioned us to represent Him and make disciples. We will face challenges in serving Jesus and sometimes we will find ourselves in uncomfortable situations. But we are to be encouraged by the fact Jesus is the final Authority in our challenging and uncomfortable situation.
Apply: What could you be afraid of losing in following Christ? How should Jesus’ promise in Matthew 28:20, “I am with you always,” and his position of authority affect how you live?
Prayer: Lord, thank you that you are in control. Jesus, thank you that you are on the throne over this world. Strengthen my resolve to obey you, even when I am scared. Amen.
(Patrick Audia serves as lead pastor at Pequea Baptist Church . He and his wife, Julie, have been married for 15 years and have four boys.)
About this Plan

“Trust Me” is a 33-Day Devotional designed to help you find the confidence to depend on the promises of God during times of uncertainty. Trusting someone is one of the biggest risks of your life. Trust requires us to find something (better yet - Someone) we can depend on when fear, anxiety, and uncertainty threaten our world. The Promises of God provide a solid foundation for you to stand on.