Ezra: The Lord Helpsনমুনা

There have been many times through recent history when the death of the church has been predicted. But every such ‘prophecy’ has been proved wrong. God continues to rule and reign in His church and in the world.
Properly understood, the sovereign rule of God is a most comforting and reassuring truth. It doesn’t mean that everything will always work out the way we want it to, but it does mean that nothing in this universe can ultimately thwart God’s plans. Indeed, God is so supreme in the world that He can even use the attempts against Him for His purposes. We see that in Ezra 5 and 6.
Despite the meddling of the governor of Trans-Euphrates and his associates, we are told in verse 5, ‘But the eye of their God was watching over the elders of the Jews, and they were not stopped’ (in building the temple). There’s a similar phrase at the end of verse 1, where God is described as being ‘over them’, the Jews.
God is over His people, ruling over them. His watchful eye is on them, protecting them. Because of this, the work is not stopped while a report is sent to King Darius – and Darius’s reply received (v. 5).
God is sovereignly overruling to enable the work to continue. That’s what we see in the rest of this chapter and the next – the sovereignty of God overruling the opposition in a most remarkable way. Jesus Himself said, ‘I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ (Matt. 16:18). It is deeply reassuring to know that the enemy will not defeat God’s purpose to build His church. But there’s even more to God’s sovereignty. As God is ruling, He not only overcomes the opposition but even uses the scurrilous attempts to stop the building work for the advancement of His kingdom.
This shouldn’t surprise us because that’s exactly what we saw at the cross of Christ. Satan did his worst. As he had the Son of God crucified, he thought he’d won. Game over, right? Wrong! God so ruled over that situation that He used the wicked actions of others to bring about His set purpose (see Acts 2:23).
Consider how powerful God must be to use the worst efforts of His enemies to fulfill His good purposes for His people. Praise God that He is the Sovereign Lord. Marvel and wonder at how great our God is.
About this Plan

These devotions, written by Paul Williams, will guide you through the book of Ezra and reveal that it is only with the Lord’s help that spectacular transformation and reformation is possible. Each devotion ends with a reflection that will help you meditate on what you’ve read and apply it to your life.