Bold Faith - Part 2 - SE Studentsনমুনা

It is likely you have heard the story of Noah and the ark. God told Noah to build an ark, all the animals of the land came two by two to the ark, God flooded the earth, it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, then the floods went down and a rainbow appeared, which represented God’s promise to never flood the earth again. A sweet and simple story that we share with children, right? Not exactly. Dig into the assigned Scripture a little bit. Pay attention to the details and put yourself in Noah’s shoes.
If God told you He was going to flood the earth and He needed you to build a giant boat, how would you react? It is fair to say you might have some follow-up questions. But in verse 22 it says, “ Noah did everything just as God commanded him.” Do you realize how much faith it takes to not ask questions and just act? Noah did not have the details that would have made the task far less intimidating. Instead he took action while simply believing that God was good.
Sometimes God might ask you to do something that, at first glance, doesn’t make sense, and you may be tempted to ask follow-up questions or to ignore the prompting altogether. But what if God has something as important as the ark in store for you? Are you going to get swept away with the world or will you emerge with bolder and stronger faith than before?
About this Plan

As students we want to have faith in God. But how do we live it out? Join us in this 5-day plan as we discover how some strong men and women lived out their BOLD FAITH. This is part 2 of the series.