The Negativity Remedyনমুনা

Day One: Curing the negativity in your life
Do you ever find yourself annoyed with people? Well, of course not. You’re a good Christian, right? We follow Jesus and are instantly able to love people the way He did.
If only it were that easy.
The problem is, people are constantly giving us unsolicited advice, or sharing their loud opinions, or cutting in front of us in the coffee line.
I used to think it was strangers, or that difficult colleague, or my selfish husband who needed to change. Then I had an epiphany.
I realized I was the common denominator in each of those situations. The other people could come and go, but I was present in every interaction where someone was annoying me.
Uh-oh. That had me running to God. “Eek! God! I just realized it’s not them, it’s me! I might be the problem! What do I do?”
I love God so much, but my responses to other people don’t always show it. I’m still a work in progress, but through His great mercy, when I asked God that question, He gave me an answer. And then He gave me a job teaching other people about the power of kindness.
The first thing God taught me about kindness is the first thing I want to share with you: kindness has teeth. It’s not a fluffy, cotton-candy-flavored concept. It has the power to change hearts, to change lives, and to change worlds.
God even tells us to use it to fight the enemy!
Don’t let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.
(Romans 12:21 NLT)
I am delighted to spend the next few days sharing the downloads God has given me to help cure the negativity in my own life and the lives of others.
Specifically, we’ll answer these questions:
How can I create a mindset that naturally sees the good in people?
How can I show kindness to others when I feel like I have nothing to give?
What if I’m not wired that way?
How can my little act of kindness or the way I respond to difficult people possibly change the world?
The way God shines through you is magnificent. It’s powerful and unlimited! Let’s take this journey together to see how we can be the remedy to the negativity in this world with a new brand of kindness that can change the world, change ourselves, and display the glory of God to its fullest.
About this Plan

We all think we're pretty nice people, right? We just occasionally gossip, or snap at our spouse, or scream at our kids . . . I mean, if everyone else would get with the program, we wouldn't be this way! Join Nicole Phillips on a quest for kindness as she shares how to recognize negative thought patterns and show kindness towards others even when we don't feel like it.