Will You Be My Neighbor?নমুনা

Will you be my neighbor?
When stripped down to the core, so much of what we have been talking about this week is unity. Paul begs the Corinthian church in first Corinthians 1:10 to stay unified. He writes, “Let there be no divisions among you.”
In Psalm 133, the Bible says that when brothers and sisters dwell in unity God commands a blessing. Have you ever noticed that that scripture does NOT say “when brothers and sisters dwell in Godly unity, He commands a blessing.” It does NOT say “ when the church is in unity, I command a blessing.“
The word blessing can be translated as success. The Bible says when brothers and sisters dwell in unity there is a blessing, there is success! This means God has wired the world in such a way that when people are unified, even if the reason for their unity is bad, it will be successful! How many terrible things have happened because people were unified under the wrong cause? How much more powerful do you think the Church could be if we are all unified under a godly cause?
If we, as the Church, could truly learn and understand how to love, to serve, and to lay our life down for our neighbors we could see the greatest blessing and success the Church has ever seen for God’s glory! The enemy is going to do anything he can to keep us divided, but if we can unify as the body of Christ we will see the blessing of God like never before!
Action Item: Reflect on the past seven days. What areas in your life do you feel need the most attention as it pertains to loving your neighbor? Do you need to be more intentional with the people in your community? Do you need to be more intentional with the people in your friend group? Do you need to humble yourself and realize that you may have made pre-judgments about certain people or groups that you need to repent for and change your mind about? Write down your responses, and then find a trusted friend or leader to talk to and pray with you about them.
About this Plan

This plan will focus on what it means to be a "neighbor" in the current culture in which we live. Written by three high school students, this plan will help students focus on what the Word of God says about being neighbors and how we can practically show the love of Christ in our everyday lives.