Hope Has a Nameনমুনা

Day 1: Salvation
Because God loves you so much, He decided to make it possible for each of us not only to be with Him in Heaven one day, but to experience what Heaven is like here on Earth. His gift of Salvation is not something you can buy, work for, or earn. This may sound very contrary to what the world says, but you and I can’t do enough good to repay God for the incredible price that was paid. We can’t earn it. When Jesus died on the cross, He died for the world. He died for you. He died for me.
Main Passages:
John 3:16
Romans 10:9-11
Ephesians 2:8
Additional Passages:
1 John 1:19
John 1:12-13
1. Salvation is a free gift. All you have to do is ask for it and receive it. What has led you to make this decision at this point in your life?
2. Being a follower of Christ is about having a relationship and not about keeping rules. It’s more about a person. Looking at your life, what are the ways that you make relationships stronger? How can those ways help you grow your relationship with Christ?
3. A new life with God is a free gift. It is not earned or deserved. Ephesian 2:8-9 says, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.” In your own words, write explain what this verse means to you. Commit this verse to memory. It will serve you well as you begin your new journey of faith.
4. God doesn’t want to punish you. He is love. We can read these themes in the Bible again and again. But for some of us, it may be difficult to comprehend. Do you believe God feels this way about you? Why or why not?
Write out what you think God is trying to teach you this week.
About this Plan

You have accepted Jesus, and we want to be the first to congratulate you! This is an exciting first step in your new life. Giving your life to Christ has always been God’s desire for your life. Salvation is a gift freely given. This 3-Day Study will help you grow your faith and increase your understanding of the decision you have made to accept Christ in your heart.