Dreamville: What Is Your God Dream? নমুনা

I'm going to begin this day by saying this: just because it hasn’t happened yet, doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
Joseph eventually got out of prison because Pharoah heard that he was able to interpret dreams. (Refer to Day 3) If I was Joseph, I would have been a nervous wreck, sweating through my linen robe on my way up to try and interpret Pharaoh’s dreams! You get this right and you could get out of prison and become Pharoah’s homie, but if you get it wrong, who knows what would have happened?! I’m inspired by Joseph’s confidence in God. ‘I cannot do it’ Joseph says ‘but I know my God has promised He will always be with me, so through Him I can.’
A promise can be a thing that easily gets thrown around. Friends can say things like ‘I promise I'll come over this weekend’ and then cancel last minute. Parents can promise they will take you to the movies and then get called into work. Multiple broken promises and countless disappointments can make it really hard for you to trust, especially in a God you can't see. Trust takes time to build up. We read in Day 3 that through God, Joseph interpreted the dreams of two prisoners and those dreams came to pass! Even Joseph built up his trust in God before he interpreted Pharaoh's dream. God understands it can take time and He wants to walk with you as you begin to trust Him and His promises more and more. Check out some things He has promised to His children.
- He promises us that He will always provide for us.
- He promises He will always fight for us.
- He promises that He will give us strength and peace.
- He promises that He will be with us.
Joseph believing and acting from the promises of God is what made his dream come true.
After he successfully interpreted Pharaoh's dream and because he was a man of God, Joseph was put in charge of the palace and Pharaoh declared that everyone is to submit to Joseph’s orders. He is to rule over everyone and only Pharaoh be greater than him.
God's faithful promises are your armour of protection because whatever He has promised, will come to pass.
If God promised it, He promised it. End of story.
About this Plan

Do you feel like God has given you a dream for your life? God gave Joseph a dream about his future. So why did God entrust Joseph, a young shepherd boy from Canaan, with such an important dream? Throughout this plan, we want to unlock the big God dreams of your life by looking at how Joseph responded to the call of God.