In Jesus' Nameনমুনা

In Jesus' Name
“And I ask all of these things, in Jesus’ name. Amen.” If you grew up going to church, you probably heard this said at the end of countless prayers. But have you ever thought about what it really means to ask “in Jesus’ name”?
When Jesus was on earth, He instructed us to pray to the Father in His name. John 16:23–24 (MSG) says, “This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you.” When Jesus left earth and ascended to heaven, He opened the door to us having open communication with the Father. We no longer needed an earthly high priest to talk with God. Jesus became our High Priest—our go-between the Father and us (Hebrews 4:14–15). He is our advocate who goes to the Father on our behalf and intercedes for us. Through Jesus, we gain access to the Father. That’s why we are directed to ask for things “in His name.” Praying in the name of Jesus is the key to God’s power and authority. And whatever you ask—if it’s in accordance with God’s will—He will do it.
Have you ever tried to do something on your own authority? Have you tried to tell a broken bone to heal? Or the rains to come? Or a cancer cell to dissolve? It doesn’t work, does it? That’s because we are powerless without His authority. The Bible says that all power and authority comes from God (Romans 13:1). Jesus told His disciples, “I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth” (Matthew 28:17–19); and He has equipped us, His disciples, to do the same.
There was a time when Jesus’ disciples didn’t truly understand the power of His name. In the book of Luke, we read about their lack of understanding: “One day Jesus said to his disciples, ‘Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.’ So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, ‘Master, Master, we’re going to drown!’ He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm” (Luke 8:22–27, NIV). Jesus has given us this same power and authority. We have the authority to calm the storms, heal the sick and raise people from the dead, because Jesus has told us that whatever we ask in His name, He will do (John 14:12–14).
But the name of Jesus is not magical. It doesn’t automatically produce miracles and bring power to anyone who just says, “In Jesus’ name.” It’s only powerful to those who believe in Him and have faith in Him (John 14:12). A group of Jews learned this the hard way. They didn’t have a true relationship with Jesus, yet they still attempted to cast out demons using Jesus’ name ... and they failed miserably. Acts 19:15–16 (NLT) says, “One time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, ‘I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?’ Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered.” As you can imagine, the story spread like wildfire, “and the name of the Lord Jesus was greatly honored” (Acts 19:17, NLT). As Christians, we have a relationship with Jesus and He has given us His full authority over the Enemy and his schemes. That authority isn’t based on what you know, but who you know.
1 John 5:14–15 says, “Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him.” As you begin walking in the power and authority that has been given to you, know that He will answer “exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20). Now is the time ... just ask Him ... in Jesus’ name.
Jesus isn’t praying for us; He is interceding for us so we can pray. This is what is meant by asking ‘in His name.'
~ Dutch Sheets
Father, thank You that You have all authority and all power in all areas of my life. Thank You that at Your name, demons flee. I ask that You reveal Your power to me so that I can fully understand what it means to claim prayers “In Jesus’ name.” Thank You that You intercede on our behalf to the Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Memory Verse
This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I’ve revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he’ll most certainly give it to you. John 16:23–24 (MSG)
About this Plan

This 28-day devotional from Gateway Church dives deep into the subject of prayer. You’ll discover how powerful prayer is, why we often don’t pray, what intercession really is, and why prayer is something we can’t live without. Your prayer life will be forever empowered and transformed.