A Woman of Valorনমুনা

Abigail: A Woman of Peace
No doubt we all have encountered that person, whether at work, in our neighborhood, maybe even at home, whom we term “difficult.” That person is just not pleasant to be around. Maybe the person is overly negative or is just mean-spirited. No matter what we do to extend kindness and be friendly, this person rebuffs our efforts.
Abigail, another notable woman of the Bible, knew such a person very well — her husband, Nabal. Whereas Abigail is described as an “intelligent and beautiful woman,” her husband is described as “surly and mean in his dealings.” His name, in fact, means “fool.”
No doubt, Abigail had to intervene many times to smooth over situations that her husband had caused through his rudeness and lack of people skills. Her diplomacy skills were well-honed. So when Abigail found out that Nabal had snubbed David’s men and their request for provisions — and this after David’s men had provided an armed escort for Nabal’s flocks — she acted quickly.
Before the situation could escalate, Abigail loaded up donkeys with food and set out to meet David on her own. She apologized for her husband’s behavior and wisely encouraged David to forgive rather than take revenge on Nabal, so that David would “not have on his conscience the staggering burden of needless bloodshed or of having avenged himself” (1 Samuel 25:31).
Thankfully, Abigail’s entreaties had the intended result. David called off his plans for revenge, and he responded, “Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, who has sent you today to meet me. May you be blessed for your good judgment and for keeping me from bloodshed this day and from avenging myself with my own hands” (vv. 32–33).
Abigail was undoubtedly a woman of physical beauty, but it was her inner beauty that gave her the poise and courage to take decisive action to quell intense emotional reactions in others, whether her mean husband or one who threatened her husband. She used her skills to keep the peace and didn’t allow her circumstances to make her bitter or to make excuses.
What excellent lessons for us in dealing with the “difficult” people in our lives! We need to ask God to work in these situations and to help us make the most of our skills and opportunities to promote peace whenever possible.
About this Plan

Every Friday at the Sabbath meal, it is the Jewish tradition for the husband to sing the words from Proverbs 31:10–31 to his wife, praising her as an "eishet chayil," a “woman of valor.” It is the highest compliment one can bestow upon any woman. But what constitutes a woman of valor? The following devotions explore the qualities from the lives of the lives of 11 familiar biblical women.