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DAY 1 OF 9

 Mining for Gold

I believe there is God-given potential lying dormant inside every person, just waiting to be released. In our ministry, we simply call it gold

It doesn’t matter whether you were born in the West or the developing world. Whether you grew up amongst the most affluent, or amongst the world’s poor. Where you come from is irrelevant – that's just geography. What matters is who created you and what treasure He invested in you when He did.

I believe that the words of Psalm 139 are true for everyone: Father God formed you, He created you, He purposed you, He destined you.

The reality of who you are, and the potential of your life, is not based on your natural circumstances. It has nothing to do with your past or your present. What the people around or society has to say about you has no relevance. Who you are is based only on who your supernatural Creator is, and what HE says is true about you.

Sometimes that “gold” – God-given potential – gets buried under the dirt of life. It is suffocated by poverty, religion, pain and adverse circumstances. As believers, my job and yours is to walk alongside others and help to mine for that gold in them; to uncover the buried treasure. We are called to see individuals, families, and whole communities released into the fullness of their God-given destiny and potential; to walk in the fullness of life that Jesus talks about:

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. (John 10:10)

The fundamental calling on each of our lives is simply to go and make disciples. This means much more than securing a person’s eternal destiny. It’s about…

…empowering them to live their lives in the way Jesus demonstrated.

…helping them to fulfil their God-given purpose and calling, whatever that looks like.

…the call to love Him, then helping to draw others deeper into His love.

It is my deep conviction that no life is too messy, no heart too broken, no situation too dark for the love of Jesus to come in, transform it, and make something beautiful from it. There is always beauty to be found, destiny to be recovered, gold to be discovered. Will we be the ones who mine for it?

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About this Plan


There is God-given potential dormant inside of every person, waiting to be released. We call it gold. The reality of who you are, the potential of your life, is not based on your natural circumstances, your past or your present. What people say about you has no bearing on it. Who you are is based only on who your Father says you are. Come on the journey. Discover the gold.
