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The Perspective To See Benefits Of Difficultyনমুনা

The Perspective To See Benefits Of Difficulty

DAY 3 OF 5

Part Of The Whole

Perspective is the lens through which we view truth. The easiest thing for us to forget when we are choosing our perspective is that we are a part of the whole. We are one human on a planet of billions. Privy to a unique culture in a world full of diversity. The uniqueness of our passions, ideas, and abilities is something to celebrate, but also something to keep us humble.

The Apostle Paul says in the book of Corinthians, “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” When we look at things through a godly perspective, we may not understand fully, yet we focus on things that are true. It allows us to build a kingdom minded, eternal mindset, godly perspective. When we choose a godly perspective, we understand that we know in part, or we see in part, however, we will eventually know in full because of Christ. 

I went to a professional baseball game last night. The field looked so close. I could read the players' numbers and see the twitch of the bat. It was all right there before me, the players, the field, and the stadium spread out against the backdrop of the city, a setting sun painting the sky for good measure.

Like everyone else in the stadium, I brought out my phone to take a picture. Looking at the result, I grimaced. The field looked farther away. I couldn’t distinguish one player from another. The stadium wouldn’t fit in my lens and the painted sky was playing tricks with the lighting in the photograph. And when I tried to zoom in, it got worse! Blurry and unreal.

Our perspective is like a view from the camera, taken through a lens comprised of experience and the influence of those around us. The fullness and beauty and clarity of the whole is just too grand to catch through the imperfect lens.

While choosing our perspective, we have to remind ourselves what Paul tells us, that we see part of the whole. When we see through our little camera and think we are viewing all that there is, we’re in big trouble. Recognizing we are viewing a part of the whole will keep us humble and allow us to better understand the parts we can currently see.

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About this Plan

The Perspective To See Benefits Of Difficulty

It is tempting to run from our choices. To feel as though the circumstances are so stacked against us that we cannot choose our way out. God calls us to participate in His Kingdom. Our choices are powerful and they matter in the Kingdom of God. Through this plan we will be encouraged to choose a truer perspective, make wiser choices, and persevere through sufferings.
