ইউভার্শন লোগো
সার্চ আইকন

Mattha 15

Clain hans or clain hairts?
1Then some Pharisees an maistèrs o tha Laa cum tae Jesus frae Jerusalem an the' axt hïm, 2“Fer why dae yer follaers lea aside tha oul wyes o oor eldèrs? The' dïnnae even waash thair hans afore the' ait!” 3Jesus cum bak wi thïs, “An fer why dae you lea aside tha laas o God fer tha sake o yer ain tradeetions? 4Fer God gart ye thïs: ‘Honour yer faither an yer mither’, an: ‘Oniebodie that miscaas thair faither or mither maun be püt tae deith.’ 5But yous say that ït's aa richt fer a bodie tae tell hïs faither or mither, ‘Whutiver halp ye wud hae got frae me A hae vood tae gie tae God’; 6an ye say he ïsnae obliged tae honour hïs parents wi ït. Bi thïs, ye mak a nonsense o tha wurd o God fer tha sake o yer tradeetion. 7Ye hippycrates! Isaiah got ït richt whan he proaphesied thïs aboot ye:
8‘Thïs nation honours me wi thair mooth,’ says God,
‘but thair hairt ïs faur awa frae me.
9Thair woarship's nae use ava;
thair taichins ir naethin but man-made rules an regulations.’ ”
10Jesus caad tha thrang tae hïm an saed, “Lïsten tae me an unnèrstan whut A'm sayin. 11Whut gaes ïntae a man's mooth daesnae sullie hïm, but whut cums oot o hïs mooth, ït's that sullies hïm.” 12Then hïs follaers cum tae hïm an axt, “Dae ye ken that tha Pharisees wur gye ïll plaised whaniver the' heerd thïs?” 13He saed, “Iverie plant ma heivenlie Faither haesnae plantit wull be pu'ed up bi tha ruits. 14Lea thaim alane! The' ir naethin but blin guides. If a blin man taks anither blin man bi tha airm, tha baith o thaim wull faa ïntae tha sheuch.” 15Petèr saed tae Jesus, “Tell iz whut that ither parable wus aboot.” 16“Ir yous slow on tha uptake tae?” Jesus axt thaim. 17“Dae yis no see that whutiver gaes ïntae yer mooth gaes ïntae yer belly an then passes on oot doon tha drain? 18But tha thïngs that cum oot o tha mooth cum frae tha hairt, an that's whut sullies a bodie. 19Fer oot o tha hairt cums wïckit thochts: murdèr an adultèrie, lustin an thievin, blesphemin an slandèrin fowk. 20These thïngs ïs whut sullies a bodie; but aitin wioot tha rïtual waashin o hans daesnae sullie hïm.”
Jesus hails a Gentile wumman
21Then Jesus upt an left that place, an he went awa tae tha dïstrict roon Tyre an Sidon. 22An thïs Canaanite wumman frae thaim pairts cum tae hïm, cryin oot, “Loard, Sinn o Davit, hae peetie on me! Ma dochtèr ïs sufferin sumthin tarrible wi an ïll spïrit.” 23Jesus niver saed a wurd. Sae hïs follaers cum tae hïm an plaidit wi hïm, “Senn hir awa, fer she's follaein iz an she'll no stap hir yellin oot.” 24He saed bak, “A wus onlie sent tae tha loast sheep o tha Hoose o Israel.” 25Tha wumman cum an got doon on hir knees afore hïm an she saed. “Loard, halp me!” 26“It ïsnae richt,” saed he, “tae tak tha weans' breid an clod ït tae tha wee dugs.” 27“Ay, Loard, that's richt” she saed, “but still wi aa, e'en tha wee dugs gits aitin tha crumbs that faa frae thair maistèrs' boord!” 28Then Jesus saed bak tae hir, “Wumman, sitch an a faith ye hae! Ye'll get whut ye axt fer.” An hir dochtèr got bettèr that verie oor.
Tha hailin o aa kines o fowk
29Jesus quït thaim pairts an cum tae tha loch shore o Galilee. Then he gaed up tha side o tha muntin an sut doon. 30An a wile thrang o fowk cum tae hïm, brïngin tha lameters, tha crippelt, blin fowk an dum fowk, an a hale lock o ithers, an the' leed thaim doon at hïs feet; an he made thaim weel agane. 31Tha fowk wur stoondit whaniver the' wutnesst tha dum spakin, tha crippelt makkit weel, lameters waakin an tha blin bein able tae see. An the' gien glorie tae tha God o Israel.
Fower thoosan mair fed
32Jesus caad hïs follaers tae hïm an saed, “Ma hairt gaes oot tae these fowk; the' hae bin here wi me thïs thrie days an the' hae naethin lef tae ait. A dïnnae want tae senn thaim awa hame, or the'll drap wi hung'r alang tha róad.” 33Hïs follaers saed bak tae hïm, “Whar cud we get eneuch breid oot here ïn tha wiles, tae feed sitch a crood o fowk?” 34“Hoo monie loafs dae yis hae?” Jesus axt. “Seiven,” the' saed, “an a wheen o wee fïsh.” 35He bïd tha crood o fowk sït thairsels doon on tha grun. 36Then he tuk tha seiven loafs an tha fïsh, an whaniver he haed gien thenks, he brauk thaim ïntae bïts an gien thaim tae hïs follaers. Then they gien thaim tae tha crood. 37The' aa et thair fïll. An eftèr that, tha follaers gethert up seiven creels fu o tha leains. 38Tha nummer o men that et that day wus fower thoosan, niver mine weemen an weans. 39Then Jesus sent tha thrang awa, an he got ïntae a bóat an gaed ower tae tha kintrie roon aboot Magadan.

বর্তমানে নির্বাচিত:

Mattha 15: USNT





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