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সার্চ আইকন

Luke 4

chapter four
1and Yehoshua, full with the Spirit the Holy, has self returned from the Yarden, and is led become of the Spirit in the wilderness 2forty days long and is tested become of Satan. and he has nothing eaten in those days; and when they have self finished is he hungry become. 3and the Satan has to him said: if you (SG) are the Son of the Most High, tell to the this stone, that it shall to be bread! 4and Yehoshua has him answered: it stands written:
not with bread alone will the man live!
(Deuteronomy 8, 3)
5has he him leads on a high mountain and him show all kingdoms of the world in an eye blink. 6and the Satan has to him said: you (SG) will I give the these whole authority and their glory; because it is to me handed over become, and I give it, to whom I want. 7therefore if you (SG) you will self worship before me, will all be yours. 8and Yehoshua has answering to him said: it stands written:
to the L-rd your G-d shall you (SG) self worship,
and but him alone shall you (SG) serve.
(Deuteronomy 10, 20)
9he however has him led away to Jerusalem and him stood on the pinnacle tower of House HaMikdash, and said to him: if you (SG) are the son of the Most High, throw you from there down; 10because it stands written:
his angels will he command about you (SG), you to protect;
11on the hands will they you carry,
that you (SG) you shall you (SG) not dash your foot in a stone.
(Psalms 91, 11-12)
12and Yehoshua has him answering said: it is said become:
you (SG) you shall not tempt the L-rd your G-d.
(Deuteronomy 6, 16)
13and when the Satan has finished all tempting is he went away from him until on a (good) time.
14and Yehoshua has self returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee; and a report is went out about him in the whole region. 15and he has taught in their synagogues, and all have him give honor.
16and he is come to Natseret, where he is brought up become; and according to his custom is he Sabbath entered in synagogue and has self stood up to read. 17and they has him given the book of the prophet Isaiah. and opening the book has he found the place of, where it was written:
18the Spirit of the L-rd (Hashem) is on me,
because he has me anointed,
so that to proclaim a good News to poor people;
he has me sent to proclaim release to prisoners,
and to the blind—again to can see,
the oppressed send out free,
19to proclaim a year of favor of the L-rd (Hashem).
(Yeshayah 61, 1-2)
20and he has opened the book, has it given to the cantor and self sat down; and everyone's eyes in synagogue are were inclined with tension on him. 21and he has begun to say to them: today is the these scripture fulfill become in your (PL) ears. 22and all have witness said on him and have self amazed over the lovely the words, which are come out of his mouth; and have said: (question) is then the not Joseph's son? 23and he has to them said: surely will you (PL) me say the these proverb: physician, heal you alone! all, what we have heard, that it is happened in K'far-Nachum, do also here in your hometown! 24he however has said: in truth tell I you (PL): any prophet is not accepted in his hometown. 25in truth tell I you (PL): a many widows are was in Israel in the days of Eliyahu (the prophet), when the heaven was shut on three years and six months, and it is become a great hunger over entire land; 26and to any one of them is Eliyahu not sent become, except to Zarephath in Sidon to a woman a widow. (Kings 1st 17, 1.) 27and a many lepers are was in Israel in the time of the prophet Elisha; and any one of them is not cleansed become, except Naaman the Syrian. (Kings 2nd 5, 1-14.) 28and all in synagogue are full become with anger, on hearing the these things; 29and have self get up and him thrown out out of the city, and him led away until to the pinnacle of the mountain, on which their city was built, so that him to hurl off. 30he however, passing through through their midst, is self went away on his way.
31and he is went down to K'far-Nachum, a city in Galilee; and in the sabbath used he them teach; 32and they used to astonishment over his teaching, because his word was with authority. 33and in the synagogue was a man, who has had an unclean evil spirit, and he has a shout done with a loud voice: 34woe, what have me with you (SG), Yehoshua of Natseret? you are come us to destroy? I know who you (SG) are—the Holy One (of) G-d (holy of Hashem). 35and Yehoshua has on him rebuked, so to say: be silent and go out of him! and the evil spirit has him a throw done until in the midst, is out of him and has him nothing harm. 36and on (to) everyone is fall a fear, and they have spoken one with the other, so to say: who for a word is the (one), that with authority and with power are ordered he the unclean spirits, and they go out! 37and the report about him has self spread on every place of in the region around.
38and he is stand up again and is went out of synagogue in Simon's house into. Simon's mother-in-law however has suffered of a strong fever, and they have him asked for her sake. 39and he has self stood over over her and has rebuked the fever, and it has her left; and in an eye blink is she stand up again and has them served.
40and when the sun is set, have all, who have had sick with various disease, they brought to him; and he has did place the hands on every one of they and them healed. 41and are also went out evil spirits of many, shouting and saying: you (SG) are the son of the Most High! and he has rebuked on them and has them not let speak, because they have known, that he is the Moshiach.
42and when it is become day is he went out and is come to a solitary place of; and the crowds of people have him searching for and are come to him, and have him restrained, that he shall not went away from them. 43he however has to them said: also in the other cities of must I proclaim the good News of the kingdom of Hashem; because for this am I sent become.
44and he used preach in the synagogues of Yehudah.

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