Luke 10
chapter ten
1and after this has the L-rd appointed even seventy others and them sent in pairs ahead before self in every city and place of, where he himself has about to come. 2and has to them said: the harvest is great, the laborers however are few; implore then the L-rd of the harvest, that he shall send laborers to his harvest! 3go! look, I send you (PL) as sheep among wolves. 4carry not any leather pouch, not any hand bag, not any shoes; and give anyone not up peace (greeting) on the road. 5where however you (PL) will enter in a house, shall you (PL) to the first say: peace to the this house! 6and if there is here a son of peace, will your peace rest on him; if however not, will it self return to you (PL). 7and in the same house shall you (PL) remain, eat and drink what they have; because the laborer is worthy his wages. go not from house to house. 8and in which it is city you (PL) come into, and they take you (PL) on (welcome), shall you (PL) to eat what they lay before you (PL) down; 9and you (PL) shall heal the sick in the same (city), and say to them: the kingdom of Hashem has self come near to you (PL)! 10where however you (PL) will come in into a city, and they will you (PL) not welcome, shall you (PL) go out on its streets and say: 11even the dust, what has self from your city clung to our feet, wipe we off against you (PL); yet shall you (PL) know the these, that the kingdom of Hashem has self come near. 12I tell you (PL), that for Sodom will it be more bearable in that day than for that city. 13woe is to you (SG), Chorazin! woe is to you (SG), Beit-Tzaidah! because if in Tyre and Sidon would happened the wonders, which are happened in you (PL), would they already long sat in sackcloth and in ashes and repentance done. 14yet will for Tyre and Sidon be more bearable in the judgment, than for you (PL). 15and you (SG) K'far-Nachum, until to the heaven will you be lifted high? until to the Sheol deepest will you descend! 16who it hears you (PL), this one hears me, and who it rejects you (PL), this one rejects me; who however it rejects me, this one rejects Him, who has me sent.
17and the seventy have self returned with joy, so to say: L-rd, even the evil spirits are subject to us in your name! 18he however has to them said: I have seen the Satan fall, as a lightning from heaven. 19look, I have you (PL) given the power to tread on snakes and scorpions and over every power of the enemy; and it will you (PL) nothing hurt. 20yet shall you (PL) self not rejoice with the this, that the spirits are you (PL) subject; but rejoice self, because your (PL) names are written in in heaven!
21and in the same hour has he rejoice in the Spirit the Holy and said: I praise you, Father, L-rd of heaven and earth, because you (SG) you have hidden the these things from the wise ones and intelligent ones, and you have them revealed to small children; yes, Father, because so is it was pleasing before you (SG). 22all is me handed over become by my Father; and no one knows not, who the Son is, except the Father; and who the Father is, (knows no one not) except the Son, and the one, to whom the Son wants it reveal. 23and turning around self to the disciples has he said to them alone: blessed are the eyes, which see, what you (PL) see; 24because I tell you (PL), that a many prophets and kings have desire to see, what you (PL) see, and have it not seen; and to hear, what you (PL) hear, and have it not heard.
25and look, a certain master of Torah has self stand up and him tested, in this way to say: Rebbe, what shall I do, so as to inherit eternal life? 26and he has to him said: what stands written in the Torah? how you read (it)? 27has he answering said: you (SG) you shall love have the L-rd, your G-d, with the entire heart yours and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your entire mind, and your neighbor as you alone! (Deuteronomy 6, 5; Leviticus 19, 18.) 28has he to him said: you (SG) you have rightly answered; do the these, and you (SG) you will live. 29he however, wanting self alone to justify, has said to Yehoshua: and who is my neighbor? 30has Yehoshua answering said: a certain man is went down from Jerusalem to Yericho and is fell in among robbers; and they have him unclothed and him covered with bloody beating and did go away leaving him a half dead. 31and act of coincidence is a kohen went down on that road; and as he has him seen, is he across on the other side and went away. 32and also so a Levi, coming to the place of and seeing him, is across on the other side and went away. 33a certain Samaritan however, on the way, is come there to him, and as he has him caught sight of, has he self had compassion 34and is went and has him bandaged the wounds his and pouring oil and wine; and him put up on his own beast and brought him to in an inn into and him cared for. 35and the next day has he take out two denarii and them given the owner inn and said: look you after on him! and what you (SG) you will give more, will I you (SG) pay when I will me return. 36who of the these three, you think, was a neighbor to him, who is fell into among the robbers? 37and he has said: the one, who has done grace with him! and Yehoshua has to him said: go, and do also so!
38and while they are farther go, is he come in into a certain village; and a woman with the name Martha has him welcomed in her house into. 39and she has had a sister, who was named Mary, who has self also sat down at the L-rd's feet and self to listen to his word. 40Martha however has self very occupied over a much serving; and she has come over and said: L-rd, it matters to you not that my sister has me left one alone to serving? tell then her, that she shall me assist. 41and the L-rd has her answering said: Martha, Martha, you (SG) anxious you and bothered you about a many things; 42however but something, one thing is needed; and Mary has chosen the good share, which will from her not taken away to be!
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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