Luke 22
Yar Mekada Jesus
(Matthew 26:1–5; Mark 14:1–2; John 11:45–53)
1Yesa harep molwe Bungul Flowa we tema yor Habboloh iyang, we rema sor bo Paska.#Ex 12:1–27 2Tamol temarong kowe mo mokwe sensel Hatobtob we resa memeri sew fil le be yoh le rebe limeseloh Jesus le tor le be gula bo mil mala re metagur yarmat.
Yesa Fel Mo Irel Judas Le Yebe Fangloh Jesus
(Matthew 26:14–16; Mark 14:10–11)
3Iwe Satan sa wigid depel Judas we rema ffesangu bo Iscariot, we iy semal chowe seg mo rumal we redabeyel Jesus. 4Iwe Judas yesa loh sala malili ngalir tamol temarong kowe mo tamol kowe yar mokwe posol Templum we irel igegel kofal yal be fang ngalir Jesus. 5Ye fel deper iyang ngo resa sor bo rebe fang ngali Judas salpiy. 6Judas ye dipli molwe; iwe sa chap yal memeri fedaley sew yad le yebe hayaho long Jesus lal payur le yarmat re towe gola.
Jesus Yesa Kafelfel Bo Yebe Mongoy Mongol Paska We
(Matthew 26:17–25; Mark 14:12–21; John 13:21–30)
7Yesa hola yodwe iy mo irel molwe Bungul Flowa we tema yor Haboloh iyang we rema lliy saaf kowe bo Mongol Paska. 8Jesus yesa hafdaleloh Pedrus mo John le kangalur bo, “Ha loh ha bela hafle Mongol Paska we bo sibe rol mongoy.”
9Ngo ir resa kasiya bo, “Iya mele ho dipli le ha bela foru mo iyang?”
10Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ha bela bulong wol haplom la, ngo habe chungu semal mal le ye hasi sew rumel chael. Ha dabey miril yee, hala bulong lal imw la yebe bulong iyang, 11ngo hasa kangalu yeramtala imwal mala bo: ‘Sensey we ye sor bo habe kasiyah hare, ifa sengil we iy mo meka redabeyal rebe hangi Mongol Paska we mo iyang?’ 12Iwe ngo iy ye bele kewar ngalugmi sew sengil le ye paleng le ye mel irel dalla uwol, ila lobola ha bela hafle pangal formel mo iyang.”
13Iwe resa loh re sala wiri pangal mokwe le ye tappel chog molwe Jesus ye kangalur, iwe resa hafforu mongol Paska we.
Mongol Fehaf We Yael Samol
(Matthew 26:26–30; Mark 14:22–26; 1 Corinthians 11:23–25)
14Molwe yela hola yodwe ngo Jesus ye sa marodiy irer mokwe redabeyal irel tis we. 15Jesus yesa kangalur bo, “Ye kel yai dipli le sibe hangi fengali mongol Paska le mo imol mala ibe mes! 16Ibe kangalugmi le tayor fael sew le ibe chil mongoy mele Mongol Paska yee, la hola yodla ye be llah mala halongol fae melel Mongol Paska mo irel mala Lamliyel Deus.”
17Iwe ngo Jesus yesa hasi sew kap, sa kangal Deus yal hachigchig ngo sa sor bo, “Ha hasi habe yul mo iyang ngo hasa hadayu luwulumi. 18Ibe kangalugmi le tayor fael sew le ibe chil yul mo irel wine le yee, la hola yodla yebe budoh mala Lamliyel Deus iyang.”
19Iwe ngo yesa hasi sew flowa, sa kangalu Deus yal hachigchig. Yesa dipiy sa ngaler, ngo sa sor bo, “Mele ila holongoy, le isa fang bo yaglugmi. Ha faor mele bo iy be ma mmang ngalugmi.” 20Wol ila sengal chog mele ye foru mo wol miril mongol fehaf we yar, bo ye ngaler kap we ngo sa sor bo, “Kap le ila bogtag la yael Deus le ye tefoy le mele cchay le bele serloh bo yaglugmi, mele ye bele mel bo tugulul.#Jr 31:31–34
21“Ha kalladoh! Yeramtala bele fangloh ngang, ila ye mel irech irel tis le igla!#Ps 41:9 22Mala Layur Retalop ila bele mes bo ila mala Deus ye hatugulu, ngo ifa lepal tayikof la bele hola yeramtala bele fangloh mala Layur Retalop!”
23Iwe resa chapiy yar kasiy fengal uwor hare itey semal mo luwulur le iy mele yebe foru molwe.
Yar Hapaliyel Irel Kofal Le Be Tagiyet
24Resa rol hapaliyel fengal mokwe redabeyel Jesus hare itey semal mo luwulur le yebe tagiyet.#Mt 18:1; Mk 9:34; Lk 9:46 25Iwe Jesus yesa kangalur bo, “Kingel fuluy kala rete chepar irel Deus ila yor kkeler uwor layur yarmat, iwe ngo tamol sew mo sew fuluy ila re sor bo ‘Ir Maryarer pangal Yarmat.’#22:25–26; Mt 20:25–27; Mk 10:42–44 26Iwe ngo hami ila towe ila sangmi; bo yeramtala ye hartal tagiyet mo luwulumi ila iy mele be mel le be hartal totol, iwe ngo yeramtala ye mel bo yami tamol, ila be mel le be wochog semal boy.#Mt 23:11; Mk 9:35 27Itey le ye tagiyet, yeramtala sa marodiy bele mongoy hare yeramtala yema ffaordoh hal mongoy? Ye tugul bo yeramtala sa marodiy bele mongoy. Iwe ngo ngang ila iy mel luwulumi le iy wochog semal boy.#Jn 13:12–15
28“Pangal hafohoy ka ye holayey ngo hami ha dabeyey iyang le hate tahcheyeyloh. 29Ngang ibele kkelmi le be wochog yael mala Temay fang kkeley bo ibe lamlir mekla lol. 30Habe mongoy ngo ha yul chael formel mo irel tis la yai mo irel mala Lamliyey ngo habe marro wol chiya kala liliyer tamol bo habe lamli mokwe halengel Israel we seg mo ruwow.#Mt 19:28
Yael Pedrus Be Sor Bo Ye Togla Jesus
(Matthew 26:31–35; Mark 14:27–31; John 13:36–38)
31“Simon, Simon! Talenga! Deus sa hatale ngal Satan bo be haglahmi pangamiloh, bo yebe hayagir chomomay tangir chotayikof le be wochog semal chol milay irel yal ma hayagiy wheat kala ye momay tang mekla pispisil. 32Iwe ngo imemapelah gel Simon bo yede ppung tangug yam tugulul ladep. Iwe ngo ho bela tefael ngalyey ngo gel hobe hakkela yar tugul meka wol bisim.”
33Iwe ngo Pedrus sa sor bo, “Samol, isa faesul fel le ibe dabohloh lal kalbus ngo idaboh irel maes!”
34Jesus sa kangalu bo, “Pedrus, ibe kangalug le towe kkogo malog bongey yee, la fael suluw yam sor le gel ho toglayey.”
Botow Mo Tutuw Mo Sayden
35Iwe Jesus sa kasiyar mokwe redabeyal, “Yodwe ifangloh hami ha bela foloy fedal we tor yami botow mo tutuw mo yami bwela, ngo yor mele ha hafohoy iyang?”
Iwe ngo ir resa sor bo, “Tor mele ha hafohoy iyang.”#Mt 10:9–10; Mk 6:8–9; Lk 9:3; 10:4
36Iwe Jesus sa kangalur bo, “Ila ngo igla ila, te tugul semal hami le yor yal botow hare tutuw ngo yebe hasi; ngo semal le tor lol sayden ngo yesa tap chuway mala hotal bo yebe chuway lol sayden. 37Bo ibe kangalugmi le mekla tamel lal yadol babior we ye santus we ye sor bo, ‘Rebe hachuy ngalir rechokla resa hatawsi hatobtob’ ila ye kapta kofay ngo be lah le ye katos. Bo pangal mekla ye teftaf le kofay ngo yebe llahloh le katos.”#Is 53:12
38Iwe ngo mokwe redabeyal resa sor bo, “Kaladoh ho Samol! Ruyay sayden ika!”
Iwe ngo iy yesa sor bo, “Mayila bo sa lap!”
Jesus Yela Mapel Woal Molwe Tayitel Olives
(Matthew 26:36–46; Mark 14:32–42)
39Jesus yesa chuy tang haplom we sa loh wol molwe Tayitel Olives we ye mala faesul loh iyang. Iwe ngo mokwe redabeyal re dabey. 40Yodwe rela holadoh lobos we ngo sa kangalur bo, “Ha mapel bo de weg dipmi ngal molfid.”
41Iwe yesa daer tangir le be dawal nngulyel paol semal le yebe hacchifiloh sefaes feas, sala hasubgudiy mo iyang sa mapel. 42Iwe ngo sa sor bo, “Temay, hare ye fel mo lal depom ngo hosa hachuya tohogol hafohoy le tangyey. Ngo te mele depey mele hobe dabey, bo mala depom mele hobe dabey.” 43Semal angelusel laeng sa llah ngali ngo sa hakkela depal. 44Yesa kkel tayikofel lal depal ngo sa hakkela tot irel mapel, ngo sa llas le sa wochog ccha le ye tturturdiy wototol.
45Yesa sudah mo lobos we ye memapel iyang sa tefael loh irer mokwe redabeyal sala wirir le resa rol masorloh luwul tayikofel lal deper. 46Iwe sa kangalur bo, “Meda mele ha memasor iyang? Ha mmat bo habe mapel bo de weg dipmi ngal molfid.”
Yar Ddorfi Jesus
(Matthew 26:47–56; Mark 14:43–50; John 18:3–11)
47Ye chil kapatpat Jesus ngo sa budoh sew buwal yarmat le Judas we iy semal chowe seg mo rumal mele ye palirdoh. 48Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Judas, fesong la yam mele ho bele fangloh mele Layur Retalop iyang?”
49Yodwe mokwe redabeyel Jesus we re mel irel rela wiri molwe bele wel ngo resa kasiy bo, “Samol, ha bele teptap sayden kowe?” 50Iwe ngo semal ir yesa hasi chog yesa ffela boy we lol Llulupal Temarong we sala supiloh rel talengal rewe gilemra.
51Iwe ngo Jesus sa sor bo, “Mayila mala!” Iwe yesa yangsi molwe talengel mal we sala moa le tayor mele ye foru.
52Iwe ngo Jesus sa kangalur tamol temarong kowe mo tamol mokwe posol Templum we mo mal kowe yar we re budoh bo rebe ddorfi bo, “Ha sala budoh mo lomi sayden mo metal paomi bo habe ddorfiyey, le ha sor bo ngang semal cho machog? 53Pangal ral ngo iy ma mel iremi lal Templum we, iwe ngo hami hate luluwaley le habe dorfiyey. Iwe ngo igla mele sa hola awa we hami habe dorfiyey iyang, irel yodle sa yor kkelel moniyan iyang.”#Lk 19:47; 21:37
Pedrus We Ye Sor Bo Ye Togla Jesus
(Matthew 26:57–58, 69–75; Mark 14:53–54, 66–72; John 18:12–18, 25–27)
54Iwe resa ddorfi Jesus resa hasiloh irel imw we imwel Llulupal Temarong we; iwe ngo Pedrus ye dedaber le ye dedar chog mo medaw. 55Ye mel sew yaef le resa hagsu mo lochochol yororol molwe imwel Llulupal Temarong we, iwe Pedrus sa loh sala maroro irer rechokwe re tebalililoh yaef we. 56Yodwe semal boy fefel kowe yela wiri yal maroro lengchel yaef we, ngo sa haffeda hamayu ngo sa sor bo, “Mal le ila wol iy semal mokwe redabeyel Jesus!”
57Iwe ngo Pedrus sa sor bo, “Fefel la, itugla le iy yeramtala ho sosor!”
58Tey sulay mo wol miril ngo sa wol gil Pedrus ngal semal mal. Iwe ngo mal we sa kangal Pedrus bo, “Wol gel semal redabeyel Jesus!”
Iwe ngo Pedrus sa sor bo, “Yeb, te ngang!”
59Medalbo be sew awa mo wol miril ngo wol semal mal sa wol sor bo, “Ye tugul mo lal depey le mal le ila semal mokwe redabeyel Jesus bo wol iy semal re Galilee.”
60Iwe ngo Pedrus sa sor bo, “Itugla fael mekla ho kakapta ho mal la.”
Irel yodwe ye chil kapatpat ngo sa kkogo sew mael. 61Samol sa tagul tefael sala haffeda hamayi Pedrus. Iwe ngo sa mmang ngali Pedrus molwe Samol ye kangalu we ye sor bo, “Imol mala be kkogo mael bongey, ngo bele fael suluw yam sor bo ho toglayey.” 62Pedrus sa buyoy mo yulgul yoror we sala tetang mo iyang irel tayikofel lal depal.
Jesus We Re Wodu Ngo Re Tapeli Fedaley Kamemal
(Matthew 26:67–68; Mark 14:65)
63Mal kowe re poposa Jesus resa tapeli fedaley kamemal ngo re lliy. 64Resa dugmi molwe metal ngal sew mengag ngo resa kasiya bo, “Itey le ye ppigrug? Hagla hare hobe gola!” 65Ngo ye cholop hapatpat tayikof kala re kangalu.
Re Hasiloh Jesus Imor Chol Ttey We
(Matthew 26:59–66; Mark 14:55–64; John 18:19–24)
66Yela raelloh ngo resa rol Ttey fengal chol ttey we le, mal kowe yar mo tamol temarong kowe, mo mokwe sensel Hatobtob we. Iwe ngo resa hasidoh Jesus imor. 67Iwe ngo resa kasiya bo, “Kangalugmem, gel mele Kristus?”
Iwe ngo iy sa sor bo, “Hare ibe kangalugmi ngo ha towe chepar ngalyey; 68iwe ngo ibe kasiyahmi sew kasiy ngo towe yoh le habe hatefali. 69Ngo ligdi bo bele chap igla sa loh le mala Layur Retalop ila bele maroro rela gilemra irel Deus la ye hartal tagiyet.”
70Iwe ngo panger ngo resa sor bo, “Ila ngo, gel molwe Lol Deus?”
Iwe ngo iy sa sor bo, “Hami mele ha sor bo ngang.”
71Iwe ngo ir resa sor bo, “Tayor pelal le yarmat rebe budoh sor derel! Gich siya spegil rongrong mokwe ye sor.”
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Luke 22: ULI

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