Yesus aojaworsitef
(Mat. 28:1-8; Luk. 24:1-12; Yoh. 20:1-10)
1Barewen. Ses Ban Jo asakayjiapfesen. Maria Magdalenaam, Salomeam, Yakobus arosowoc juwas Mariaam, pinim akat pok ajititfesen. Ar e pok Yesus e sumu ipic dam bokomnem aemfesen. 2Tamnakap ara masirin, aram Hari Minggu aemapfesen. E jo apuef ara, e cepes e ek jip awerem asan ajisosfesen. 3E bowsec ara, aram atakam aramaman aamtawfesen. “E ek jip imwi akapimapomfes ek, ca pwepweremosomtamcarow?” Inim aefesen. 4E nat, manmok apepemfes ara, ar ow e ek emcapwepweremosomfes aporfesen. Arpuak asan aemamesefen. E ek awutnakut arawen. 5Bare, e cepes e ek jip aman afiwfesen. Ar masirin, ay ipic e ek jip aman e bo jamam aemapef aporfesen. E ipicam baju fwesak jirow atamwiapefen. Bare, e cepes omar aefesen.
6E ay ipic nat, “Omar arapok. Car e Nasaret ipic juwas Yesus apowpormokom. Ow aramat ipic salib os op acatopomfes. E nat, aram emeojaworsitor. E sumu ipic arasan opok. Caram ow e sumu ipic atatiwfes asan baporey. 7Ca nat, baysosey. Atakam e Petrusam, e wun Yesus mamkawi owam, mamotawey. ‘Yesus e Galilea capinmi bap ajisoscema. Car masirin, erasan asep ajisoscomokom. Car aramat ipic bi erasan aporcomokom. Er e aramat ipic atakam cat aotawfanas jipu cowok ara.’ Inim mameey.” E ay ipic inim aeefen.
8Bare, e cepes, e ek jip afisfesen. Ar omar awutnakut aefesen. Bi binipam arke aceceremfesen. Inimas ar e asan aewjisosfesen. Aram eras atakam kawey ow botaw opok cowok aemfesen.
Yesus, Maria Magdalena bipu umuton ajisemef
(Mat. 28:9-10; Yoh. 20:11-18)
[ 9Barewen. Hari Minggu tamnakap Yesus aojaworsitefen. Aramat ipic masirin, Maria Magdalena bipu umuton bap ajisemefen. Ametnak ara, aramat ipic dat tujuh ajiwar, e cowoc jak aman aotewerisimefen. 10Bare, aramat cowoc, atakam, e Yesus akac aememawiris ow, aotawefen. “Dor Yesus bi emcaoporey.” Inim aeefen. E ow nat, jak pwicak aemapfesen. Aram bwec abwecfesen. 11Aram e cowoc e atawef atakam, ‘Yesus tetakay awamec. Doram abi emcaoporey,’ inim atakam jen ajifes, ar e atakam, atakamnak opok inim arawen.
Yesus, amamkawi ipic jamnuk bipu umuton ajisemef
(Luk. 24:13-35)
12Barewen. Asep ara, e wun Yesus mamkawi ow jamnuk kebun asan ajarfesen. Yesusam wun bi ajaworemef, wunam e ow bipu umuton ajisemefen. 13E ow masirin, e kota aofasifesen. Aram atakam e wun ow aotawfesen. “Dar Yesus bi emcaopororom.” Inim aefesen. E ow nat, aratakamam, atakamnak opok inim arawen.
Yesus, amamkawi ow sebelas ajiwar bipu umuton ajisemef
(Mat. 28:16-20; Luk. 24:36-49; Yoh. 20:19-23; Aem. 1:6-8)
14Barewen. Asep ara, e Yesus mamkawi ow sebelas ajiwar amos memen aemapfesen. Yesusam e ow bipu umuton ajisemefen. Bap ara, e ow e Yesus aojaworsitefas atakam jen ajifes, aram atakamnak opok inim arawen. Aram jen fak aemapfesen. Yesusam inimas aporef, wunam jiman e ow aafefen. 15Aramat ipic masirin, atakam e ow aotawefen. “Car e capinmiin capinmiin takas mamjisosey. E Atakam Akat e ow takas mamcacapiomey. 16Ow e Atakam Akat asicimces, wunam ow e ow bwi abwimces, bare e ow ajoremcemes. E nat, Allah e Atakam Akat basicim opok ow adosa, bakokoromosom opokut aemcema. 17E Atakam Akat asicimames ow inim junum bweas aemcemes: Ar dojuwas ajitewces, wunam ow jak aman dat aotewerisimcemes. Aram e amsom opok kawey samatin samatin atakam jukpiri atawtotorcemes. 18Ar amer atewcesnew, damir baf bwi aancesnew, bare aram bajurusem opok aemcemes. Aram ban, dam ow dam ton atatiwcemes. E dam ow masirin, aojaworsitcemes.” Yesus inim aeefen.
Allah, Yesus onam op atowotometef
(Luk. 24:50-53; Aem. 1:9-11)
19Tuhan Yesus inim atakam e ow aotawef masirin, Allah aramat ipic e onam op atowotometefen. Yesusam e Allah ban bo jamam aneyapefen. 20E Yesus mamkawi owam ajisosfes, wunam e asanin asanin takas acacapiomfesen. Tuhanam e ow akac aemefen. Aram junum bweas aemefen. Inimas e atakam jen ajifes ow, atakamnak aporfesen.]
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