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Deuteronomy 33

Moses’ Final Blessing on Israel
1Now this is #Gen. 49:28the blessing with which Moses #Ps. 90the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death. 2And he said:
#Ex. 19:18, 20; Ps. 68:8, 17; Hab. 3:3“The Lord came from Sinai,
And dawned on them from #Deut. 2:1, 4Seir;
He shone forth from #Num. 10:12Mount Paran,
And He came with #Dan. 7:10; Acts 7:53; Rev. 5:11ten thousands of saints;
From His right hand
Came a fiery law for them.
3Yes, #Ps. 47:4; Hos. 11:1He loves the people;
#1 Sam. 2:9All His saints are in Your hand;
They #(Luke 10:39)sit down at Your feet;
Everyone #Prov. 2:1receives Your words.
4#Deut. 4:2; John 1:17; 7:19Moses commanded a law for us,
#Ps. 119:111A heritage of the congregation of Jacob.
5And He was #Ex. 15:18King in #Deut. 32:15Jeshurun,
When the leaders of the people were gathered,
All the tribes of Israel together.
6“Let #Gen. 49:3, 4Reuben live, and not die,
Nor let his men be few.”
7And this he said of #Gen. 49:8–12Judah:
“Hear, Lord, the voice of Judah,
And bring him to his people;
#Gen. 49:8Let his hands be sufficient for him,
And may You be #Ps. 146:5a help against his enemies.”
8And of #Gen. 49:5Levi he said:
#Ex. 28:30; Lev. 8:8Let Your Thummim and Your Urim be with Your holy one,
#Num. 20:2–13; Deut. 6:2, 3, 16; Ps. 81:7Whom You tested at Massah,
And with whom You contended at the waters of Meribah,
9#(Num. 25:5–8; Matt. 10:37; 19:29)Who says of his father and mother,
‘I have not #(Gen. 29:32)seen them’;
#Ex. 32:26–28Nor did he acknowledge his brothers,
Or know his own children;
For #Mal. 2:5, 6they have observed Your word
And kept Your covenant.
10#Lev. 10:11; Deut. 31:9–13; Mal. 2:7They shall teach Jacob Your judgments,
And Israel Your law.
They shall put incense before You,
#Lev. 1:9; Ps. 51:19And a whole burnt sacrifice on Your altar.
11Bless his substance, Lord,
And #2 Sam. 24:23; Ezek. 20:40accept the work of his hands;
Strike the loins of those who rise against him,
And of those who hate him, that they rise not again.”
12Of Benjamin he said:
“The beloved of the Lord shall dwell in safety by Him,
Who shelters him all the day long;
And he shall dwell between His shoulders.”
13And of Joseph he said:
#Gen. 49:22–26“Blessed of the Lord is his land,
With the precious things of heaven, with the #Gen. 27:28dew,
And the deep lying beneath,
14With the precious fruits of the sun,
With the precious produce of the months,
15With the best things of #Gen. 49:26the ancient mountains,
With the precious things #Hab. 3:6of the everlasting hills,
16With the precious things of the earth and its fullness,
And the favor of #Ex. 3:2–4; Acts 7:30–35Him who dwelt in the bush.
Let the blessing come #Gen. 49:26‘on the head of Joseph,
And on the crown of the head of him who was separate from his brothers.’
17His glory is like a #1 Chr. 5:1firstborn bull,
And his horns like the #Num. 23:22horns of the wild ox;
Together with them
#1 Kin. 22:11; Ps. 44:5He shall push the peoples
To the ends of the earth;
#Gen. 48:19They are the ten thousands of Ephraim,
And they are the thousands of Manasseh.”
18And of Zebulun he said:
#Gen. 49:13–15“Rejoice, Zebulun, in your going out,
And Issachar in your tents!
19They shall #Ex. 15:17; Ps. 2:6; Is. 2:3call the peoples to the mountain;
There #Ps. 4:5; 51:19they shall offer sacrifices of righteousness;
For they shall partake of the abundance of the seas
And of treasures hidden in the sand.”
20And of Gad he said:
“Blessed is he who #1 Chr. 12:8enlarges Gad;
He dwells as a lion,
And tears the arm and the crown of his head.
21#Num. 32:16, 17He provided the first part for himself,
Because a lawgiver’s portion was reserved there.
#Josh. 4:12He came with the heads of the people;
He administered the justice of the Lord,
And His judgments with Israel.”
22And of Dan he said:
“Dan is a lion’s whelp;
#Gen. 49:16, 17; Josh. 19:47He shall leap from Bashan.”
23And of Naphtali he said:
“O Naphtali, #Gen. 49:21satisfied with favor,
And full of the blessing of the Lord,
#Josh. 19:32Possess the west and the south.”
24And of Asher he said:
#Gen. 49:20“Asher is most blessed of sons;
Let him be favored by his brothers,
And let him #Job 29:6dip his foot in oil.
25Your sandals shall be #Deut. 8:9iron and bronze;
As your days, so shall your strength be.
26There is #Ex. 15:11; Deut. 4:35; Ps. 86:8; Jer. 10:6no one like the God of #Deut. 32:15Jeshurun,
#Deut. 10:14; Ps. 68:3, 33, 34; 104:3Who rides the heavens to help you,
And in His excellency on the clouds.
27The eternal God is your #(Ps. 90:1; 91:2, 9)refuge,
And underneath are the everlasting arms;
#Deut. 9:3–5He will thrust out the enemy from before you,
And will say, ‘Destroy!’
28Then #Deut. 33:12; Jer. 23:6; 33:16Israel shall dwell in safety,
#Deut. 8:7, 8The fountain of Jacob #Num. 23:9alone,
In a land of grain and new wine;
His #Gen. 27:28heavens shall also drop dew.
29#Ps. 144:15Happy are you, O Israel!
#Deut. 4:32–34; 2 Sam. 7:23Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord,
#Gen. 15:1; Ps. 115:9The shield of your help
And the sword of your majesty!
Your enemies #Ps. 18:44; 66:3shall submit to you,
And #Num. 33:52you shall tread down their high places.”

বর্তমানে নির্বাচিত:

Deuteronomy 33: NKJV





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