Revelation 3:14 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Twisted Scripture: Untangling Lies Christians Have Been Told
4 days
Might God say to you, “Depart from Me”? Might He blot you out of the Book of Life or spew you out of His mouth? Challenging Bible passages sometimes eat at us. In this plan, bestselling author Andrew Farley shatters destructive lies and spotlights the truth about God's grace. This reading plan offers more than encouragement and freedom. It may change everything about the way you see yourself and God.

4 Days
When you hear the word awakening, think of two things: awakening is about followers of Jesus experiencing revival, but it's also about people coming to know the Lord. That's why awakening is more broad than revival.

Redeeming Time
4 Days
The goal of redeeming time is to work hard, play hard, and learn to recharge without the shame of a wasted life. In this four-day study, we’ll look at what the Bible says about redeeming time, including how it is the key to gaining wisdom. Instead of letting time pass us by, let’s learn how to redeem it for our good and God’s glory.

The Book of Revelation: Video Devotions From Time of Grace
5 days
Dive into the captivating and confusing biblical book of Revelation and learn that this book is meant to be a book of peace and comfort for you because the main theme is this: Jesus wins!

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–20–The Revelation
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the twentieth part "The Revelation." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Running Our Race - Going for Gold
5 Days
This study will discuss winning a gold medal in ”the race of life”, what a gold medal might be in spiritual terms and some basic elements that will be required to win gold as we run the race that is set before us as in Hebrews 12:1 relating literal with spiritual examples.

The Essential Jesus (Part 18): The Early Church of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

What Does God Say About the End of the World?
5 Days
Have you ever wondered what the end of the world would look like? The book of Revelation provides a glimpse into the end times and the beginning of a new creation. Explore the symbolism, experience the power of the Lamb and the victory over evil in the final battle. Journey through Revelation and gain a deeper understanding of God's ultimate plan for the world and our place in it.

Seek Shalom
5 Days
Shalom is a four-piece puzzle. It is a kind of wholeness and flourishing that we experience when we live at peace with God, creation, others, and ourselves. If you're looking for peace in this season of your life, seek shalom.

Believing God by Rocky Fleming
5 Days
Learning to trust Jesus and taking His promises to heart takes time. It is a daily surrender of our agenda to Him, our plans to Him, and the outcome of any problem to Him. It is up to you and me to believe Him and trust Him. We will never find the peace of God that He promises until we simply take Him at His word.

Behind the Curtain of Revelation
5 Days
George Hulse guides us through the Book of Revelation over five days. Amid a debate by two seminarians about the timeline of the Book, a janitor overhears and pauses his work, interjects with simplicity, and declares confidently to their astonishment, "Revelation is simple, Jesus wins!" This unexpected insight cuts through the complexity, summarising the last Book of the Bible's message in a concise, profound statement.

Make Room, Giving Jesus Space to Fully Transform Your Heart and Life
5 Days
Time is precious. We've each been given the same 24 hours each day. How we spend these hours shapes our identities, reflecting our priorities and desires. Jesus seeks more than just our time; He desires our hearts. Let's explore a passage that illuminates what it means to fully invite Jesus into our lives and walk away with some practical ways to give Him more room!

Bridge to Life
6 Days
Jesus is the bridge to eternal life. Without Him, it's as if we’re standing on one side of the Grand Canyon. Death is coming for us and we need to get to the other side to safety. We see that It's too far to jump and there's no way we can cross on our own. However, imagine a bridge suddenly appearing that spans the Grand Canyon. A bridge to life!

Letters to the Seven Churches: Study for Lent
6 Days
This study is designed to help you prepare for Easter by evaluating your life through Jesus’ letters to seven churches recorded in the book of Revelation chapters 2 and 3. Each day is accompanied by a video which has been compiled from the Thirdmill series on the Book of Revelation.

A Message From the Kingdom
6 Days
This topic is covered in the last chapter of the book God Loves You, regarding humanity's final chapter, the authority of Jesus Christ, and the message that the Kingdom of God is near and we must be prepared.

Casting Crowns - Acoustic Sessions
7 Days
As one of the most successful and influential acts in the Christian music industry, Casting Crowns has developed an exclusive 7-Day Reading Plan for The Overflow Devo on YouVersion. Drawing upon ministerial stories and personal experiences, the Grammy and Dove award winning band covers a wide range of topics to provide readers with an in-depth look into the living love and life that is found and revealed through Jesus.

Revelation Explained Part 2 | Caught Up To Heaven
7 Days
What is Heaven like? The Bible doesn’t give us much detail, but one of the best glimpses is right here. In Part 2 of Revelation Explained, Kris Langham guides us through Revelation 3-5, as Jesus finishes seven letters to the church, and John is caught up to a glorious scene in Heaven. Join us as we walk through Revelation with clear, relatable teaching in just 5 minutes each day.

Jesus' Letter To You - Prophetic Gallery Series
7 Days
Letter writing is a form of communication that is lost. So when you receive a personal letter from someone who loves you, it is truly something to treasure. Jesus took the time to “write” personal letters to each of the seven churches. These letters contained unique messages each church needed to hear. In Plan 2 of 13 devotions taking us through Revelations, let’s see how these letters can help us today.

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship in Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!

The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good
7 Days
How can serving others lead to spiritual danger? Peter Greer, the CEO of a Christian nonprofit, shares how his noble intentions got off track—and how he got back on course. His story provides valuable lessons for anyone serving in ministry. Based on The Spiritual Danger of Doing Good, by Peter Greer with Anna Haggard, published by Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group, in 2014. Used by permission.

Everyday Life in Revelation: Part 2 the Church
7 Days
Revelation is not just a blueprint for the future. It spoke to the church in John's day, and it speaks to us today. Revelation has a message and meaning not just for tomorrow, but for every day. This is a 7-day study looking at the messages Jesus gave to the churches in John's day.

7 Days
Global pandemics, political unrest, national tensions and social injustices - THE WORLD is in need of a MOVE of God. Join us on a 7-day journey as we unpack the power and promise of REVIVAL.

7 Churches of Revelation
7 Days
In this 7-part series, Pastor Dylan Dodson looks at the 7 Churches of Revelation in Revelation 2-3. This plan will help you see how Jesus' grace moves us to action, no matter how much we may fall short.

7 Days
A seven-day devotional through the ‘seven letters’ to the churches in the book of Revelation (chapters 2-3). In this plan, each day will study a different letter to the churches of Revelation, focusing on themes of communion, devotion, discipleship, repentance, evangelism (and more), as well as featuring lyrics from songs throughout the Album ‘SEVEN’ by Brooke Ligertwood.

Living as an Overcomer: Jesus’ Messages to the 7 Churches in Revelation
7 Days
Jesus thought it was important to tell the seven churches in Asia Minor what they needed to know regarding their specific situations. But He’s talking to us, too. The truths, warnings, promises, and rewards we see in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 are highly relevant today as we seek to live as overcomers in Him!