Philippians 4:9 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

A Heart Full Of Thanksgiving
3 Days
Thanksgiving is a way of life that Christ commands of his followers. This study will explore thanksgiving as the mode through which Christ defeats sin and preserves good through us.

The Calm: Live Each Day in the Calm Amid the Storm
3 Days
Does anxiety haunt you? Are you ever jolted awake from a sound sleep? Maybe you are driving along, a thought crosses your mind, and immediately anxiousness grips your soul. What storms of anxiety overtake you without warning? Jesus tells us, “Be still.” Easier said than done? This 3-day plan will help us learn to live in the calm amidst the storms that rage within our soul and our lives.

What Is Your Best Choice?
3 Dias
Do you ever feel paralyzed by too many choices? Do more options give us more freedom, or do we sacrifice freedom by the time we spend making choices? The theme of these meditations is about making choices. Day 1 will help you prioritize your preferences. Day 2 is about being grateful for the choices you face. Day 3 is being courageous to make a choice.

Why God Allows A Crisis
3 Days
In times of crisis many people tend to wonder where God has gone. But the truth is He hasn't gone anywhere. God does some of His best work in the dark, when you don't think He is doing anything at all. In this short reading plan, Tony Evans explains why God has put you in times of crisis, and how your response can turn pain into power.

Finding God Within
3 Days
This reading plan is particularly close to my heart. It is a journey to encounter the peace found in the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. A peace discovered in the face of personal disappointment. These guided audio meditations begin centering on being mindful of God’s joy indwelling within you. Then reflecting on being aligned with the desires of God. Finally, a reflection on loving without ceasing when facing hardship.

Those Things Which You Have Seen In Me.
3 days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful, heart-transforming devotional. Let the Father’s Words lead and guide you as you read this timely message. The Word of God has the power to transform and penetrate the soil of your heart. Choose to follow His Word and pattern yourself after God’s Way of doing things. He is the Blueprint. Let His Word transform your life forever.

Allowing God To Work
3 Days
Have you ever encountered a surprise along the way that you didn’t plan for? The theme of these guided audio meditations is flexibility. Contemplating the perpetual presence of God and submitting to His plans as you walk through your day, allowing God to work through chance moments, expecting to encounter God spontaneously, and consenting to His plans. Discovering tranquility as you submit to God’s view of who you are.

Untriggered: Resting in God When You’re Triggered by Anxiety, Anger, or Temptation
3 Days
Pressure and confusion can bring out the worst in us, but God’s Word is a powerful tool to combat our triggers with His truth.

Look In: Becoming Aware of What's Happening Inside
3 Days
Eryn Eddy wants you to know that no matter your past mistakes, relationship status, career choice, or feelings, nothing can change the truth that you are so worth loving.

The Encounter: Advancing Your Spiritual Life Through Fasting
3 Days
Fasting advances our spiritual life, and Scripture encourages its practice. These times of physical denial help us grow spiritually and give us the opportunity to feel the loving embrace of Jesus. In this plan, author, Gretchen Rodriguez will help you set your heart on a journey of sacred discovery as you fast and seek God.

3 Days to Break Free From Worry
3 Days
We live in the age of worry, especially since COVID-19 changed every part of our lives. Worry can dominate our thoughts, influence our emotions, and drain our physical resources. It’s an unwelcome guest and a disruptive intruder. But Christian counselor Dr. H. Norman Wright and Bryn Edwards help remind us how we can know freedom from worry as we center our thoughts on God in this three day reading plan.

Peace in Christ
3 Days
To have the mind of Christ is essential for every believer, for families, for marriages. We need to be focused on what binds us together rather than on what divides us. This is vitally important in the church because it is where Christ is on display. Have you ever thought that living according to the salvation we have received includes rejoicing and being content in every circumstance?

Reclaiming Mindfulness: Meditating & Staying Grounded
3 Days
Temi Michael-O guides readers through scriptural truths on two common mindfulness practices- meditation and grounding. You will learn how to stay grounded and practice the highest form of meditation to overcome negative emotions or feelings.

Overcoming Anxiety
3 Days
In this three-day plan, we'll explore anxiety and how through our relationship with Jesus, we can grow in this area.

100,000 Heartbeats: A Guide to Gratitude
3 Days
Worship leader, songwriter, author and educator Toni LaShaun Wortherly gives a brief guide to gratitude. This devotional plan, and the song of the same title, are written to encourage people to be grateful for Who God is and all He does, to appreciate all blessings and to avoid the noise that distracts from an attitude of gratitude. We should take on a posture of praise and give God glory!

Overcoming Anxiety
3 Days
Anxiety can be debilitating, but that’s not the end of the story. God designed us so that our brains can be rewired. We can learn to handle anxiety and even overcome it. In this three-day devotional plan, Ben Bennett provides practical advice for people to cope with anxiety and fear.

Peace of Mind: Back-to-School Reflections, Declarations, and Prayers
3 Days
Dr. Temi Michael-O shares prayers, declarations, and words of hope for parents as children begin a school year.

Transformational Freedom Devotional
3 Days
Romans 12:2 says transformation happens by changing the way we think. You cannot prevent every negative thought from knocking on the door of your mind, but you can choose how you answer. From Philippians 4:6-9 you will learn strategies in this devotional to change your thinking in a positive direction and win the battle in your minds so you can live emotionally healthy and spiritually strong.

Starve the Flesh With Judah Lupisella
3 Days
Do you want freedom? Your fleshly, sinful nature needs to die. In Starve the Flesh, you will be challenged through the Word of God to do the opposite of everything your flesh knows and wants to do. Sinful habits, ungodly characteristics, addictions, and unbreakable strongholds will be broken in the name of Jesus. If you want your flesh to die, starve your flesh.

You Are Free With Judah Lupisella
3 Days
YOU ARE FREE! There is nothing that could ever take your freedom away from you. There is a reason that the Word of God clearly states: “So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free” (John 8:36). Be encouraged in your God-given freedom by starting this 3-day plan, today!

THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 1: The Mindset to Thrive
3 Days
The 'THRIVE' Devotional Series is a guide to living and thriving in God's Purpose. The 'Mindset To Thrive' focuses on developing the right kind of mindset you need to walk in God's purpose for your life.

3 Days
Many of us are wanting much more peace in our lives than we feel actually exists at the moment. In today’s time peace can be an anomaly. The equilibrium for stable peace in one’s life is way out of whack. There’s a lot happening in the world. How does one find peace? Is it consistently achievable? This plan helps us locate the path to peace as God destined for us.

3 Steps to a Renewed Mind
3 Days
Do your thoughts make you feel like a captive in your own mind? We may think escaping intrusive, overbearing, and negative thoughts is impossible. However, the Bible has shown me the way, and now I want to show you. Take these practical steps towards being set free from mental bondage and living your life with a renewed mind.

3 Days
This three-day devotional plan will help you look at the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of gratitude. In recovery from sexual brokenness, gratitude is an essential coping skill to handle triggers and grow in faith. The plan offers practical steps for implementing the practice of gratitude in your life.

God's Prescription to Overcome Fear, Worry and Anxiety a 3-Day Plan by Alisha Walker
3 Days
Living a life of peace is what God wants for all of His children, so much so that He gave us the perfect prescription. God’s prescription to overcome fear, worry, and anxiety is given to us in scripture. This devotion will help you learn how your fears, worries, and anxiety are stealing your peace of mind and help you discover God’s prescription for mental wellness.