Matthew 19:30 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

JOY- Champions by the Fruit of the Spirit
4 Days
How can the fruit of the spirit win the battle against the sins of my flesh? This four-day reading plan shows the battles of JOY versus jealousy, greed, self-pity, and ungratefulness. Kristi Krauss uses the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5 as a guide to spur us into action to become champions of JOY in our daily lives.

Chasing Perfect
5 Days
In this hustling world of jam-packed schedules and impossible expectations, true rest and renewal can only be found by submitting to Jesus. This reading plan will help you understand what it means to stop chasing distractions and start chasing Jesus.

Fruitful Now and Fulfilled in the Future
5 Days
There is nothing to be afraid of in your future. The decisions you make now can help you develop a lifestyle of living in the present that will protect you from worrying or letting distraction rule your thoughts. Learn to entrust yourself to God for a sure future!

5 Days From God's Purpose for Your Life by Dr. Stanley
5 Days
How can you rest in the truth that God has a purpose for you, a purpose He promises to fulfill? How can you know you are following God's will? In this 5-day reading plan from "God's Purpose for Your Life," Dr. Charles F. Stanley shows you that God's plans for you are even more wonderful than you can imagine.

Reimagining Your Creative Life: A Five-Day YouVersion Plan by Sho Baraka
5 Days
Your story shapes the world around you. Which is why, whatever your hands find to do, you can use your creativity to bring gold or shadow into reality. You were created to create. You were created to love justice. You were created to live mercy. Discover how the gospel brings these longings together as Sho’s words transform how you see God, your neighbor, and your creative life.

The Essential Jesus (Part 20): Who Is Jesus... to You?
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

God’s Peace in Financial Anxiety
5 Days
Do you feel overwhelmed by your finances? Are you desperate in the face of bills or constricted by the need to fund an expensive lifestyle? Does money stimulate anxiety? In this five-day devotional, you'll learn to find Jesus’ peace, trading in your heavy burden for his light and easy yoke.

Living the Jesus Way
5 Days
Be more than a decision to believe, and discover how to become a disciple of Jesus.

Mystery: Embracing the Truth of the Gospel
5 Days
God created people so we could enjoy intimate fellowship with Him and give Him the praise and recognition He deserves, but we messed things up. Through Adam, sin entered the world and separated all of us from God. Imperfect, limited people, we are helpless to undo what sin has done, but God is not! For generations, His rescue plan remained a mystery, but now it’s been revealed.

Work in Heaven
5 Days
There’s a lot that we don’t know about work in heaven and on the New Earth. But there’s also a lot that we do know. In this devotional plan, we’ll unpack five under-explored biblical truths about our eternal vocation and what they mean for our work today!

Financial Discipleship - the Bible on Choice
5 Days
The Bible has a lot to say about choice. Most of us know God has given us free will, but we often overlook the impact our financial choices have on our relationship with Him. This 5-day plan helps readers gain a biblical understanding of the importance of our financial choices, apply that understanding to their lives, and prepare them to share this learning with others.

Forgiveness & Marriage—Disciple Makers Series #19
6 Days
Matthew writes to God’s people and walks them on a journey that will take them from where they are to be Disciple Makers. This is 19 of 27 devotional plans walking us through the book of Matthew. In this portion, Jesus shows how we must forgive and God’s perspective on marriage and the family.

True North: Going Through Hell for Heaven
6 Days
How often are we given the idea that being a Christian is a joyful, peaceful and carefree life? As well as the idea that you may have some bumps in the journey here and there, yet with a prayer or two, everything will be right-as-rain? There are those times when these ideas are fulfilled in our Christian lives. However, what often is not talked about is the hell you will have to endure to reach the Heaven that is promised. In this 6-Day reading plan, we will journey through the reality of the Christian walk to capture the hope that is total devotion to and love for Jesus Christ.

Be Someone's Miracle
6 Days
This week, I want to help you become someone’s miracle! Don’t listen to this lying voice that suggests that the world would be much better without’s not true! You can be a blessing to your family, your friends, your coworkers. You are the channel through which the Lord desires to flow into their lives and hearts. You are God’s choice, and your life counts!

How To Be A Christian At Your Work – Part 2 Of 2
6 Days
This is part 2 of a 2-part study “How to be a Christian at work.” In this study, we discover 5 additional insights to help you live out your faith at work, in a way that honors God and is also pleasing to your boss and those you work with. Join us to find out how to BLESS others at your work today!

The Lie Of "Not Enough"
6 Days
We all wonder if we have what it takes to fulfill all of our obligations and commitments. This is common to man. Roxanne discusses our loads, our lives and our sufficiency to live well.

Considering Missions?
6 Days
When thinking about missions, questions that flood our minds include: “Do I have what it takes?” “Am I qualified?” “Am I called?”. While thinking ahead is good, it is important to meditate on the Word of God day and night, as we ask these questions. This devotional is a 6-day exploration for those asking the question, “Should I go into cross-cultural missions?”.

Never Going Back: Exchanging the Everyday for God's Extraordinary
6 Days
Now is the perfect time to evaluate what you've been doing and what God might have for you in the future. No longer will we settle for the easy path; we long to be transformed by the mighty power of the Gospel as we move forward in God's purposes.

A Step-by-Step Process for Understanding God’s Word
6 Days
Do you sometimes struggle to hear God’s voice amid all the noise in your life? One of the clearest ways God speaks today is through Scripture. Sometimes Scripture can be confusing, though, as we try to discern God’s calling. Here are seven steps to understanding the Bible so we can live out God’s truth and love.

Glory: Giving God What He Deserves
6 Days
God’s glory is His divine perfection on display or the worship He deserves in response. Because it's the motivation behind everything God does, it should be the motivation behind everything we do. In this study, we’ll look at Who God is and what He’s done, then consider what He deserves from us in response. Once you know what life’s really about, you can make sure yours counts toward something eternal!

Losers Like Us
7 Days
Jesus’ disciples were losers like us—yet God loved them and made them world-changers, and He can do so with us too.

Eternal Security
7 Days
This 7-day devotional will help you understand why your salvation in Christ is secure and embrace the kind of life God desires you to live.

7 Days
In a world that is self-focused, self-centred, and selfish, God calls us to live a life that is selfless. Real discipleship is all about denying yourself, taking up your cross, and following Him. Although the cost of salvation is nothing, the cost of discipleship is everything. Join us for a 7-day devotional as we learn the art of RESURRENDER.

You Are My One Thing
7 Days
God is worthy of our worship. This devotional plan, based on ORU Worship’s 2022 album, “You Are My One Thing,” will encourage you to grow in faith and be transformed as you reflect on God’s attributes and grace. Every day, the plan relates album lyrics to Scripture to help you revel in worshipping the Lord above all.

Real Hope: Jesus' Life & Ministry
7 Days
This plan covers just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Jesus’ life and ministry! Jesus was bold but humble, peaceful but stood up for what was right, and a lover of the unlovable. Whether you are 8 or 88, dive headfirst into these devotions as a starting point to learn both about His life and how you too can be like Jesus!