Luke 9:32 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

The Good Life
3 Days
We know that the world and culture we live in offer competing claims against God’s direction and intention for his people. Which will we trust and choose to follow after? For this series, we are going to look at three invitations from Jesus on what God promises us in terms of purpose and fulfillment, and in all three, He beckons us to come to Him and experience life.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–13–The Miracles Of Jesus
4 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the thirteenth part "The Miracles of Jesus." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

In Anticipation of the Glory That Is to Come
4 Days
Jesus has the authority and all the glory in the days to come. We anticipate this dearly, wanting to be filled more and more with the Holy Spirit.

Peter: A Leader Made, Not Born
5 Days
One way to understand what God wants to do through us by the power of the Holy Spirit is to take a closer look at what He did through Jesus’ disciples by the power of the same Holy Spirit. Take Peter, for instance, the first apostle to speak up at Pentecost. His life is a case study for the kind of radical transformation the Holy Spirit brings about in people who put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.

The Phil Dooley 5 Day Men's Growth Challenge
5 Days
There is so much more to being a man than the world would have us believe. In this Growth Challenge we will look at the lives of six Biblical heroes and one anti-hero. These men faced the same challenges we face today. Their success (or lack of) was directly related to how closely they walked with God.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–13–The Miracles Of Jesus
5 Days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the fourteenth part "The Miracles of Jesus." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Destined for the Cross
5 Days
This 5-day study explores the single most central aspect of Christianity: Jesus Christ and His death on the cross. Through a careful examination of Scripture, you'll learn the many reasons Christ was destined for the cross. Understanding the truth behind the cross and the magnitude of His sacrifice provides a new way of living in a hurting world.

Whatsoever You Do In Word or Deed
5 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. Whatsoever you do—choose to give thanks. Whatsoever you do in word or in deed—give thanks. Let the Light of Christ shine in every aspect of your life. Let His Light shine through your Character. Let the Light of Christ shine in your conduct. Let His Light shine upon every area of your heart as you read this powerful message.

Now Streaming Week 9: The Chosen
5 Days
In the series Now Streaming, Skip Heitzig leverages some of the most popular shows to illuminate spiritual truths. The Chosen is the first multi-season show about the life of Jesus, and in this five-day plan, Pastor Skip explains that although Jesus was rejected by men to the point of crucifixion, He was chosen by God as the once-for-all sacrifice for our sins and Jesus' followers are also chosen by God.

Living for Heaven
7 Days
As children of God, we have been given a new home and a new hope. And when we learn to live for heaven, the cares and weights of this world fall off our shoulders in light of our place in God’s advancing Kingdom. In this 7-day plan, you’ll create space every day to cast your burdens at the feet of Jesus, and rejoice in the hope of the eternal life you’re already living in God.

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship in Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!

Luke - Your Kingdom Come
7 Days
Are you ready to start a life-changing journey? Experience and walk with Jesus through chapters eight to fourteen of the gospel according to Luke. Witness the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth. Discover who Jesus is, why he came to earth, what his message was, and what he wants you to do. Your discovery will impact your family, friends, and community.

8 Days With Jesus: Who Is Jesus?
8 Days
This walk will introduce you to Jesus and who He is. Take this opportunity to enhance and deepen your understanding of Jesus, the Son of God.

Luke: A 10-Day Devotional Reading Plan
10 Days
Over the course of 10-days, read the book of Luke alongside passages and questions from Lydia Brownback, and see how the Gospel of Luke presents Jesus as the promised King of kings, showcasing how Jesus’s earthly ministry is good news to the downtrodden, the hurting, and the outsider.

Truth For Life, Volume Two
10 Days
When we read the Bible, we’re dealing with the words of the Creator of the universe, spoken to His creation. This plan teaches that it is impossible for us to understand ourselves, our world, or anything else without one thing: God’s word.

Our Personal, Ultimate Intercessor
10 Days
Isn’t it fascinating that Jesus’ disciples didn’t ask Jesus to teach them how to lead or preach or teach or administrate, although He certainly was the expert? In Luke 11:1, they said, “Teach us to pray.” They had seen Him praying more than anything else. How can we learn from Jesus’ priority of prayer?

Lessons ~ The Transfiguration
11 Days
A deeper study of how the Transfiguration transformed the three disciples and how those lessons are applicable to us even today. Join us on an 11-day journey on understanding how God wants to change us from the inside out even as He calls us to go and make disciples.

God's Glory
13 Days
The Bible speaks much of God's glory, expressed by the words כָּבוֹד (in Hebrew) and δόξα (in Greek). This is God’s heavenly splendor and majesty that sometimes becomes visible on earth. This reading plan will show you how great God is and how you as a believer can share in His glory.

The Gospel According To Luke
14 days
This reading plan explores the third Gospel. Luke described Jesus Christ as the one who saves. Humanity is lost and desperate, without help or hope, in need of salvation. The third Gospel reminds us that Jesus died to save us.

BibleProject | Upside-Down Kingdom / Part 1 - Luke
20 Days
BibleProject designed Upside-Down Kingdom Part 1 to inspire individuals, small groups, and families to read through Luke in 20 days. This plan incorporates animated videos, insightful summaries, and reflective questions to help participants encounter Jesus and engage with Luke’s brilliant literary design and flow of thought.

Meditations On The Gospel Of Luke For The Family
21 Days
How can you celebrate your family—a sanctuary of love and life? Sign up for a 21-day Lectio Divina devotional and journey through the Gospel of Luke with your family or community. As you listen to God’s Word, and meditate on stories of hope and healing, allow the sacred Scriptures to transform your understanding of God’s unconditional love.

Plug Into God
21 Days
In a world buzzing with distractions, discover the power of staying connected to the ultimate source of inspiration. Unearth the tools for a truly productive Christian life that not only enriches your spiritual journey but sparks a flame that inspires those around you. Join us as we delve into daily insights, reflection, and practical guidance, unlocking the secrets to a plugged-in, purpose-driven existence.

Elijah. Man of Courage, Man of Faith, Man of God.
22 Days
The Bible is full of stories about people who try to live to God's glory - with ups and downs. Elijah is such a man. He is a prophet who serves God wholeheartedly, but is also prone to despondency and depression. He confronts the king fearlessly, but flees from the queen. And in all this, God continues to care for His servant.

Christ as Man: A Study in Luke
24 Days
Luke’s Gospel is a beautiful and powerful telling of the life of Jesus. Luke focuses on Jesus as the Son of Man, the foretold Messiah who came to “seek and save the lost” (Luke 19:10). This Gospel shows us the “Upside-Down Kingdom” - that God uses what the world deems foolish and weak to shame the wise and strong.