Luke 6:38 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Modern Manhood // Taking Stock of Your Life
3 Days
This short plan asks some big questions: Have you been blessed? How are you measuring success? What's not working in your life? They're important things for men to consider every so often and we invite you to ask God to meet you while you wrestle with them and see what he might want to show you about this chapter of your life.

How To Love Others
3 Days
Isn’t it adorable watching an older couple express a thriving love that has stood the test of time? We can all learn something from that kind of intentional love. These three guided audio meditations are about learning to love others. The first meditation explores how to live in unity with others simply. The following meditation sets a higher standard. And finally, a reflection helps us model God’s love towards others.

Living By Faith Alone
3 Days
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." -Martin Luther King, Jr. The theme of these guided audio meditations is living by faith. Here are meditations to help you have the confidence to share your faith - to guide you to find the courage to share the love of Christ - and to be mindful of moments to affirm your faith in God.

3 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. This short reading plan is based on the habit of Generosity.

Finding The Right Motivation
3 Days
Christians are so used to His goodness and favor that they don’t mind Him not being there as long as He continues to bring the gifts. We’re living in a day when people want God’s blessings without God. They want the rewards without the relationship. But Tony Evans teaches that having a biblical motivation for stewardship is key to carrying out your divine destiny to its fullest.

Level Up!
3 Days
Love your enemies. Be good to everyone. Have mercy. What exactly does that look like? It's more than biting your tongue and holding your peace. Or, refraining from responding to a hateful deed. It's more than not going out of your way to expose a person after receiving VIP access to a shameful fact about them. This call to action requires us to examine the 'love' department in our lives.

The Generous Entrepreneur: A 3-Day Devotional on Serving Others With Joy and Generosity
3 Days
Resources are scarce. Each day, I’m keenly aware that I only have a limited supply of energy, money, knowledge, and time. Thus, as a business owner, I’m tempted to hold and hoard these resources closely because once they are gone . . . they are gone, never to return again. Or are they? In this devotional we will discuss how we can invite God into our entrepreneurial journey through generosity.

Give And It Shall Be Given Unto You
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads listeners in this timely message. Give and it shall be given unto you. Give your gifts unto others. Sow your gifts into others. Surrender your gifts, skills, talents, and abilities unto the Lord and watch God multiply what’s under your authority. Let God lead your heart as you read this powerful message.

Parable of the Talents: Fear, Faith, and Finances
3 Days
Unlock the financial wisdom of the Parable of the Talents. Through scripture and prayer, in this 3-day plan we will explore how to no longer be led by fear to maintain, but instead be led by faith to multiply what God has entrusted to us.

How to Overcome a Scarcity Money Mentality
3 Days
Mindset and money go hand-in-hand. Oftentimes the root of a scarcity money mindset is fear and a lack of faith. How can we as followers of Christ overcome our human urge to worry and stress about money and walk more steadily on our path? Brought to you by educator, speaker, debt-free advocate, and best-selling author Anthony O'Neal.

Christmas Treasures
3 Days
This three-day Christmas reading plan invites you to shift focus from earthly to eternal treasures. Reflecting on Biblical teachings about generosity, the plan encourages giving with a Kingdom mindset, reminding us that true rewards lie in heaven. Each day explores how aligning our hearts with God’s purpose brings lasting joy, peace, and impact—revealing the deeper meaning of Christmas beyond material gifts.

Better Than You Can Imagine
4 Days
Whether it’s time, money, or talent, everyone has something to give to others—and God has even more joy to give back.

Forgiveness Meditations
4 Days
What one issue most divides your friends? We divide over a thousand issues, big and small. We make snap judgments, harbor secret prejudices, and hold grudges Let the biblical meditations in this reading plan help you start moving toward a heart of forgiveness and peace in Christ.

Sex in Marriage: The Basics - Part 2
4 Days
Sex is a big part of marriage, but in order to have a great sex life with your spouse, there are some basic understandings and beliefs that will help you. This plan will help you learn about sex in marriage and how to honor your spouse and have great sex in marriage. This plan is a continuation of the plan, Sex In Marriage: The Basics - Part 1.

You // for Good Works but Not All Works
4 Days
God can make all men new. But He's not an assembly line, stamping out identical products. You're made with purpose, for a purpose. But how do you figure out what it is you're made to do and His unique call for your life? This 4 day plan will help you wrestle with these questions and equip you to answer them in the season ahead.

Love Your Enemy – Godliness in a Tainted World
4 Days
God has called us to live holy lives, lives without blame in a tainted world. But what do you do when you’ve been slandered or spitefully used or even cursed? This 4-day devotional by Laura Woodworth will help you access divine power to turn this enemy attack into an opportunity for God’s love and mercy.

Experiencing God’s Abundance
4 Days
You’re bound to experience seemingly impossible situations that crash their way into your life – times when it seems like there’s no way out. Thankfully, our God specializes in the impossible! And in Experiencing God’s Abundance, Pastor Jeff Schreve will encourage your heart, strengthen your faith, and show you how God can use what you have right now to make miracles happen!

Keys to a Powerful Prayer Life
4 Days
There are many things that we should do in addition to prayer, but there is nothing that we can effectively do without prayer. We should learn to live a quality prayer life just like Jesus did.

Sowing and Reaping
4 Days
Sowing and Reaping is a devotional exploring the law of sowing and reaping, as taught by Jesus and reinforced throughout the Bible. Over four days we will discover how this law impacts every aspect of our lives and how we can align ourselves with God's purposes for abundance and blessing.

5 Days
God wants His children to be thankful. This is an evidence of an intimate, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. If you are having difficulty in giving thanks, perhaps we can help your perspective and give you a process to find what your heart is seeking.

Thanksgiving // Honor, Gratitude & Service
5 Days
God’s given us so much -- this is true. But this is also true: He may not have given you all that you wanted or hoped for this year. One way to reframe our thinking is to focus our hearts on service. Read along with this five-day plan and listen closely for what God might be stirring in your own life this Thanksgiving.

A Thankful Heart
5 Days
There is so much to be grateful for, so much to thank God for. When we realize that every breath is a gift from the Lord our hearts fill with overwhelming thankfulness. Discover the wonders of gratitude with this 5-day reading plan from Angus Buchan.

Living In God's Abundance
5 Days
Some only see abundant living as financial prosperity. Jump in with us in this Abide plan where you'll discover God's extravagant grace like a flood, washing away walls that may divide you from others.

The Genius of Generosity
5 Days
Generosity is genius. In this five-day reading plan adapted from his book, The Genius of Generosity, Chip Ingram explores how we can become the brilliant people we were meant to be—those who understand and benefit from the genius of generosity. Examine God’s design for giving and how He intends to bless those who become living expressions of His generous heart.

Unlock The Blessings
5 Days
God has blessings for us waiting to rain down from Heaven. There are basic keys of living that will give us everything He has promised. It's not a call for perfection or for the chosen few. It is repeated indicators throughout the Bible within the chapter of our favorite bible verses. Complete this 5-Day Devotional to learn the 5 keys and what you must do.