Genesis 15:18 এর সাথে সম্পর্কিত বিনামূল্যের পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ও আরাধনা সহায়িকা

Hey God, Can We Talk? I Want to Be Closer to You
3 Days
If we want to have deep and intimate conversations with God, what would the incremental steps look like at the beginning of the relationship? Thankfully, we can read about the growing intimacy that Abraham had with God through some very interesting conversations in Genesis 15, 17, and 18. This plan will dive into these chapters to provide some keys ways we can grow closer to God.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–2–Abraham, Isaac And Jacob
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the second part "Abraham, Isaac and Jacob." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Take Back Your Family 5-Day Plan
5 Days
This 5-day plan will help you grow your family with intention and delight. Discover how to embrace the radical Christian framework for creating family teams.

Girl Read Your Bible
5 Days
This Guided Bible Reading Plan is designed to help you take your Bible reading experience to the next level. If you’ve ever read the Bible and been completely confused, this plan is for you. Within this plan each day you’re equipped with a full summary filled with context so you can have deeper clarity as you read through the book of Genesis.

Dream Devo - SEU Conference
5 Days
God has always had a dream. Whether you call it a vision, a plan, or a purpose, God’s always been dreaming. God’s desire is that all of creation would experience and know the love of Christ. He has been relentless in His pursuit that we would experience life to the full.

Christ's Greater Covenant - Jesus Is Greater Series #5
6 Days
We read in God’s Word that without the shedding of blood, there can be no forgiveness. And obedience is better than sacrifice. The manifestation of these words play out when Jesus’ obedience led to the shedding of His blood and the ultimate sacrifice is made – for us! This is Plan Five of Nine of the book of Hebrews where we see that although salvation is free for us, there was a great cost that Jesus paid.

Seasons Of Divorce Volume 1: Seasons Of Loss And Sorrow
7 Days
Divorce is an incredibly lonely time that causes one to wrestle with why God feels far away and whether God cares or has a place for you. In this 7 day sample, Richard Crooks shares insights from scripture and personal experience with a warm, empathetic style to address some difficult topics of divorce. He directs the reader to relevant scriptures to seek God’s comfort and direction for this troubling time.

Love Does--Experience A Life Of Love In Action
7 Days
This 7-day reading plan is based on Bob Goff’s book about living fully engaged and full of whimsy. Find out how you can make a difference by getting past the planning stage to the “do” part of faith—because love doesn’t just keep thinking about it or planning for it. Simply put: love does.

Joshua - VS the World
7 Days
We have three enemies, the world, the flesh, and the deceiver. In the book of Joshua, Jericho represents the world. God trained Israel in the wilderness, baptized them in the Jordan, and circumcised them as they camped before the locked gates of Jericho. How would they overcome Jericho? How do we overcome the world? This in-depth stand-alone plan is also part 5 of a 10-part series.

Joshua - Inheritance
7 Days
Joshua and the Israelites were given a Promised Land inheritance. God gave it to them when He made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15. We also have a promised inheritance. This week we will explore the Spiritual inheritance we have in Jesus. A promise worth fighting for. This heavy-duty stand-alone plan is also part 8 of a 10 part series.

The One Year Pray for America Bible Reading Plan: Pray Through the Storms
7 Days
Join us in praying through the storms our country is facing with this 7-day reading plan featuring prayers from The One Year Pray for America Bible.

Easter: Begin Again
8 Days
What if you could begin again? A clean slate. A new life! That’s what Easter is all about! It’s a fresh canvas upon which God can make something new and beautiful. In this study, we'll walk through the journeys of eight people who encountered the Lord as we discover how the resurrection of Jesus can change your life and give you hope for a new future.

Useful to God
8 Days
Drawing on James Spencer's book titled Useful to God: Eight Lessons from the Life of D. L. Moody, this Bible Plan examines eight characteristics evident in the Scriptures and in the life of 19th century evangelist Dwight Moody (e.g., surrendered, prayerful, humbled, undistracted, and studious). A free guide including these reflections along with activities and additional devotional content is also available for download from D. L. Moody Center.

In the Beginning: A Study in Genesis 15-26
11 Days
In this 11-day plan, you will study Genesis 15-26, focusing on God’s faithfulness to sinful families that He works through for His glory. It includes a devotional passage for each day as well as reflection questions to apply this book of the Bible to your life. Whether you’re just curious about the Bible, a new believer, or a long-time follower of Jesus, God will speak to you through it.

Diaspora: People on the Move, God at Work
12 Days
Today, more people are on the move in the global diaspora than ever before. What is God doing in our world today? To better understand, we will look at the word of God through the lens of people on the move and be introduced to unreached people groups in the diaspora and pray for them.

12 Days of Christmas
13 Days
This thirteen-day devotional profoundly explores the timeless message embedded within a beloved Christmas carol. By blending biblical wisdom with cultural proverbs and heartfelt prayer, each day invites you to experience a renewed appreciation for the season and a deeper connection with the "True Love" who gives us the gift of Himself.

The Ten Commandments. God’s Instruction Manual for Life
15 Days
God gave the Israelites instructions on how to serve Him and how to treat fellow people. These “ten commandments” were like a constitution designed by God Himself, meant for his glory and the well-being of the people. They are still a valuable guideline for our life with God and with other people. This Reading Plan studies all ten commandments and the summary that Jesus gave us.

Totally: Getting to Know Our Knowing, Present, Capable, Caring God
19 Days
Human relationships are almost always messy because people are involved, but God isn’t people. God is God. He is completely, TOTALLY different. If our relationship to/with Him is ever messy, it's only because we made it that way. We invite you to put aside any assumptions you've made about God and let Him speak for Himself. We think you’ll find that He is much easier to trust than people.

The Genealogy of Jesus
21 Days
We often trace our history to unlock knowledge about ourselves and gain wisdom to move forward. The divine nature of Jesus certainly adds a one-of-a-kind dynamic to understanding His genealogy. Still, there is wisdom, depth, and importance to be gained in learning about the men and women God ordained as part of the family of Jesus.

Love God Greatly: Everlasting Covenant
28 days
Everlasting Covenant is a four-week study designed for the season of Advent. Advent is a season of celebrating the coming of Christ and His fulfillment of God’s promises. This study will highlight the ways Christ fulfilled God’s covenants with His people throughout history, concluding with a week of focused study on the Christmas story.

Year of the Bible: Part Two of Twelve
30 Days
This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus discovering the heart of God for the whole world. Let's dive into Part two of twelve!

The Thread: Part II
30 Days
This twelve-part plan traces the thread of God's story with a high-level overview of the whole Bible; it can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus. This month, we'll read Genesis 12–Exodus 12. Let's dive into part two!

Daily Bible Reading—June 2024, God’s Guiding Word: Promise
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading helps you build consistent interaction with Scripture. Background, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers prompted by today’s passage all help you connect with God and others. Journey with us this month and explore the theme “God’s Guiding Word: Promise.”

Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet
31 Days
31 days of 1-3 minute practical insight based on the week’s Parasha—the Jewish annual reading guide covering the first 5 books of the Bible, Torah. Daily Words on the Book of Genesis / B’reisheet include B’reisheet (In the beginning), Noach (Noah), Lech Lecha (Get yourself out) and Vayera (He appeared). Revisit with Hebraic perspective, old and new words inspired by the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) pointing us to Yeshua (Jesus).

Daily Bible Reading - July 2020 God's Life-Giving Word of Promise
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Promise.”