Mak 7
Yesu beleŋ asiyen mata walde yunyiŋ
(Matiyu 15:1-9)
1Be, Farisi marya Moseyen saba mar kuraya Yerusalem tubul teŋ kateŋ Yesu hinhinde gor gabu irde kalyaŋ keramiŋ. 2-3Goyarebe Yesuyen komatmiŋ yenamiŋbe haniŋ ma haldeya biŋge yanarde nene hinhan. (Yuda marte matabe haniŋ ma haltiŋ gobe tikiŋ miŋyaŋ yeŋ nurde mali ma dula teŋ haŋyen. Niŋgeb yeŋbe asem yagot haniŋ hal hal belŋeŋ goyen gama irde haŋyen. Farisibe goyen mata po keŋkela gama irde haŋyen mar. 4Go mar gobe gabu karkuwaŋyaŋ al maliya suluk heŋ kuŋ hinayiŋ goyen waŋ yamiŋyaŋ heŋbe fe gemde ga dula teŋ haŋyen. Matamiŋ gwahade budam haŋ. Kuramiŋbe gisu, koroŋya, fe kaŋguya hal hal belŋeŋ miŋyaŋ. Mali mali ma teŋ haŋyen.)
5Gwahade niŋgeb Farisi mar goya Moseyen saba marya beleŋ Yesu gusuŋaŋ iramiŋ: “Daniŋ geb komatge yagobe asininiŋ yagot mata ma gama irde haniŋ ma halde ga dula teŋ haŋ?” inamiŋ. 6Irkeb Yesu beleŋ wol heŋbe, “Deŋ usi mar gahade gake teŋbe bikkeŋ Aisaia beleŋ asaŋde kayyiŋ gobe fudinde wor po. Mere kayyiŋbe gahade:
‘Al gabe mohoŋde po turuŋ nirde haŋ.
Gega biŋdebe ne niŋ ma wor po nurde haŋ.
Hoyaŋde wor po haŋ.
7Mel gabe megen niŋ marte saba po gama irde al saba yirde haŋ.
Mel gabe biŋ hende hende po doloŋ nirde haŋ,’ yitiŋ hi. Aisaia 29:13
8Deŋbe Al Kuruŋyen saba fudinde go yubul teŋ mata al beleŋ forok yirtiŋ go po ga tareŋ yanarde haŋ,” yinyiŋ.
9Irde sopte yinyiŋ: “Deŋbe asetiŋ yagot mata goyen po gama irniŋ yeŋbe Al Kuruŋyen merebe dindikeŋ ge nurdeb yad yigigiri yird yird dufay epte wor po haŋ. 10Ga dineŋ hime gate miŋbe gahade: bikkeŋ Mose beleŋ, ‘Mamtiŋya nantiŋya palap yirde hinayiŋ,’ yiriŋ. Munaŋ, ‘Al kura miliŋya naniŋya karan yuryeŋ gobe al go mayke kamyeŋ,’ yiriŋ. 11Gega deŋbe gwaha mat ma alya bereya saba yirde haŋ. Gwaha titŋeŋbe, ‘Dawet kura mamtiŋya nantiŋya yuntek goyen Al Kuruŋ untek yineŋ go ma yuneŋ hinayiŋ,’ yeŋ saba yirde haŋyen. 12Deŋ beleŋ gwaha mat saba yirde hikeb naniŋya miliŋya faraŋ yurde hitek goyen gwaha ma yirde haŋyen. 13Irdeb asetiŋ yagot mata gore bitiŋ pet titiŋ haŋ geb, Al Kuruŋyen merebe dawet mali kura yara irde haŋyen. Mata kurabe gago. Mata budam hoyaŋ wor gwaha po teŋ haŋyen,” yinyiŋ.
Da det beleŋbe Al Kuruŋ diliŋde al buluŋ iryeŋ?
(Matiyu 15:10-20)
14Be, Yesu beleŋ al gabu iramiŋ go hoy yirdeb sopte gaha yinyiŋ: “Merene keŋkela palŋa irde miŋ nurnaŋ ko. 15-16Biŋge damiŋbe igiŋ yitiŋ mere goya dula teŋ teŋ matatiŋya goyen keŋkela ma gama irtekbe Al Kuruŋ diliŋde buluŋ dinyeŋ yeŋ haŋyen gega, gore epte ma buluŋ diryeŋ. Dawet al biŋde forok yeke mata buluŋ tiyyeŋ gore gab buluŋ iryeŋ,” yinyiŋ.#7:15-16 Asaŋ hoyaŋdebe gahade hi: “...tikiŋ iryeŋ. 16 Al kura nurtek kenem nuryeŋ,” yinyiŋ.
17Be, al gabu kuruŋ go yubul teŋ kuŋ ya biŋde hurkuŋbe komatmiŋ yago beleŋ siraw mere gote miŋ niŋ gusuŋaŋ iramiŋ. 18Irkeb Yesu beleŋ, “Deŋ wor gwahade po, go ma nurde haŋ? Dawet kura teŋ niyyeŋ gore daha mat Al Kuruŋ diliŋde buluŋ iryeŋ? Epte moŋ. 19Det niyyeŋ gobe kuŋ dufaymiŋde ma kuyeŋ, arayŋeŋde kuŋbe kat kuyeŋ,” yinyiŋ. (Mere gate miŋbe biŋgebe buluŋ miŋmoŋ, netek ala po yeŋ yiryiŋ.)
20Be, Yesu beleŋ saba goyen basaŋ heŋ gaha yinyiŋ: “Al biŋde mat dufay buluŋ forok yeŋ mohoŋde mat kat kuyeŋ gore gab Al Kuruŋ diliŋde buluŋ iryeŋ. 21Al biŋde matbe det buluŋ gahade forok yeŋ haŋyen: dufay buluŋ buluŋeŋ, leplep mata, kawe mata, al gasa yirke kamde kamde mata, al berem yaŋ beleŋ bere hoyaŋ duwan yird yird mata, 22-23det ug po yad yad niŋ dufay heŋ heŋ mata, al buluŋ yird yird dufay, al usi yird yird mata, uliŋde po amaŋ hetek dufay po gama ird ird mata, kadom igiŋ mat hike yeneŋbe daniŋ neŋbe gwahade moŋ yeŋ nurd nurd mata, mere buluŋ mat teŋ teŋ mata, parpar mata, kumhaka mataya gore gab al biŋde mat forok yeŋ Al Kuruŋ diliŋde al go buluŋ irde haŋyen,” yinyiŋ.
Fonisia bereyen dufay saŋiŋ
(Matiyu 15:21-28)
24Be, Yesube tiyuŋ go tubul teŋ Tair taun bindere kuriŋ. Irde al beleŋ gor hi yeŋ nurd nurd goke bada heŋbe ya kura goyen bana hurkuŋ balmiŋ goŋ hinhin. Gega yeŋ gor hi mere momoŋ gobe gwaha mat kura bana kertek ma hiriŋ. 25Gwahade niŋgeb bere kura wiriŋ dirŋeŋ uŋgura ketal urtiŋ gore Yesuyen mere momoŋ nurdeb goyare po waŋ Yesu kahaŋ miŋde kateŋ dokolhoŋ yuguluŋ tiyyiŋ. 26Yeŋbe Yuda mar bere moŋ. Siria naŋare niŋ Fonisia taunde gor kawaŋ hiriŋ. Be, bere gore waŋ wiriŋ uŋgura ketal urtiŋ miŋyaŋ goyen Yesu beleŋ uŋgura takira tiyyeŋ yeŋ eseŋ mere iryiŋ. 27Irkeb Yesu beleŋ Yuda marya al miŋ hoyaŋya goke tagale yeŋ maya mere mat gaha inyiŋ: “Diriŋ yubul tike yeŋ wa biŋge nenaŋ. Diriŋde biŋgebe kulu epte ma yuntek,” inyiŋ. 28Gwaha inkeb bere gore wol heŋbe, “Be, Doyaŋ Al Kuruŋ. Mere taha gobe fudinde. Gega diriŋ dula tike biŋge dikŋeŋ katkeb kulu wor nene haŋyen,” inyiŋ. 29Irkeb Yesu beleŋ, “Be niŋ, mere gobe igiŋ mat wol haha geb igiŋge kwa. Uŋgura buluŋbe werge tubul tiya geb,” inyiŋ. 30Irkeb bere gobe yamiŋde kuŋ wiriŋbe uŋgura go tubul teŋ kuke igiŋ heŋ gasuŋde ferde hike kinyiŋ.
Yesu beleŋ al melak kandukya kirmiŋ titmiŋya sope iryiŋ
31Be, Yesu go Tair taun siŋakyaŋ tiyuŋ haŋ goyen yubul teŋ Saidon taunde kuriŋ. Gor matbe kurkuŋ Galili fe ala kuruŋ siŋayaŋ mat kuŋbe Dekapolis naŋare kuriŋ. 32Irkeb kura mar beleŋ al kura kirmiŋ titmiŋ irde melak kanduk geb mere keŋkela ma teŋ hiyen al goyen teŋ yeŋ hitte waŋ haniŋ kerde sope ird unwoŋ yeŋ eseŋ mere iramiŋ.
33Irkeb Yesube al budam hinhan goyen yeneŋ al go muŋ po teŋ tapat irde haniŋ faw yade al gote kirmiŋ bana yerdeb haniŋ meyaŋ irde al go melak sisaŋ uryiŋ. 34Irdeb al go buniŋeŋ keneŋbe Al Kuruŋ gusuŋaŋ irdeb al go “Efata!” inyiŋ. (Mere gote miŋbe “Fegela!”) 35Goyare po al go kirmiŋ wuk yiriŋ, irde melak kanduk go hipirkeŋ heke mere keŋkela tiyyiŋ.
36Irkeb Yesu beleŋ al buda go, “Mata kenhaŋ gake tagalde ga ma!” yineŋ hayhay yiryiŋ. Goyenbe hayhay yirmaŋ hiriŋ gega epte moŋ. Mata tiŋeŋ kenamiŋ goke tagalde tururu urde tukuŋ hinhan. 37Yesu beleŋ kirmiŋ titmiŋya melak kandukya miŋyaŋ al sope iryiŋ goyen gote mere momoŋ nurdeb al budam hurkuŋkat teŋbe, “Yeŋ det yirde hi gob igiŋ ala po. Kirmiŋ titmiŋya melak kandukya miŋyaŋ mar wor sope yirke igiŋ heŋ haŋ!” yamiŋ.
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