Mak 6
Yesu go tiyuŋmiŋ Nasaret mat takira tiyamiŋ
1Be, Yesu beleŋ naŋa bana go tubul teŋ komatmiŋya tiyuŋmiŋ Nasaret hurkamiŋ. 2Irkeb Yuda marte usaŋ nalu Sabat forok yekeb gabu yamiŋde kuŋ saba tagalyiŋ. Sabamiŋ gob hoyaŋ wor po nurdeb hurkuŋkat teŋbe, “Al gabe saba dare niŋ tiyuŋ? Dufaymiŋ yago wor folekkeŋ. Yeŋbe mata tiŋeŋ tiŋeŋ yirde hi! 3Yeŋbe kapenta moŋ? Irde Maria urmiŋ moŋ? Kuliŋ yagobe Yems, Yosep, Yudasyab Saimonya. Haymiŋ yagobe neŋya ma gar tumŋaŋ hityen?” yamiŋ. Irde biŋde buluŋ nurd unamiŋ. 4Gwaha tikeb Yesu beleŋ, “Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ albe tayŋeŋya tiyuŋmiŋde niŋ marya beleŋ palap ma irde haŋyen,” yinyiŋ. 5Irdeb Al Kuruŋyen tareŋde mata tiŋeŋ turŋuŋ yaŋ kura epte ma irtek hiriŋ. Gorbe garbam mar yuŋkureŋeŋ po haniŋ kerd yuneŋ sope yiryiŋ. 6Tiyuŋmiŋde niŋ mar beleŋ Yesu mata teŋ hinhin go keneŋ fudinde yeŋ ma nurde hikeb kukuwamŋeŋ nuryiŋ.
Yesu beleŋ komatmiŋ 12 hulyaŋ yiryiŋ
(Matiyu 10:5-15; Luk 9:1-6)
Be, gwaha teŋbe Yesu tiyuŋ kurayaŋ kurayaŋ kuŋ saba tagalde hinhin. 7Irde komatmiŋ 12 go hoy yirke waŋ gabu irkeb irawam irawam hulyaŋ yiryiŋ. Irdeb uŋgura yakira teŋ teŋ tareŋ manaŋ yunyiŋ. 8-9Komatmiŋ yago goyen kuniŋ teŋ hikeb gaha yinyiŋ: “Deŋbe biŋge, kalwa, horaya det hoyaŋ goya ma yawarnayiŋ. Kahaŋ basaŋtiŋ po yerde genuŋ po yanarde kunayiŋ. Uliŋhorbe ultiŋde haŋ gog ep. Hoyaŋ ma yawarnayiŋ. 10Kuŋ tiyuŋde kura forok yeŋbe ya uŋkureŋde po heŋ meteŋ teŋ hinayiŋ. Ya kurar kurar ma hinayiŋ. Irdeb meteŋ pasi irdeb tiyuŋ go tubul teŋ hoyaŋde kunayiŋ. 11Gega tiyuŋ kurar kura kuŋ forok yeke sabatiŋ ma nurde dakira tikeb kahaŋtiŋde niŋ tupi yaraŋ teŋ tiyuŋmiŋ go tubul teŋ kunayiŋ. Gwaha tike gab Al Kuruŋ diliŋde mata buluŋ titekeb gogo gwaha tahaŋ yeŋ nurnayiŋ,” yinyiŋ.
12Gwaha yinkeb mel go tubul teŋ kwamiŋ. Irde mata buluŋ yubul teŋ Al Kuruŋ niŋ biŋ mulgaŋ heŋ heŋ mata goyen alya bereya hitte tagalde kuŋ hinhan. 13Irde al budam uŋgura ketal yurtiŋ goyen yakira teŋ al budam garbam miŋyaŋ goyen olip fimiŋde sam yirde haniŋ yerd yunke igiŋ heŋ hinhan.
Yon Baptais kamyiŋ
(Matiyu 14:1-12; Luk 9:7-9)
14Be, Yesu deŋembe kuruŋ wor po heŋ tukukeb Galili naŋa doyaŋ al kuruŋ Herot Antipas manaŋ nuryiŋ. Al kura marbe, “Yon Baptais kamyiŋ goyen mulgaŋ hiyuŋ geb, gogo mata tiŋeŋ turuŋ yaŋ Al Kuruŋ po titek goyen teŋ hi,” yeŋ hinhan. 15Al kura marbe, “Yeŋbe Elaia,” yeŋ hinhan. Munaŋ kurabe, “Al Kuruŋyen mere basaŋ al bikkek hinhan go goyen kura yara,” yeŋ hinhan. 16Be, Herot gobe al beleŋ Yesu niŋ gwaha mat mere iŋgogaha uguŋ po teŋ hinhan go nurdeb, “Yon biŋiŋ walmeke kamyiŋ al go gago sopte huwaruŋ,” yiriŋ. 17-18Yeŋ beleŋ gwaha yiriŋ gote miŋbe gahade: bikkeŋ Yon diwiliŋ hinhinya Herot beleŋ kuliŋ Filipyen berem Herodias kawem tiriŋ. Irkeb Yon beleŋ goke teŋbe, “Kolger bere kawem tawaŋ gobe gwaha ma tiyayiŋ yitiŋ goyen tiyaŋ,” ineŋ hinhin. Irkeb Herot beleŋ Herodias niŋ teŋbe meteŋ marmiŋ hulyaŋ yirke kuŋ Yon haniŋ fere teŋ tukuŋ koyare keramiŋ. 19Gwahade geb bere gobe Yon niŋ biŋde igiŋ ma nurde uneŋbe, “Daha mat kura maymeke kamwoŋ?” yeŋ nurde hinhin. Gega yiŋgeŋbe epte moŋ. 20Gobe Herot beleŋ Yonbe al huwak wor po, irde Al Kuruŋyen meteŋ al fudinde wor po yeŋ keneŋbe palap irde asogo maynayiŋ yeŋ keŋkela doyaŋ irde hinhin geb, gogo epte ma bere gore mayke kamtek hinhin. Herotbe Yon beleŋ saba irke kandukŋeŋ nurde hiyen gega, sabamiŋ go nurtek po irde hiyen.
21Be, Herodias beleŋ, “Daha mat kura Yon mayeŋ?” yeŋ nurde hinhin goyen nalu go forok yiriŋ. Herot go miliŋ kawaŋ kiryiŋ nalu goke teŋbe biŋge kuruŋ teŋbe yende meteŋ mar gote doyaŋ mar hoy yirke wayamiŋ. Fuleŋa marte doyaŋ marya Galili naŋa doyaŋ irde haŋyen marya manaŋ yinke yende yare gabu iramiŋ. 22Goyen nalure Herodias wiriŋ beleŋ gabu kuruŋde gor Herotya kadom yagoya biŋge nene hinhande gor waŋ tikiŋ heŋ gege igiŋ wor po tiyyiŋ. Irkeb gor gabu iramiŋ mar goya Herotya amaŋ hamiŋ. Irdeb Herot beleŋ amaŋ heŋbe bere goyen, “Det kuraŋ nurdeb mali po gusuŋaŋ nirayiŋ. Irkeb igiŋ guneŋ geb,” inyiŋ. 23Irdeb, “Fudinde wor po ginhem. Naŋa ne beleŋ doyaŋ irde hime ga manaŋ igiŋ kurhan tubul teŋ gunmeke doyaŋ yirde hayiŋ,” inyiŋ.
24Irkeb bere go miliŋ hitte kuŋbe, “Da det niŋ gusuŋaŋ heweŋ?” inkeb miliŋ Herodias beleŋ, “Kuŋbe Yon tonaŋ niŋ inayiŋ,” inyiŋ. 25Irkeb bere go bemel po Herot hitte mulgaŋ heŋbe, “Haŋka ga po Yon biŋiŋ walde tonaŋ koroŋde kerde tawaŋ nunayiŋ,” inyiŋ. 26Gwaha inkeb Herot go kandukŋeŋ wor po nuryiŋ. Gega haŋkapya kadom diliŋde mere saŋiŋ po tiyyiŋ goke memya heŋbe Herodias wiriŋ gote mere po gama iryiŋ. 27-28Irdeb goyare po meteŋ almiŋ uŋkureŋ kura hulyaŋ irke koyare kuŋbe Yon biŋiŋ walde tonaŋ teŋ koroŋde kerde tawaŋ bere go unyiŋ. Unkeb tukuŋ miliŋ unyiŋ. 29Irkeb Yonyen komatmiŋ beleŋ mere momoŋ go nurdeb waŋ Yon hakwam po tukuŋ mete tiyamiŋ.
Yesu beleŋ al 5,000 biŋge paka yiryiŋ
(Matiyu 14:13-21; Luk 9:10-17; Yon 6:1-14)
30Be, komatmiŋ 12 kwamiŋ go mulgaŋ heŋ gabu irdeb kalyaŋ kerde mata tiyamiŋ irde al saba yiramiŋ goyen tumŋaŋ Yesu momoŋ iramiŋ. 31Gwaha teŋ hikeyab al budam po waŋ gabu irke biŋge netek ma hamiŋ. Irkeb Yesu beleŋ, “Deŋ po wake kuŋ usaŋ hetek naŋare kura neya balmiŋ hiniŋ,” yinyiŋ. 32Be, gwaha yineŋbe tumŋaŋ hakwa hende hurkuŋ naŋa al miŋmoŋde kwamiŋ. 33Gega Yesuya komatmiŋya go al buda kuruŋ go yubul teŋ kukeb naŋa gor kuniŋ tahaŋ yeŋ bebak tiyamiŋ. Niŋgeb taun buda kuruŋ bana go niŋ marbe Yesuya komatmiŋya kuniŋ teŋ hinhan gasuŋde gor yeŋ wa kuŋ forok yamiŋ. 34Be, Yesu waŋ forok yeŋ yeneŋbe al buda kuruŋ go diriŋ kagew yara buniŋeŋ yinyiŋ. Irdeb det budam niŋ saba yiryiŋ.
35-36Saba yirke kuŋ kuŋ wawuŋbana wor po hiriŋ. Irkeb komatmiŋ beleŋ waŋbe, “Kidoma dura, irde naŋa gaŋbe tiyuŋ binde miŋmoŋ. Niŋgeb al buda ga yakira tike kuŋ tiyuŋyaŋ ma meteŋyaŋ gwahade yiŋgeŋ biŋge kura naŋkeneŋ damu teŋ nenayiŋ,” inamiŋ. 37Gwaha inkeb Yesu beleŋ, “Moŋ, deŋ beleŋ biŋge kura yunke nenaŋ,” yinyiŋ. Irkeb komatmiŋ beleŋ, “Al buda kuruŋ gabe dahadem biŋge yuntek? 200 denari#6:37 Denari: Yesu hinhin nalure hora deŋembe gogo. 200 denari gobe gagasi 8yen meteŋ damu hora. teŋ gore biŋge damu teŋ yunniŋ yeŋ dineŋ ha?” inamiŋ. 38Gwaha inkeb wol heŋbe, “Biŋgetiŋbe dahade haŋ? Kuŋ yennaŋ,” yinyiŋ. Irkeb kuŋ yeneŋbe, “Beretbe siptesoŋoŋ, irde makaŋ dapŋa yadibe irawa ga haŋ,” inamiŋ. 39Irkeb Yesu beleŋ, “Al gabu kuruŋ go pota yirke kuŋ yamuŋyaŋ go keperde tukunaŋ,” yinyiŋ. 40Irkeb pota yirke keperamiŋ goyen gabu kurabe 50, munaŋ kurabe 100 gwahade ala po keperde tukamiŋ. 41Irkeb Yesu beleŋ beret siptesoŋoŋya makaŋ dapŋa yadi irawaya goyen yade Al Kuruŋ igiŋ nurd uneŋbe beret go yubala teŋ komatmiŋ yunyiŋ. Irkeb komatmiŋ beleŋ yade yukuŋ al buda go yunamiŋ. Makaŋ dapŋa manaŋ gwahade po iryiŋ. 42Be, al buda go nenebe ep wor po nuramiŋ. 43Irkeb komatmiŋ beleŋ biŋge dikŋeŋ goyen gabu yiramiŋbe tiri 12 gayen makiŋ yirtek hamiŋ. 44Biŋge namiŋ mar al parguwak po kapyaŋ hamiŋbe 5,000.
Yesu fe yuwalŋeŋ hende huwarde komatmiŋ hitte wayyiŋ
(Matiyu 14:22-23; Yon 6:15-21)
45Be, Yesu beleŋ al buda go yakira teŋbe goyare po komatmiŋ yago goyen, “Deŋ wa hakwa hende meheŋ heŋ Betsaida kunayiŋ,” yinyiŋ. 46Gwaha yineŋ yubul teŋbe dugu dabayiŋ beleŋ Al Kuruŋ mere ire yeŋ hurkuriŋ.
47Be, anne silsul irkeb hakwa gob fe ala kuruŋ kahalte forok yiriŋ. Goyareb Yesube yeŋ uŋkureŋ po dugu dabayiŋde gor hinhin. 48Gor heŋyabe meŋe kuruŋ po huwarke hakwa go epte ma kutek hekeb mel goyen foy misiŋeŋ po heŋ hinhan goyen yeneŋ hinhin. Irdeb naŋa miŋge hekeb kuŋ yene yeŋ fe hende huwarde kuŋbe mel go fole yirde kweŋ tiyyiŋ. 49-50Irkeb komatmiŋ beleŋ keneŋbe, “Uŋgura waŋ hi!” yeŋ kafura heŋ kekew tiyamiŋ. Irkeb bemel po wol heŋbe, “Moŋ, ne waŋ hime geb, kafura ma! Tareŋ henaŋ!” yinyiŋ. 51Gwaha yineŋbe hakwa hende hurkukeb meŋe kuruŋ goyen kamyiŋ. Irkeb komatmiŋbe keneŋbe diliŋ fot wor po yamiŋ. 52Gobe Yesu beleŋ al budam biŋge yunke namiŋ gote miŋ goyen tonaŋ tareŋ irde ma nuramiŋ geb, gogo mata tiyyiŋ go manaŋ bebak ma tiyamiŋ.
53-54Be, mel go kuŋ siŋa kurhan Genesaret taunde forok yamiŋ. Forok yeŋ hakwa tubul teŋ siŋare kurkukeb gor niŋ al beleŋ Yesu keneŋ bebak tiyamiŋ. 55Irdeb buŋ yeŋ kuŋ Yesuyen mere momoŋ goyen tagalde tukukeb naŋa kuruŋ bana go niŋ mar beleŋ garbam mar kurabe sapir hende yerde, kurabe yadeb Yesu tiyuŋ damde kura hi yeke nurdeb gor po yukuŋ hinhan. 56Yesube tiyuŋyaŋya taunyaŋyabe tiyuŋ mukŋeŋ taun siŋayaŋ kuŋ hikeb garbam mar maket gasuŋde gor yawaŋ gabu yirde hinhan. Irdeb eseŋ mere irde, “Yesu, ge beleŋ igiŋ yekeb amilge po sisaŋ urdeb igiŋ hetek,” inamiŋ. Irdeb gwaha teŋbe garbam mar go igiŋ heŋ hinhan.
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