Luik 16
Tha parable o tha weel-daein owerseer
1An Jesus went on tae say tae hïs follaers, “Yinst thair wus a weel-aff man that haed a bodie lukkin eftèr hïs affairs, an summodie toul hïm that thïs owerseer wus squannèrin iveriethin. 2Sae tha weel-aff man confrontit hïm aboot thïs an he saed, ‘Whut's thïs A hear aboot ye? Gie an accoont o whut ye hae daen, fer A'll no hae ye aboot tha place onie mair.’ 3Then tha owerseer saed tae hissel, ‘Whut'll A dae whan A hae nae studie wark? A'm no fït tae dïg an A wud be affrontit tae beg. 4A know whut A'll dae, sae that fowk dïnnae gie me tha coul shoodèr whaniver A loass ma jab!’ 5Yin bi yin he caad ïn tha fowk that wur ïn debt tae hïs boss, an he axt tha furst yin, ‘Hoo much dae ye owe tha maistèr?’ 6‘A hunnèr barrels o oyle,’ saed he. Sae tha owerseer toul hïm, ‘Tak yer bïll, sït doon thair quïck an pit doon fïftie!’ 7An tae anither he saed, ‘An whut dae ye owe?’ ‘A hunnèr baags o wheat,’ saed he. Sae tha owerseer saed tae hïm, ‘Luk here, tak yer bïll an pit doon echtie baags!’ 8Tha maistèr o tha crookit owerseer haed tae gie credit tae hïm fer tha wye he haed o gettin ïn wi fowk. Fer tha fowk o thïs warl ir whiles mair lang-heidit ïn thair dailins than tha yins that hae saen tha licht. 9An A'm tellin ye, yis shud uise yer warlie siller tae mak freens ïn tha warl; an sae, whan money's nae mair use tae ye, yis wull be gien a walcum ïntae yer iverlastin hame.
10If yis ir faithfu ïn wee thïngs then yis wull be faithfu ïn bïgger yins. In tha same wye, hïm that's no strecht ïn wee thïngs wull no be strecht ïn bïg thïngs. 11If yis cannae be trustit wi warlie walth, wha wull trust yis wi tha true riches o heiven? 12If ye cannae be trustit wi ither fowk's money, wha wull gie ye money o yer ain tae luk eftèr? 13A slave cannae sarve twa maistèrs; fer ether he'll hait tha yin an love tha ither, or he'll stïck bye tha yin an thïnk naethin o tha ither. Ye cannae sarve baith God an Gowld.”
14An tha Pharisees that laikt thair money heerd aa thïs, an the' stairtit tae geg hïm. 15But he saed tae thaim, “Yous ir tha yins that try tae prove yersels richt ïn tha sicht o fowk, but God knows whut's ïn yer hairts, fer tha thïngs that's tarrible weel thocht o bi men wud be a scunnèr tae God.
16Afore Jhone, fowk leeved bi tha Laa o Moses an tha proaphits; but noo tha Kïngdom o God ïs praicht, an iveriebodie's püshin thair wye ïn. 17But that daesnae main that tha Laa daesnae stan, fer ït daes, ïn iverie wee point. It's as strang an studie as heiven an irth thegither.
18Whaiver pits awa hïs wife an gets merriet agane ïs commïttin adultèrie; an whaiver merries hir that's divorced commïts adultèrie as weel.”
Lazarus an tha weel-aff man
19An Jesus went on tae say, “Yin time thair wus thïs weel-aff man that dresst up ïn fancie claes, an leeved iverie day ïn tha lap o luxurie. 20An then thair wus thïs puir beggar, covert wi sairs, caad Lazarus, that lay at hïs gate. 21Lazarus wus hopin that tha rich man wud gie hïm tha leains frae hïs table. Whiles, tha doags wud cum an lïck hïs sairs. 22In tha enn tha beggar deed an tha angels cairriet hïm awa tae be wi Abraham. Tha rich man deed forbye an wus buriet. 23An whan he wus sufferin sair ïn hell he cud see Abraham an Lazarus thegither a lang wyes aff. 24An he cryed oot tae thaim an saed, ‘Faither Abraham, tak peetie on me an senn Lazarus tae dook tha enn o hïs fïng'r ïn tha wattèr tae cool ma tung doon, fer A'm tormentit wi tha bleeze o thïs fire!’ 25But Abraham saed, ‘Ma sinn, dae ye mine tha time whan ye wur leevin on irth? You haed iveriethin an Lazarus haed naethin, an noo he's at peace an ye ir tormentit. 26An apairt frae aa that, thair's a bïg deep sheuch atween iz baith, sae that we can hae nae dailins wi yin anither.’ 27-28Then tha rich man saed, ‘Faither Abraham, wud ye no senn Lazarus tae ma faither's hoose tae warn ma five brithers, sae that the' dïnnae enn up here ïn torment laik masel?’ 29But Abraham saed bak tae hïm, ‘The' hae bin aareadie warnt bi Moses an tha proaphits - let thaim tak heed tae that warnin!’ 30An tha rich man saed, ‘Na, faither Abraham, but ïf summodie frae tha deid appeart tae thaim, the' wud turn awa frae thair sïns an bak tae God.’ 31But Abraham saed, ‘If the' dïnnae heed whut Moses an tha proaphits toul thaim, then ït'll no mak onie dïffernce ïf summodie cum bak tae thaim frae tha deid.’ ”
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