Jhone 15
“A be tha Vine”
1“O a truith, A be tha richt vine. An ma Faither ïs tha gairdner. 2He haes iverie brench cut aff o me that haes gien nae fruit. An iverie brench that daes gie fruit he faces bak a weethin sae that ït fruits aa tha mair. 3Yous ir aareadie faced on accoont o tha wurd A hae spauk tae ye. 4Bide ïn me an A wull bide ïn you. Nae brench can gie fruit ïts lane; ït maun be growein oot o tha vine or ït cannae leeve. An nether can yous gie fruit less ye bide ïn me. 5A be tha vine, yous ir tha brenches. If a man bides ïn me, an me ïn hïm, he wull gie fruit ower ocht; apairt frae me ye can dae naethin ava. 6If a bodie daesnae bide ïn me, he ïs laik a brench that ïs redd oot an wuthers up an dees; sitch brenches ïs gethert up an coupt ïntae tha fire an brunt. 7If ye bide ïn me an ma wurds bide ïn you, ax fer ocht ava ye want, an ït wull be gien til ye. 8That's tae tha glorie o ma Faither, that ye'r brustin wi fruit, showin yersels tae be ma follaers. 9Jist as tha Faither haes loved me, sae A hae loved you. Bide noo ïn ma love. 10If yis dae ma bïddin, ye wull bide ïn ma love, jist laik A masel hae daen ma Faither's bïddin an bide ïn hïs love. 11A hae toul ye aa that, sae as ma joy maun be ïn you, ay, an that yer joy maun be fu an skailin.
12Here's ma commaun. Love yin anither laik A hae loved yous. 13Thair's nae bodie haes mair love ner thïs, that he wud dee fer hïs freens. 14You ir ma freens ïf ye dae ma bïddin. 15Nae mair dae A caa yis sarvints, fer a sarvint daesnae ken ocht o whut hïs maistèr's at. Na, A hae caad yous freens acause iveriethin A hae lairnt frae ma Faither A hae taicht yous as weel. 16You dïdnae waal me, na, fer A waaled you, an appointit ye tae gang an bair fruit - fruit that wull last fer aye. An then tha Faither wull gie ye ocht ye ax fer ïn ma name. 17Here's whut A bïd ye: love yin anither.
“Ye dïnnae belang tae thïs warl”
18If tha warl haits ye, hae mine that ït haitit me furst. 19If ye belanged tae tha warl, ït wud love ye as ïts ain. Aa tha same, ye dïnnae belang tae tha warl, but A hae waaled ye oot o tha warl. Thon's tha raison tha warl haits ye. 20Hae mine o tha wurds A telt ye: ‘Nae sarvint ïs bïgger ner hïs maistèr.’ If the' haed ït ïn fer me, the'll hae ït ïn fer you forbye. If the' daen ma bïddin, the' wull dae yours as weel. 21The'll dail wi ye thon wye acause o ma name, fer the' dïnnae ken tha Yin that sent me. 22If A haednae cum an taakt tae thaim, the' wudnae be guiltie o wrangdaein. Hooaniver, the' hae nae caa fer thair sïn noo! 23Hïm that haits me haits ma Faither forbye. 24If A haednae daen wunnèrfu warks amang thaim laik naebodie else daen, the' wudnae be guiltie o sïn. But the' hae saa thaim, an still an aa, the' hae haitit baith me an ma Faither. 25Thïs ïs tae brïng aboot whut ïs writ ïn thair Laa: ‘The' haitit me, an the' haed nae caa fer ït.’ 26But A'll be sennin yis tha Indwallin Guide frae tha Faither - tha Spïrit o Truith. He'll gang oot frae tha Faither, an whaniver he cums he wull gie wutness aboot me. 27An yous maun gie wutness forbye, fer yous hae bin alang wi me richt frae tha verie stairt.”
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