Start 27
Esau Get Rights Cuz He Da Oldes But Jacob Steal Da Rights
1Had one time, Isaac was real ol an his eye stay bad an he no see good. He tell his older boy Esau fo come by him. Wen Esau get dea, Isaac tell um, “Eh my boy!”
Esau tell, “Yeah, I stay hea.”
2Isaac tell um, “You know, I one ol man now. I donno how long befo I mahke. 3I like you go get da stuff fo hunt, da bag wit da arrows inside, an da bow. Go da boonies an hunt wild meat fo me. 4Den cook um fo me fancy kine, da way you know how I like fo eat um. Bring um hea fo me eat, cuz I like do someting spesho fo you. I goin tell all da good tings I like God do fo you bumbye befo I mahke.”
5Same time Isaac stay talking to his boy Esau, Rebecca hear dem. Den, Esau go da boonies fo hunt da wild meat fo bring to Isaac. 6Rebecca tell her odda boy Jacob, “I wen hear yoa faddah stay talking wit yoa braddah Esau. He tell Esau, 7‘Go bring me wild meat an cook um fancy kine, da way you know how I like fo eat um. Afta I eat um, I goin tell in front Da One In Charge, all da good tings dat Da One In Charge let me tell him fo do fo you bumbye. Cuz I like do someting spesho fo you befo I mahke.’ ”
Rebecca Make One Plan Fo Trick Isaac
8Den Rebecca tell Jacob, “So now, my boy, lissen wat I stay tell you dat you gotta do. 9Go outside wea da goats stay an bring me two nice kine bebe goat from ova dea. I goin cook um fancy kine fo yoa faddah, da way he like fo eat um. 10Den, you bring um by yoa faddah fo him eat um, so all da tings he goin tell dat spesho fo you, all goin be fo you an not fo Esau! He ony goin do dat dis one time befo he mahke, you know.”
11Jacob tell his muddah Rebecca, “You shua? My faddah, he goin know. My braddah Esau, he get plenny hair all ova, but me, I ony get smooth kine skin. 12If my faddah touch me, bumbye he figga I no mo respeck fo him. Den he go tell God fo do bad tings fo me, not good tings.”
13Jacob muddah tell um, “If he tell God fo do bad tings fo you, I goin tell God fo do bad tings fo me, not fo you! Jus go do how I tell you: go bring da bebe kine goats hea by me.”
14So Jacob go get da bebe goats an kill um, an bring um by his muddah Rebecca jalike she tell um fo do. She cook um fancy kine fo make da kine food dat Jacob faddah like. 15Den, Rebecca go wea her older boy Esau keep his clotheses inside her house. She take out da mos nices kine clotheses dat he get, an tell her younga boy Jacob fo put um on. 16Den she take da skins from da bebe goats an make um jalike one glove. She put um on top Jacob hands an arms an da smooth part a da neck wea no mo hair. 17Afta dat she give her boy Jacob bread an da fancy kine food she wen cook.
Jacob Make Isaac Tink He Esau
18Jacob go inside da place wea his faddah stay wit da food. He tell, “Eh Daddy!”
Isaac tell, “Eh, my boy. Who you? You Esau, o Jacob?”
19Jacob tell his faddah, “Dis me, Esau, yoa numba one boy. I wen do how you tell me fo do. Az why try sit up an eat some a dis wild meat. Afta, I like you tell Da One In Charge fo do someting spesho fo me bumbye.”
20Isaac tell his boy, “Eh my boy! You wen find da wild meat quick, aah?”
Jacob tell, “Yeah, was cuz yoa God, Da One In Charge, wen make um happen fo me, az why.”
21Isaac tell Jacob, “Come ova hea, my boy. I like touch you fo make shua you my boy Esau fo real kine.”
22Jacob go nea his faddah Isaac, an his faddah touch him, but he still not shua yet. Isaac tink, “Da voice, soun jalike Jacob, but da hands, az Esau.” 23Da faddah neva find out az was Jacob, cuz he get plenny hair on top da hands, jalike his braddah Esau. Dass why az was him dat Isaac wen tell all da good tings dat he like Da One In Charge fo do fo his boy bumbye.
24Da faddah tell, “Fo real, you my boy Esau?”
Jacob tell um, “Fo real, dass me.”
25Isaac tell um, “Kay den. Bring da food ova hea by me, an let me eat some a da wild meat dat you wen bring. Afta, I goin tell all da good tings dat I like Da One In Charge do fo you bumbye.” Jacob give Isaac da food, an Isaac eat um. Jacob bring wine too, an Isaac drink um.
Isaac Do Someting Spesho Fo Jacob
26Den Isaac tell his boy Jacob, “Now, my boy, come nea an kiss me.”
27 #
Heb 11:20
So Jacob go by him an kiss him. Isaac smell da clotheses, den he come shua az his boy, an he tell um how God like make spesho to him. Dis wat he tell,
“Eh! My boy get good kine smell,
Jalike da field outside
Dat Da One In Charge wen make grow stuff!
28I like God give you da mist from da sky
An good kine crop from da land,
Plenny wheat an plenny wine.
29 #
Start 12:3
Plenny odda peopos goin work fo you,
Odda nations goin go down in front you fo show respeck.
Go come da boss fo all yoa braddah guys.
Da odda boys yoa muddah wen born goin go down in front you fo show respeck.
Da ones dat tell dey like bad tings happen to you,
God goin make bad tings happen fo dem!
Da ones dat tell dey like good tings happen fo you,
God goin make good tings happen to dem!”
Esau Come Back
30Afta Isaac pau tell Jacob all da good tings he like Da One In Charge fo do fo his boy bumbye, Jacob go outa da place wea his faddah Isaac stay. An same time, Jacob braddah Esau come back from hunt wild meat. 31Esau cook da wild meat fancy kine, da way his faddah like. Den he bring um by his faddah, jalike his braddah wen do. He tell his faddah, “I come back awready, Daddy. Sit up an eat da wild meat dat I bring you. Den you can tell all da good tings dat you like Da One In Charge do fo me bumbye.”
32Isaac tell Esau, “Wot! Who you?”
Esau tell, “Az me. I yoa numba one boy Esau.”
33Isaac, he shake all ova an come real sked. He tell, “Den, who da odda guy dat wen hunt wild meat an bring um by me? I awready eat all dat meat befo you wen come hea, you know. An den, I wen do someting spesho fo him an tell all da good tings dat I like Da One In Charge do fo him bumbye! An wat wen happen in dis spesho ceremony gotta stay lidat foeva! Az ony fo him.”
34Wen Esau hear wat his faddah tell, he cry an yell real loud. Esau tell his faddah Isaac, “Do someting fo me too, Daddy! Tell me all da good tings dat you like Da One In Charge do fo me too bumbye!”
35But Isaac tell um, “No can! Yoa braddah was hea an he wen trick me. Az how he wen take away da spesho ting God like do fo you!”
36 #
Start 25:29-34
Esau tell, “Az right! You wen give him da name Jacob, dat soun kinda like ‘take ova.’ Az why now, he take ova wass mines two time awready! Firs time, he take away da rights fo get yoa stuffs afta you mahke, dat I get cuz I yoa numba one boy. Dis time, he take away from me da ting you wen tell, bout all da good tings dat you like Da One In Charge do fo yoa older boy bumbye!”
Den Esau tell, “But fo shua, still get odda tings dat you can tell Da One In Charge fo do fo me bumbye, aah?”
37Isaac tell Esau, “Ho! Hard, you know. I wen make him da boss fo you. I awready give him all his braddah guys fo work fo him, an I give him plenny wheat an wine fo make him strong. So now fo you, no mo anodda ting fo me tell God fo give you, cuz I give eryting to him, my boy!”
38 #
Heb 12:17
Esau tell his faddah, “No mo even one spesho ting fo me, Daddy? Az ony one time you goin do someting spesho?! Tell me too, all da good tings dat you like Da One In Charge do fo me bumbye!” Den Esau cry real loud.
39 #
Heb 11:20
Den Esau faddah Isaac tell um dis:
“Da place wea you goin live,
No goin be wea get plenny good stuffs from da land,
An small rain from da sky.
40 #
Start 36:8; 2Kings 8:20 But you goin need one sword fo fight fo you stay alive,
An you goin work fo yoa braddah.
Afta, you goin like get outa dea
An you goin run way from yoa braddah
Fo him no tell you wat you gotta do no moa.”
41From dat time, Esau stay huhu wit Jacob, cuz dea faddah wen tell Jacob an not him all da good tings dat he like Da One In Charge do fo his boy Jacob bumbye. Esau tink, “Bumbye my faddah guy mahke, an afta da funeral time, den I goin kill my braddah Jacob!”
Jacob Run Away Haran Side
42Somebody wen hear wat Esau was goin do, an tell Rebecca. She sen somebody fo tell her younga boy Jacob fo come. She tell um, “Dis how yoa braddah Esau tink he goin take away da sore he goin get inside wen his faddah mahke—he figga, ‘Bumbye I kill Jacob!’ 43So now, my boy, lissen wat I tell you: Dig out right now an run away Haran side by my braddah Laban. 44Stay his place till yoa braddah no come huhu no moa, 45till he no like kill you no moa, an he foget da ting you wen do to him. Den, I sen somebody fo bring you back hea. No good I lose you two boys, same time!”
46Den Rebecca tell Isaac, “You know da wahines from aroun hea from da Het ohana? I no like dem! If Jacob marry one a dem wahines from da Het peopo jalike Esau wen do, one local kine wahine from aroun hea, mo betta I mahke!”
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