Sealm 8
Sealm VIII
Þysne eahteoðan sealm sang Dauid þa he wundrade Godes wundra, se wylt eallum gesceaftum; and eac he witgode on ðam sealme be þære wuldorlican acennednesse Cristes. He cwæð:
11 Eala, Drihten, ure God,
hu wundorlic Ăľin nama ys geond ealle eorĂ°an,
for Ăľam ahefen ys Ăľin myclung ofer heofonas.
2Ge furðum, of ðæra cilda muðe þe meolc sucað, þu byst hered.
Þæt hi doð to bysmore þinum feondum,
for Ă°am Ăľu towyrpest Ăľine fynd
and ealle Ăľa Ăľe unrihtwisnesse ladiaĂ° and scyldaĂ°.
3Ic ongite nu þæt weorc þinra fingra;
þæt synd, heofonas and mona and steorran þa þu astealdest.
4Drihten, hwæt is se mann þe þu swa myclum amanst,
oþþe hwæt is se mannes sunu þe þu oftrædlice neosast?
5Þu hine gedest lytle læssan þonne englas;
Ăľu hine gewuldrast and geweorĂ°ast,
and him sylst heafodgold to mærðe,
6and Ăľu hine gesetest ofer Ăľin handgeweorc.
Ealle gesceafta Ăľu legst under his fet and under his anwald:
7sceap and hryĂ°era and ealle eorĂ°an nytenu;
8fleogende fuglas;
and sæfiscas þa farað geond þa sæwegas.
9Drihten, Drihten, ure God,
hu wuldorlic Ăľin nama ys geond ealle eorĂ°an.
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Sealm 8: ASPsa
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The first 50 psalms are credited to King Alfred the Great and were written in c.890-899 AD, and the last 100 psalms were translated c.900-950 AD by an unknown poet.