Sealm 17
Sealm XVI (17)
Dauid sang þysne syxteoþan sealm, and hine geornfullice gebæd on þisum sealme to Drihtne, and hine unscyldigne cyðde wið þa his fynd þe his ehton butan scylde; and swa doð ealle þa rihtwisan þe þisne sealm singað, ymb þæt ylce hi hine singað; and swa dyde Crist be Iudeum.
1Gehyr, Drihten, min gebed and ongit mine rihtwisnesse,
and onfoh mid þinum earum min gebed, for þon þu wast þæt ic butan facne to þe cleopige.
2Beforan Ă°e sy se dom betwuh me and him; geseon mine eagan Ăľone rihtan dom betwuh us.
3Þu hæfst afandod min mod,
and Ăľu come to me on niht and me gemettest unrotne,
and me sude mid Ăľam fyre monegra earfoĂ°a,
swa swa gold oþþe seolfor; and þu ne fundest on me nan unriht wiþ hi.
4Ne ic furðum nanum menn ne sæde eal þa earfoða þe hi me dydon;
for Ăľam wordum Ăľinra weolora ic geĂľolode hearde wegas and manigfald earfoĂ°u.
5Geriht, Drihten, mine stæpas on þine wegas, þæt ic ne aslide þær þær ic stæppan scyle.
6For Ăľam ic clypige symle to Ăľe, for Ăľam Ăľu symle me gehyrdest.
Onhyld nu Ăľine earan to me and gehyr min word.
7Gewundra nu and geweorĂ°a Ăľine mildheortnesse on me,
þu þe symle gehælst þa þe to ðe hopiað,
and hi gehyldst wiĂ° Ăľa Ăľe winnaĂ° wiĂ° Ăľinne willan.
8Geheald me, Drihten, and beorh me,
swa swa man byrhð þam æplum on his eagum mid his bræwum;
gehyd me under Ăľinra fiĂ°era sceade
9wiĂ° Ăľara unrihtwisena ansyne,
þe wilniað þæt hi me fordon.
Mine fynd me ymbhringdon utan on ælce healfe,
and hi habbað ealle heora fætnesse
10and heora tohopan and heora weolan swiĂľe orsorhlice utan bewunden,
and sprecaĂ° nu for Ăľi swiĂ°e ofermodlice.
11Hy habbaĂ° me swyĂ°e forsewenlice utan ymbstanden;
Ăľa eagan heora modes habbaĂ° geteohhad
þæt hi me gebygen oð eorðan.
12Hy sætiað min, and sittað swa gearwe swa seo leo deð to þam þe he gefon wyle,
and swa swa his hwelp byð gehyd æt þære sæte.
13Aris, Drihten, and cum to me ær, ær hie cumen, and gehwyrfe hi fram me,
and ahrede mine sawle æt þam unrihtan wisan,
14and of þære wræce minra feonda alys me
mid þinre handa and mid þine mægene.
Drihten, gedo þæt heora menigo sy læsse þonne ure feawena nu is,
and tostence hi geond eorĂľan, libbende, of Ăľis lande.
Gefyl hie nu mid þære witnunga þe þu lange gehyd hæfdest,
and Ăľeah him geteohhod.
Weorþen hi swa geðræste mid hungre,
þæt hi eton swynen flæsc (þæt Iudeum unalyfedlic ys to etanne)
and þæt þæt hi læfon,
healdan heora bearnum and heora bearna bearnum.
15Ic Ăľonne rihtwis me oĂ°ywe beforan Ăľinre ansyne
and beo Ăľonne gefylled ealles goodes,
þonne me byð æteawed ðin wuldor.
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Sealm 17: ASPsa
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The first 50 psalms are credited to King Alfred the Great and were written in c.890-899 AD, and the last 100 psalms were translated c.900-950 AD by an unknown poet.