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In the beginning יז

1and that Avram is old having been nine and ninety year, has self Hashem appeared to Avram, and has to him said: I am G-d (El) Shaddai; go before me, and be upright. 2and I will make my covenant between me and between you(SG), and I will you increase very much and very much. 3is Avram fell on his face, and G-d has with him spoken, thus to say: 4I – behold, my covenant will be with you(SG), and will be the father of a many nations. 5and your name shall more not called become Avram, only your name shall be Avraham; because for the father of a many nations have I you made. 6and I will you multiply very much and very much, and I will you make for nations, and kings will go out of you(SG). 7and I will establish my covenant between me and between you(SG), and between your seed after you(SG), on their throughout your generations, for an everlasting covenant, to you (PL) to be your G-d and to your seed after you(SG). 8and I will give you(SG) and your seed after you(SG) this land of your residing sojourn, this whole land Canaan, for an everlasting possession; and I will be their G-d. 9and G-d has said to Avraham: you (sg) but you(SG) must keep my covenant, you (sg) and your seed after you(SG), on their throughout generations. 10this is my covenant which you shall keep between me and between you (PL), and between your seed after you(SG): by you (PL) shall circumcise become each male. 11and you (PL) shall circumcised become in the flesh of your foreskin, and it will be for a sign of the covenant between me and between you (PL). 12and to eight days shall circumcised become by you (PL) each male on your (PL) throughout generations, given birth to in house, or bought for money from someone a foreigner which is not of your seed. 13circumcised must be circumcised become that which is given birth to in your house, and that which is bought for your money; and my covenant shall be in your flesh for an everlasting covenant. 14and an uncircumcised male who will self not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that soul shall be cut off become from her (soul) people; my covenant has he broken.
15and G-d has said to Avraham: your wife Sarai shall you (sg) not call with her name Sarai, but Sarah shall be her name. 16and I will her bless, and will you(SG) also give of her a son; yes, I will her bless, and nations will become from her; kings of peoples will be of her. 17is Avraham fell on his face, and he has laughed, and said by self in heart: can by a man of hundred year given birth to become? and can Sarah to ninety year to give birth? 18and Avraham has said to G-d: if only shall Yishmael live before you(SG)! 19has G-d said: for surely, your wife Sarah will you(SG) to give birth a son, and you(SG) must call his name Yitzchak; and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant to his seed after him. 20and concerning Yishmael have I you heard; behold, I have him blessed, and I will him multiply, and will him increase very much and very much; twelve chieftains will he to give birth, and I will him make for a great people. 21my covenant but will I establish with Yitzchak, which Sarah will you(SG) to give birth to this time on other year.
22and as he has finished speaking with him, thus has G-d self lifted up from over Avraham.
23and Avraham has taken his son Yishmael, and all his house born, and all his bought for money, every male between the household of Avraham, and he has circumcised this flesh of their foreskin in this same day, in same way as G-d has to him spoken. 24and Avraham is having been nine and ninety year old, when he is circumcised having become in the flesh of his foreskin. 25and his son Yishmael is having been thirteen year old, when he is circumcised having become in the flesh of his foreskin. 26in this same day is circumcised having become Avraham and his son Yishmael. 27and all man person of his house, given birth to in house, or bought for money of a foreigners, are circumcised having become with him.





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