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Mark 1

1this is the beginning of the News Good of Yehoshua the Moshiach, the son of the Most High. 2according as it stands written in Yeshayah the prophet:
look, I send my messenger before your face,
he will prepare your way; (Malachi 3, 1.)
3a voice of one, who cries out in the wilderness:
make prepared the L-rd's way,
straighten out his paths! (Yeshayah 40, 3)
4John is come, who has immerse was in the wilderness, proclaiming a mikveh of repentance for the forgiveness of sin. 5and there is went out to him the whole land of Yehudah, and all people of Jerusalem; and are immersed become in a mikveh of him in the river Yarden, and were themselves confessing was about their sin. 6and this John was dressed in camel hair, and a leather belt around his waist, and has eaten locusts and wild honey. 7and he has proclaimed, so to say: it comes after me the, who is stronger than me; who I am not worthy self bend down and to untie the thong of his shoes. 8I have you (PL) immerse was with water in a mikveh, he however will you (PL) immerse do in a mikveh with the Spirit the Holy.
9and it is happened, in those days is Yehoshua come of Natseret in Galilee, and is immersed become in a mikveh of John in the Yarden. 10and immediately as he is come up out the water, has he seen the heaven split open, and the Spirit like a dove down hovering on him; 11and it is come a voice out the heaven: you (SG) are my beloved Son, in you (SG) have I a well pleased!
12and immediately drives him the Spirit in the wilderness into. 13and he was in the wilderness forty days, becoming put to the test from the Satan; and was with the wild animals; and the angels have him served. 14and after the when John is handed over become, is Yehoshua come to Galilee, and has proclaimed the News Good of Hashem, 15and said: the time is at once fulfilled, and the kingdom of Hashem has self come nearer; do repentance, and believe in the good News!
16and passing by at the sea of Galilee, has he seen Simon and Andrew Simon's brother casting a net in sea inside; because they are was fishermen. 17and Yehoshua has to them said: come, follow me after, and I will you (PL) make to become fishers of people! 18and immediately have they abandoned the nets and have him followed. 19and walking a little farther, has he seen Jacob son of Zavdai and John his brother, also they are was in the boat repairing the nets. 20and immediately has he them called; and they have abandoned their Father Zavdai and the boat together with the day hired laborers, and are went away after him.
21and they are go any K'far-Nachum; and immediately Sabbath is he go in in the synagogue and has taught. 22and they has astounded over his Torah; because he has them taught as one, who has power, and not as the scribes. 23and just happened that is in their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; and he has a shout done, 24so to say: what have we with you (SG), Yehoshua of Natseret? you (SG) are come us to annihilate! I know who you (SG) are: the Holy One (of) G-d. 25and Yehoshua has on him rebuked, so to say: be silent, and get out of him! 26and the unclean spirit has him a tear/rip done, has shouted with a loud voice and is of him (come) out. 27and all are so amaze become, that they have this guestioned among themselves, so to say: what is the these? a new teaching with make! even the unclean spirits are ordered he (by him), and they obeys him. 28and immediately has self his fame spread everywhere in the whole region around Galilee.
29and immediately as they are come out of the synagogue, are they go in in the house of Simon and Andrew, together with James and John. 30Simon's mother-in-law however is lie sick with a fever; and they have him immediately said about her. 31and he is went over and has her taken with the hand, and her stood up; and the fever is from her went away, and she has they served.
32and when it is become evening, when the sun is set, have they brought to carry to him all sick, and demoniacs with evil spirits. 33and the entire city is itself come together at the door. 34and he did heal a many, who did have various diseases, and many evil spirits has he cast out; and did the evil spirits not allow speak, because they did him know.
35and in the morning, while it is still was very dark, is he got up, is went out and is went away on a desolate place of, and has there prayer done. 36and Simon and the (ones), who are was there, have run after him; 37and have him found, and say to him: everyone is looking for you! 38and he said to them: let us go somewhere else in the neighboring towns into, so that I shall also there preach; because for this am I come. 39and he went and has preached in their synagogues in all Galilee and did drive out the evil spirits.
40and a leper is come to him, has him begged, and does fall down before him on the knee and said to him: if you (SG) want, you can me clean make! 41and he did self had compassion, has stretched out the hand, has him touched and says to him: I want; be clean! 42and immediately is the leprosy of him went away, and he is become clean. 43and he has sharply to him spoken, has him immediately sent away, 44and says to him: give attention, you shall no one nothing say; but go show you to the kohen, and bring a sacrifice for your cleansing, what Moses has ordered, for a witness to them (Leviticus 14, 1-32.) 45he however is went out, and has begun a many of this to report, and to spread the matter, that he has already more not be able openly go in in a city, only was outside in desert-like areas; and they is come to him from everywhere.

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