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Mattityahu 24

chapter four and twenty
1and Yehoshua is went out of Beis HaMikdash, and is went away; and his disciples are went (come) over to him, so that him to show the buildings of Beis HaMikdash. 2he however has answering to them said: you (PL) see this all? in truth tell I you (PL), it will here not be left to be a stone on a stone, which will not thrown down to be!
3and when he is sat on the Mount of Olives, are his disciples come to him, while they are was alone, and have said: tell us, when will this to happen, and what will be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world? 4and Yehoshua has answering to them said: see, that no one shall you (PL) not mislead! 5because a many will come in my name, so to say: I am the Moshiach; and mislead a many. 6and you (PL) will hear of wars and rumors of wars; give attention, frightened self (be) not; because this must happen, but it is yet not the end. 7because a people will self rise up against a people, and a kingdom against a kingdom; and it will be hunger famines and earthquakes on various places. 8the all however is the beginning of the woes. 9then will they you (PL) they will hand over to affliction, and they will you (PL) kill; and you (PL) will be hated of all peoples on account of my name. 10and then will a many stumble, and betray one the other, and themselves hate one the other. 11and there will stand up many false prophets, and mislead a many. 12and by that which is unrighteousness will self increase, will the love of a many self cool off. 13who however is holds out until to end, this one will saved to be. 14and the these good News of the kingdom will proclaimed become in the entire inhabited world, as a witness to all peoples, and then will come the end.
15therefore when you (PL) see the abomination of the desolation, which was spoken having become by Daniel the prophet, stand in the place holy—let the reader understand! (Daniel 12, 11.)— 16then let those, who are in Yehudah, run away to the mountains; 17this one, who is on the roof, should not descend to take something from his house; 18and this one, who is in field, let not return back, to take his cloak. 19however woe is to the (one) pregnant one and to the nursing ones in those days! 20and do prayer, that your escape shall not happen in winter, and not Sabbath. 21because it will then be a great trouble, whose equal is not become from the beginning of the world until now, 22and will also more not be. and if those days would not shortened become, would any flesh (and blood) not saved become; but on account of the chosen will those days indeed shortened become. 23when someone will you (PL) then say: look, here is the Moshiach, or: here! shall you (PL) it not believe. 24because it will stand up false Moshiachs, and false prophets, and will give great signs and wonders, even to mislead, if possible, even the elect ones. 25look, I have it you (PL) foretold. 26when therefore they will you (PL) say: look, he is in the wilderness; shall you (PL) not go out; look, (in innermost) rooms; believe it not. 27because just as the lightning comes out of east, and shine until west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. 28but where the death body is there will themselves gather the eagles.
29and soon after the tribulation of those days, will the sun darkened become, and the moon will not give you (PL) light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will shaken to be. 30and then will self appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and then will all families of the earth lament, and will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with great power and glory. (Daniel 7, 13, 14.) 31and He will send His angels with a great trumpet, and they will gather His chosen from the four winds, from one end heaven unto to the other end heaven.
32and from the fig tree learn self the parable: when its branch becomes already juicy/ripe, and brings forth leaves, know you (PL), that summer is near. 33so also you (PL), when you (PL) see this all, shall (you) know, that it is near at the door. 34in truth tell I you (PL), the these generation will not pass away, until this all will to happen; 35the heaven and the earth will pass away, my words however will never way not pass away, 36but concerning that day and hour know no one not, even not the angels in heaven, also the Son not, except the Father alone. 37because so as it was in days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man, 38because as in those days before flood did they eat and drink, wedding had and wedding made, until to the day, when Noah is went in in the ark, 39and have nothing known until the flood is come, and everyone carried away; so will also be at the coming of the Son of Man. 40then will two be in field; one gets taken along, and one left behind. 41two women will grind at the mill; one gets taken along, and one left behind. 42therefore watch, because you (PL) know not, which day your L-rd comes. 43this however shall you (PL) know, that if the owner of the house would known in which watch the thief comes, would he held watch, and not allows breaking under his house. 44therefore shall you (PL) also be ready! because the Son of Man comes in a hour, when you (PL) think not. 45who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge over his household, that he shall them give the food in the right time? 46blessed is that servant, who, when his master comes, finds he him so do. 47in truth tell I you (PL), he will him will put over all his possessions. 48if however that evil servant will say in his heart: my master delays himself; 49and will begin to beat up his co-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards; 50so will the master of that servant come in a day, when he expects him not, and in a hour, which he knows not, 51and will him cut up in pieces, and put his share with the hypocrites. there will be the weeping and gnashing with the teeth.

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