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Mattityahu 12

chapter twelve
1in that time is Yehoshua a Sabbath go through the corn fields; his disciples however has hungry, and they have begun tear off ears of corn, and to eat. 2and when the Pharisees have it seen, have they said to him: look, your disciples do, what one must Sabbath not do! 3he however has to them said: (question) have you (PL) not read, what David has done, when he was hungry and the (ones), who are was with him? 4how he is entered into Hashem's house, and they have eaten the Bread of the Presence, which it is not was permitted for him to eat, not for the (ones), who are was with him, except only for the priests? 5or have you (PL) not read in the Torah, that every Sabbath are the priests desecrating Sabbath in house the holy, and committing sins themselves yet not? 6I tell you (PL) however, that here is there One, that is greater than the house the holy! 7and if you (PL) would have known, what it means: I desire mercifulness, and not any sacrifice, would you (PL) not have condemned the blameless. (Hoshea 6 , 6.) 8because the Son of Man is L-rd over the Sabbath.
9and he is went away from there, and went in their synagogue into. 10and look, there was a man with a withered hand. and they have him asked, so to say: permitted one Sabbath heal? so that they should be able to him accuse. 11he however has to they said: which one is the man among you (PL), who would have one sheep, and if the this will Sabbath fall into in a pit, will he it then not grab, and pull out? 12and how much is a man more worth as a sheep! therefore permitted they Sabbath to do good. 13then says he to the man: stretch out your hand! and he has it stretched out; and it is again become healthy as the other. 14the Pharisees however are went out, and have self conspired against him, how so they shall him destroy. 15Yehoshua has self however of it find out, and is went away from there; and a many have him followed, and he has them all healed, 16and them strictly warned, that they shall him not publicize be, 17so that it shall fulfilled become, what it is said become through Yeshayah the prophet, so to say:
18look, my servant, whom I have chosen;
my beloved, in whom my soul has a well pleased;
I will give my Spirit on him,
and he will show forth judgment to the peoples.
19he will self not quarrel, and will also not shout;
and no one will not hear his voice on the streets.
20a split reed will he not break,
and smoldering flax will he not extinquish,
until he will carry out justice to the victory.
21and on his name will the nations (of the world) hope.
(Yeshayah 42, 1-4)
22then have they to him brought a demoniac with an evil spirit, blind and silent, and he has him healed, that the mute has both spoken and seen. 23and the all crowds of people have astounded, and said: is he not perhaps the Son of David? 24when the Pharisees however have it heard, have they said: he drives not out any evil spirits, except through the Baal-zibbul, the ruler of the evil spirits! 25and knowing their thoughts, has he to them said: every kingdom, which is not united with itself alone, becomes destroyed; and every city or house, which is not united with self alone, will not remain standing. 26and if the Satan casts out the Satan, is he not united with self alone: how then will his kingdom have a existence? 27and if I drive out evil spirits through the Baal-zibbul, through whom drive your (PL) children them out? therefore will they be your (PL) judges. 28if however I drive out the evil spirits through the Spirit of Hashem, so is already Hashem's kingdom come to you (PL). 29or like how can someone enter in the house of the strong man, and take away his things, if he will not before all tie up the strong man? and then will he plunder his house. 30who it is not with me, this one is against me; and the one, who gathers not one with me, scatters. 31therefore tell I you (PL): every sin and blasphemy will the people forgiven to be; but the blasphemy of the Spirit will not forgiven to be. 32and if he will whoever say a word against the Son of Man, will it him forgiven to be; but whoever it will speak against the Spirit the Holy, will it him not forgiven to be, not in the this one world, not the world which comes. 33or make the tree good, and its fruit good; or make the tree bad, and its fruit bad! because by the fruit recognizes one the tree. 34you (PL) children of snakes, like so can you (PL) speak good, being (only) evil? because from the abundance of the heart, speaks even the mouth. 35the good man brings out good things from his good treasure, and the evil man brings out evil of his evil treasure. 36I tell you (PL) however, that every empty word, that people will speak, will they must give up an account of it in the day judgment. 37because from your words will you justify become, and of your words will you condemned become.
38then have him some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, so to say: Teacher, we want to see a sign from you (SG)! 39he however has answering to them said: an evil and adulterous generation desires a sign, and any sign will it not given to be except the sign of Jonah the prophet. 40because in this way like Jonah was three days and three nights in the bowels of the giant fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41the people of Nineveh will standing up again in the judgment with the this generation, and will it condemn; because they have repentance done on Jonah's call; and look, a greater than Jonah is here present. 42the Queen of South will standing up again in the judgment with the this generation, and will it condemn; because she is come from ends of world to hear Solomon's wisdom; and look, a greater than Solomon is here present. 43when however the unclean spirit goes out from the man, goes he over places, where it is any water there is not, seeking place of rest, and finds not. 44says he then; I will me return in my house into, from where I am went out; and when he comes, finds he it unoccupied, swept, and decorated. 45then goes he, and takes with himself seven other spirits, worse than he itself, and they go into and dwell there; and the end of that man gets worse than the beginning. just in this way will it be with the this evil generation.
46and while he was still speaking to the crowds of people, look, his mother and his brothers were stand outside, and have desire to speak with him. 47and someone has to him said: look, your mother and your brothers stand outside, and want speak with you (SG). 48he however has answering said to that, who has it him said: who is my mother, and who are my brothers? 49and has stretched out his hand on his disciples, and said: look, my mother and my brothers! 50because who it will do the will of my Father, who is in heaven, the same one is my brother, and sister, and mother!

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