Luke 11
chapter eleven
1and it is happened, while he has pray on a certain place of; and that he did finish, has one of the disciples his said to him: L-rd, teach us prayer to do, so as John has also taught his disciples! 2and he has to them said: when you (PL) do prayer, shall you (PL) say: Father, holy shall to be your Name. shall your kingdom come. 3give us every day our daily bread! 4and forgive us our sin, because we ourselves are also forgive every one, who is us in debt. and bring us not to any temptation.
5and he has to them said: who of you (PL) will have a friend, and he will go to him in middle of the night (i.e. midnight) and say to him: friend, lend me three loaves bread, 6because a friend mine is come from on the way to me, and I have not what put down before him; 7and that one inside answering will say: be me not impose on; the door is already closed, and my children are with me in bed; I can not stand up again and you (SG) give! 8I tell you (PL); if he will not stand up again and him give, because he is his friend, yet on account of his impertinent “in your face” ness will he rise up and him give, as much how he needs. 9and I tell you (PL): ask, and it will you (PL) given to be, seek, and you (PL) will find; knock on, and it will you (PL) open to be! 10because every one, who asks, receives; and who it seeks, finds; and the one, who knock on, will open to be. 11and which of you (PL), who is a father, the son will ask bread, (question) will he him then give a stone? or fish, (question) will he then him give a snake instead fish? 12or if he will ask an egg, (question) will he then him give an scorpion? 13therefore, if you (PL), being evil, know to give good gifts to your (PL) children, on one how many and how many will the Father of heaven give the Spirit the Holy to the (one), who ask him!
14and he has cast out a evil spirit, which was silent. and it is happened, when the evil spirit is went out, did the mute (man) speak; and the crowds of were amazed. 15some however of them have said: through the Baal-zibbul, the ruler of the evil spirits, casts he out the evil spirits. 16and others, testing him, have from him asked a sign from heaven. 17he however, because he has known of their thoughts, has to them said: every kingdom, which is divided against self alone, becomes laid waste; and a house falls (divided) on a house. 18and even the Satan, if he is divided against self alone, how will his kingdom have an existence? because you (PL) say, through the Baal-zibbul drive I out the evil spirits. 19and if I drive out the evil spirits through the Baal-zibbul, through whom drive your (PL) children them out? therefore will they be your (PL) judges. 20if however I drive out the evil spirits with the finger of Hashem, so is the kingdom of Hashem already come to you (PL)! 21when the strong man, duly armed, guards his courtyard, remains his possessions in security; 22when however a stronger than him comes and overcomes him, will he take away his weapons, on which he has self depend, and will divide his spoils. 23who it is not with me, this one is against me; and who it gathers not one with me, this one scatters. 24when the unclean spirit go out of the man, go he through over places, where it is any water there is not, seeking rest; and because he finds not, says he: I will me return to the house mine, of where I am (gone) out. 25and he comes and finds it swept and decorated. 26then go he and takes with seven other worse spirits than he is himself, and they go into and dwell there, and the end of that man is worse than the beginning.
27and it is happened, while he has that spoken, has a certain woman of the crowd of people uplifted her voice and said to him: that blessed is the womb, who has you carried, and the breasts, which you (SG) you have sucked! 28he however has said: yes, blessed is the (one), who hears Hashem's word, and keep it up!
29as however crowds of people have pressed to him, has he begun to say: the these generation is a evil generation! it asked a sign; and any sign will it not given to be except the sign of Jonah. 30because just as Jonah is become a sign for the men of Nineveh, so will the Son of Man be for the this generation. (Jonah 1, 17.) 31the Queen of South will standing up again in the judgment with the people of the this generation and will them condemn; for she is come from the far reaches of the earth, to hear Solomon's wisdom and look, here is found a greater than Solomon! (Kings 1st 10, 1-13.) 32men of Nineveh will rise in the judgment with the this generation and will it condemn; because they have repentance done on Jonah's call; and look, here is found a greater than Jonah. (Jonah 3)
33no one lights not on any light and puts it by a hidden place, also not under a measuring basket, but on a lampstand, so that the (ones), who come in, should see the glow shine. 34the light of the body is the eye your. when your eye is healthy, is also your whole body light; if however it is evil, is also the whole body your darkness. 35give then attention, that the light in you (SG) shall not be any darkness! 36if therefore your whole body is light, that he has not any darkness part, will he be wholly light, as when the light irradiates you with its shine.
37and while he has spoken, has a Pharisee him invite, that he shall dine there. and he is go in and has self reclines to the table. 38and the Pharisee has self astonished, seeing, that he has self not to first washed before to eat. 39and the L-rd has said to him: now make you (PL), Pharisees, clean the goblet and the bowl of the outside, the inside however in you (PL) is full with dish and wickedness. 40fools which you (PL) are! (question) has then not this One, who has made the outside, also made the inside? 41give but alms charity of the things, which are inside, and look, all things are pure for you (PL)! 42but woe is to you (PL) Pharisees, because you (PL) give up tithe out of mint and rue and of every herbs, and are disregard the judgment and the love of Hashem; the these have you (PL) ought do and those also not neglect. 43woe is to you (PL) Pharisees, because you (PL) have love to sit at the head in synagogue and that they shall you (PL) give greeting on the marketplaces. 44woe is to you (PL), that you (PL) are like (unclean) graves, which they recognized not; and the people, who go around on them, know it not!
45and one of the Baalei Torah has answering said to him: Rebbe, when you (SG) say the these things, you insult us also! 46he however has said: woe is also to you (PL), Baalei HaTorah; because you (PL) burden the people with heavy burdens, which was able they scarcely bear/carry, and you (PL) yourself touch even not on the burdens with one of your (PL) finger. 47woe is to you (PL), because you (PL) build the tombs of the prophets, who your (PL) fathers have them killed. 48Thus how are you (PL) witness and you (PL) have a pleasure in the deeds of the fathers your (PL); because they have them killed, you (PL) however build the tombs. 49on account of that has also the wisdom of Hashem said: I will send to them prophets and Shlichim, and a part of them will they kill and persecute; 50so that the blood of all prophets, which is shed become since the world's creation, shall demanded to be of the this generation, 51of the blood of Hevel until to the blood of Zecharyah, who did perish between the altar and the House (HaMikdash); yes, I tell you (PL), it will demanded to be of the this generation, 52woe to you (PL), Baalei HaTorah, because you (PL) has taken away the key of knowledge; yourself are you (PL) not entered, and the (ones), who have wanted go in, have you (PL) prevented!
53and when he is went out from there, did the scribes and the Pharisees begin to stand up to him and him to stand questions over several matters with bitterness; 54lying in wait on him, to catch something out of his mouth.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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