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Luke 1

1for a many have undertaken to tell in order a history of the facts, which have happened among us, 2even as it was (by) them (to) us passed on (by) the (ones), who have they self seen from beginning on and are were servants of the word, 3is it me also well pleased, having all thoroughly researched anew, to write to you (SG) according to an order, o excellent Theophilus, 4so that you (SG) shall self find out the certainty of the things, which you (SG) are taught become.
5it was in the days of Herod, king of Yehudah, a certain kohen, who was named Zecharyah, of the course of Aviyah; and he has had a wife of the daughters of Aharon, and she has named Elisheva. 6and both are they were righteous before Hashem, and have lived in all commands and chukkim of the L-rd (Hashem) without a fault. 7and they have not had any child, because Elisheva was a barren, and both have already had attain a depth of old age.
8and it is happened, while he has performed the worship of before Hashem according to the order of his course, 9is fall the lots, according to the custom of the priesthood, that he shall go in to burn incense in the Heikhal of the L-rd (Hashem), 10and the whole crowd of people has pray outside in the hour of incense. 11and an angel of the L-rd (Hashem) has self shown to him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense. 12and Zecharyah has him seen, and has self terrified, and a fear is fell on him. 13the angel however has to him said: fear you not, Zecharyah; because your prayer is heard become, and Elisheva, your wife, will you (SG) bear a son, and you (SG) you shall call his name John. 14and he will be for you (SG) a joy and a gladness, and a many will themselves rejoice over his birth. 15because he will be great before the L-rd (Hashem), and wine and strong drink will he not drink, and already from his mothers body onwards will he be full with the Spirit the Holy. 16and a many of the children of Israel will he turn to the L-rd, the Elokim their. 17and he will go ahead before him in the spirit and in the power of Eliyahu, back to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children and the disobedient—to the understanding of righteous (ones), to create a prepared people for the L-rd (Hashem). (Malachi 4, 5-6; Yeshayah 40, 3.) 18and Zecharyah has said to the angel; according to what (how) will I the these know? because I am an old man and my wife is also already in her old age years. 19and the angel has answering to him said: I am Gabriel (Daniel 8, 16; 9, 21), who stands before Hashem, and am sent become to speak to you (SG) and you (SG) to proclaim the good News of the these things. 20and look, you (SG) you will be silent and not can speak until to the day when the these things will to happen, because you (SG) you have not believed my words, which will fulfilled to be in their time. 21and the people have waited on Zecharyah, and have self wonder why he delays self in the Heikhal, 22and when he is come out has he not be able speak to them; and they have realized, that he has seen a vision in the Heikhal; and he has self communicating with them through signs, and is remained silent. 23and it is happened, when the days of his perform (ceremony) the worship of are fulfilled become, is he home go.
24and after the these days is Elisheva, his wife, pregnant become, and she has self secluded five months, so to say: 25so has the L-rd (G-d) me done in the days when he has on me looked to take away my shame among people.
26and in the sixth month is the angel Gabriel sent become by Hashem to Galilee in a city into which was named Natzeret, 27to a young woman virgin who was engaged to a man with the name Joseph, out the house David; and the young woman virgin was named Mary. 28and coming in to her has he said: shalom greeting (to) you, you (SG) with favor bestowed, the L-rd (Hashem) is with you (SG). 29she has self however frightened over the word, and has self think, what shall the these greeting mean? 30and the angel has to her said: afraid you not, Mary; because you (SG) you have found favor with Hashem, 31and look, you (SG) you will pregnant become and bear a son, and you (SG) you shall call his name Yehoshua, 32he will be great, and will called to be son of the Most High; and the L-rd G-d will him give the throne of his father David; 33and he will rule over the house of Jacob on eternity, and his kingdom of will not have any end. (Yeshayah 9, 6-7.) 34and Mary has said to the angel: how will the these be, I know yet not any man? 35and the angel has answering said to her: the Spirit the Holy will come over you (SG), and the Most High's power will you overshadow; therefore will the (one) born (child) also called to be holy, son of the Most High. (Yeshayah 7, 14.) 36and look, Elisheva, the female relative your, also she is pregnant with a son at her old age, and she, whom they have called barren, is already in sixth month; 37because any thing is not impossible for Hashem. 38and Mary has said: look, I am the servant-girl of the L-rd (G-d); shall to me to happen according to your word. and the angel is went away from her.
39and Mary is stand up again in the these days and is immediately went away to the hill country, to a city in Yehudah; 40and is entered in Zecharyah house and has give shalom greeting Elisheva. 41and it is happened, as Elisheva has heard Miryams greeting, has the child a leap done in her womb; and Elisheva is full become with the Spirit the Holy, 42and has uplifted her voice with a loud shout, and said: blessed (them) you are among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. 43and why is the these me happened, that the mother of my L-rd shall come to me? 44because look, as the voice of your greeting is come in my ears into, has the child a leap done with joy in my body. 45and that blessed is she who has believed, that it will be a fulfilment to that, what is her said become from the L-rd (Hashem). 46and Mary has said:
47it does to raise up my soul the L-rd,
and it rejoices self my spirit in Hashem, my Redeemer,
48because he has looked on the humble state of his servant-girl;
because look, from now onwards will me call blessed all generations,
49because great things has for me done the Mighty One,
and holy is his Name;
50and his mercifulness is from generation to generation to the (one),
who fear before him.
51power has he shown with his arm,
scattered has he the proud in the thoughts of their heart.
52from thrones has he brought down powerful,
and humble has he raises up;
53the hungry has he filled with all good,
and rich sent away with nothing.
54helped has he his servant Israel,
remembering his mercy,
55so as he has spoken to our ancestors,
to Abraham and his seeds on eternal.
56and Mary is remained with her about three months, and has self returned home.
57for Elisheva however has self fulfilled the time of her childbirth, and she has born a son. 58and her neighbors and relatives have heard, that the L-rd (Hashem) has her shown great favor, and have self rejoiced with her. 59and it is happened, the eighth day is they come circumcise to do the child, and they has him a name given after his father Zecharyah. 60and his mother has answering said: no; but he shall be called John. 61and they have to her said: in your family is yet there is not no one, who has the this name! 62and they have motion to his father, how would he want him a name give. 63and he has asked a writing tablet/slab and has inscribe, so to say; his name is John! and all have self amazed. 64and in an eye blink have self his mouth and tongue opened; and he has spoken, praising Hashem. 65and a fear is come on all their neighbors, and in the entire hill country of Yehudah has they spoken of all the these things. 66and all, who have the heard, have this taken to the heart, so to say: what will the these child be? because also the hand of the L-rd (Hashem) was with him.
67and Zecharyah, his father, is full become with the Spirit the Holy and has prophecies said, so to say:
68praise shall be the L-rd, the G-d of Israel.
because he has oversight visited had and created a salvation for his people,
69and raised up a hair of redemption for our sakes
in the house of David his servant,
70according to as he has spoken through the mouth of his holy prophets.
from eternity onwards,
71a salvation from our enemies and out of the hand
of all, who hate us;
72to do grace with our ancestors,
and to remember his holy covenant;
73the oath, which he has swear to our Father Abraham;
74us to give, being set free out the hand of our enemies,
we should him serve without fear,
75in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.
76and you (SG), child, you will called to be: prophet of the Most High,
because you (SG) you will go ahead for the L-rd
to ready his ways, (Yeshayah 40, 3)
77so that to give his people knowledge of salvation
through the forgiveness of their sin,
78through the heartfelt/tender mercy of our G-d,
through which a dawn from on high will come to us,
79to them to give light who sit in darkness
and in shadow of death,
to lead our feet in the way of peace.
80and the child is increase and is strong become in the Spirit, and was in wilderness until to the day of his public appearance to Israel.

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