John 18
chapter eighteen
1having this said, did Yehoshua go out together with his disciples over the river Kidron, where it was a garden, in which he did go in with his disciples. 2and also Yehudah, who did him betray, did know this place, because a many times did Yehoshua self there come together with the disciples his. 3and Yehudah did take the cohort (soldiers) and officers of the chief kohenim and Pharisees, and did come there with torches and lamps and weapon sons. 4and Yehoshua did know everything, that will come upon him; and did go out and did to them say: whom seek you (PL)? 5did they him answer: Yehoshua of Natseret! says he to them: I am the one! and Yehudah, who has him betrayed, was standing with them. 6and as Yehoshua did to them say: I am the one! did they go backwards and have fallen to the ground. 7and he did them again ask: whom seek you (PL)? and they did say: Yehoshua of Natseret! 8did Yehoshua answer: I have already you (PL) said, that I am the one! and if you (PL) seek me, let the these go; 9so that it shall fulfilled become this word, which he had said: those, who you (SG) have me given, of them have I any one not lost. 10and Simon Peter, having a sword, did it draw out, and struck the kohen gadol's servant and him chopped off the right ear. and the servant has named Malchus. 11Yehoshua did therefore say to Peter: put inside the sword in the sheath. the goblet, which the Father has me given, shall I it then not drink?
12and the cohort (soldiers) with the officer and the officers of the Judaeans did seize Yehoshua and him bound (akedah), 13and him before all led away to Chanah (Annas); because he was the father-in-law of Caiapha, who was kohen gadol in that year. 14and it was Caiapha, who has advised the Judaeans, that it is good (that) one man shall die for the people. 15and Simon Peter and an another disciple of did follow Yehoshua. and that disciple was known with the kohen gadol, and he did go in with Yehoshua into courtyard of the kohen gadol. 16Peter however is standing at the door outside. the other disciple, who is was known with the kohen gadol, did therefore go out and did speak with the door keeper, and led in Peter. 17and the handmaiden, the door keeper, has said to Peter: (question) you are then not also of the disciples of the this man? says he: I am not. 18and the slaves and the servants were standing and did themselves warm at a fire, which they had made from coals, because it was cold; and Peter is also was with them, standing and warming himself.
19and the kohen gadol did question Yehoshua about his disciples and about his teaching. 20did Yehoshua him answer: I have spoken openly in the world; I have always taught in synagogue and in the House HaMikdash, where all Jews come self together, and in secret have I nothing spoken. 21what are you asking me? ask the (ones) who heard what I have to them spoken; look, they know, what I did say. 22and while he did so speak, has one of the servants, who was there standing, gave Yehoshua a slap, saying: look in this way answer you (SG) the kohen gadol? 23did Yehoshua him answer: if I have evil spoken, tell witness about that evil; if however (I did speak) well, why you strike me? 24and Chanah (Annas) did him sent away a bound up (akedah) to Caiapha the kohen gadol.
25Simon Peter however is standing and himself warming. and they has to him said: (question) you are then not also of his disciples? did he deny and said: I am not! 26says to him one of the kohen gadol's servants, who was a relative of that, whom Peter had chopped off the ear: (question) did I you then not see in the garden with him? 27Peter did therefore again deny; and immediately did a cock crow. 28then has they Yehoshua led away from Caiapha to the Praetorium; and it was morning; and they did not go in into Praetorium, so that they shall self not defile be, but should (be able) to eat the sacrifice Pesach. 29Pilate did therefore go out to them outside, and said; what for a indictment bring you (PL) against the this man? 30did they answer and said to him: if the this one had not was do any evil, would we him not handed over to you (SG). 31Pilate did therefore to them say: take you (PL) him, and judge him according to your Torah. have the Jews to him said: we have not any authority anyone to kill; 32so that it shall fulfilled to be Yeshua's word, which he had said, alluding making, with which death he goes die.
33Pilate did return entered in Praetorium into, and did call Yehoshua, and said to him: (question) are you (SG) the king of the Jews? 34did Yehoshua answer: you say the these from you (SG) alone, or have others this you (SG) said about me? 35Pilate did answer: am I then a Jew? the nation your and the chief kohenim have after all you turned over to me; what you have done? 36did Yehoshua answer: my kingdom is not of the this world; if my kingdom would indeed be of the this world, would my servants fight, so that I shall not given over to be to the Judaeans; now however is my kingdom not from here. 37Pilate did therefore to him say: if so are you actually a king? did Yehoshua answer: you (SG) say it, that I am a king. for this was I born become and for this did I come in the world into, so that I shall witness say on (to) the truth. every one, who is of the truth, hears my voice.
38says Pilate to him: what is truth? and having this said, did he again go out to the Judaeans, and says to them: I find not any kind of guilt in him! 39it is however a custom with you (PL), that I shall you (PL) release one on/for Pesach; (question) do you want you (PL) I shall (to) you (PL) release the king of the Jews? 40and they did again a shout do, so to say: not the this very (one), only Bar-Abba! and that (one) Bar-Abba was a insurrectionist.
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English Interlinear of the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadasha
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