Galatians 1
1Paul, a Shliach, not from men, nor through a man, but by Yehoshua the Moshiach, and G-d the Father, who did Him raise up again from the dead, 2and all brothers, who are with me, to the kehiles of Galatia: 3grace to you (PL) and peace from G-d our Father, and from the L-rd Yehoshua the Moshiach, 4who has himself given for our sin, so as us to deliver out of the present evil world, according to the will of G-d and our Father; 5to whom shall be glory forever and ever. Amen.
6I wonder myself, that so quickly incline you (PL) yourselves away from the One, who has you (PL) called in the grace of the Moshiach, to an another News Good; 7which is not any other, except that there do find themselves certain (people), who agitate you (PL) and want to pervert the Good News of the Moshiach. 8but even if we (ourselves), or an angel from heaven, shall you (PL) proclaim a News apart from the one, which we have you (PL) announced, shall he be in accursed. 9so as we have before announced, and I say it now again: if anyone tells you (PL) on a News except the one, which you (PL) have received, shall he be in accursed. 10for seek I then now to win over men, or Hashem? or seek I to find favor with men? if I would still seek to find favor with men, would I not be Moshiach's (not) servant.
11because I make you (PL) know, brothers, that the Good News, which was announced by me, is not according to a man. 12because not have I it received from a human being, nor have men me it taught, but rather (it is) through a revelation of Yehoshua the Moshiach. 13for you (PL) have already heard of my conduct formerly in the Jewish religion, that above the measure have I persecuted the kehile of Hashem and it desolate made; 14and was progressing in the Jewish religion higher of a many my peers in years among my people, being a very great zealot for the tradition of my fathers. 15when however it is well pleased the One, who had me separated from my mothers womb and through His grace me called, 16to reveal His Son in me, so that I shall Him proclaim among the nations of the world: have I immediately me not consulted with flesh and blood, 17and did even not go up to Jerusalem to the (ones), (who are was) Shlichim before me, but did depart to Arabia, and did I again return to Damascus.
18later, in three years about, did I go up to Jerusalem myself to get acquainted with Kefa, and did stay with him fifteen days. 19and any other of the Shlichim did I not see, except James, the L-rd's brother. 20what however I write to you (PL), (look) here before Hashem, that I say not any lie. 21after that did I depart in the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22and I was however was unknown face to face to the kehiles in Yehudah, which are in the Moshiach; 23they have just only heard: the one, who had us once persecuted, speaks now on the faith, which he has before disrupted (quote unquote); 24and have glorified Hashem on account of me.
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